District 9

Chapter 2077 Preparing the Allied Forces

Commander Zhou, Zheng Kai, and Xiang Zehao actually didn't have a good impression of Feng Chengzhang in private. They felt that the latter was too official and difficult to have a close relationship with.

At first, after Qin Yu used the power of Yaoguang Security Company to cause trouble in Songjiang, the party and government had to abandon this place because of their relatively weak military strength. For a long time, Songjiang was firmly occupied by the World War II zone.

That period was also the most prosperous and glorious period for Tiancheng Group in Songjiang.

Later, Qin Yu was incorporated and took the Huncheng Brigade to Sichuan. The Tiancheng Group's focus also shifted to Shu, and the conflict between the World War II Zone and the military and political headquarters became more and more profound.

Lao He and Shen Wanzhou, in order to suppress the clique in the World War II area, began to openly win over Feng Chengzhang, and in Songjiang, they continued to allocate resources to them and transfer political benefits. During this period, the Feng Corps, which was also part of the World War II zone, never supported Commander Zhou and only took the benefits given by He Chen as a matter of course.

In this way, the Zhou clique in the World War II zone gradually declined and lost control of Songjiang under the high pressure of the military general administration and the ambiguous attitude of Feng Chengzhang and his superiors.

This is why the Feng Corps is not the strongest, but it can indirectly control Songjiang, because no one can underestimate their power. To put it simply, if Feng Chengzhang and He Chen wore the same pants, the situation in the World War II zone would basically be in disgrace. And if Feng Chengzhang and Commander Zhou fight to the death, then He Chen has no confidence that he can kill both families quickly.

In this delicate political balance, Feng Chengzhang maximized the interests of his family and the Corps.

Including now, Commander Zhou, Zheng Kai, and Xiang Zehao actually don't like Feng Chengzhang from a personal point of view, but if the "alliance" wants to get out of the predicament, they can only ask Lao Feng to come forward and use Songjiang. As the cornerstone, we have a break with the Shensha Group, the Lu family, and the He family.

Qin Yu's current job is actually to integrate the power of Zhou, Xiang, Wu, and Feng, so that everyone can take the same steps, sing the same tune, determine common interests, and completely unite together.

This job is not easy to do, because it requires both sides and the feelings of all parties to be considered. But this job also has its own privileges, that is, no one can avoid the Sichuan government, and Qin Yu also plays a core role.

After unifying the opinions of all parties, Qin Yu called Meng Xi and asked him to continue to contact Feng Xi and quickly pierce the window paper to complete the alliance.

If someone else was doing this job, they might have to go back and forth with Feng Xi for a few rounds, hesitating and testing each other, but that's not the way Meng Xi behaves. Before negotiating, he was not thinking about how to gain his own interests, but thinking about what they wanted from Feng's perspective and what the bottom line was. Whatever they want in exchange for these things, they won't suffer any loss.

With this idea in mind, negotiations become much smoother.

Sunday night.

Songjiang, inside the Riverside Hotel.

Meng Xi contacted Feng Ji for the second time and said directly: "General Feng, Master Qin has completed the work of all parties, and we are willing to let Mr. Feng come out to take charge of the overall situation."

Feng Ji listened quietly without saying a word.

"What we mean is that the Sichuan Mansion, the Zhou Clan, the Self-Defense Force, plus the Wu Mercenary Group, and the Feng Clan Corps will jointly form a peacekeeping alliance, with General Feng as the commander-in-chief of the Allied Forces." Meng Xi continued: " All existing troops will be integrated into the Allied Forces' order of battle and will be under the unified command of the headquarters. In this way, each force will have direction and cohesion."

When Feng Ji heard this, his face showed no expression, but he was satisfied in his heart, because Meng Xi spoke to his old man's heart as soon as he came up.

"After the establishment of the Allied Forces, the general military strategic direction will definitely be based on the opinions of General Feng. However, in order to ensure the fairness of the rights and interests of each family and to reduce conflicts between each family, our Allied Forces will set up a military council with the main members There are Commander Zhou, Xiang Zehao, Wu Tianyin, and our Sichuan Commander Qin."

Feng Ji nodded upon hearing this.

"The main core idea of ​​the Allied Forces is to overthrow the existing Shensha dictatorial military regime, defeat them, and maintain the stability of the Nine Districts. And whoever helps them, we will use our guns to the outside world and engage in military confrontation with them." Meng Xi emphasized After thinking about the core idea, he continued: "The following are the details of the establishment of the alliance that I made myself..."

Feng Ji listened quietly, his brain running rapidly, considering the pros and cons.

After finishing a lot of complicated details, Meng Xi began to take advantage of the situation and put forward the military benefits he wanted to gain: "Because the scope of our alliance's activities is mainly Songjiang, Commander Zhou means that within the Songjiang city area, we must give The brotherly troops have a certain quota of troops stationed there, and our Sichuan government is also preparing to set up a military office here."

Feng Ji took a sip of tea, frowned slightly and said, "Okay, I'll go back and have a meeting to study what you said, and I'll give you a reply within two days."

"Thank you for your hard work, General Feng."

"Xiao Meng!" Feng Ji looked at Meng Xi and asked without hesitation: "You people from Sichuan Mansion have all had contact with me before, but...but I have never heard of you before. Name! When did you work under Qin Yu? "

"Haha, I entered Sichuan Mansion later." Meng Xi replied vaguely: "Thanks to Mr. Qin for giving me such an important job, but the progress of the whole thing was due to a large number of people behind the scenes helping me. It’s the strength of the team.”

"The younger generation is scary." Feng Ji looked at Meng Xi and nodded.

Meng Xi smiled and said nothing.

During this negotiation, Meng Xi gave Feng Chengzhang what he wanted most with both hands, so he and Feng Ji had a very pleasant chat, with almost no jams throughout the process. As a result, Meng Xi's own rights and interests included in the negotiation will not appear too dazzling to Feng Xi.

For example, regarding the issue of garrisoning troops in Songjiang City, if Meng Xi came up and asked Feng Ji in a probing tone if he could garrison troops in the city, the other party would most likely be very resistant.

Lao He was assassinated and Changji was attacked. Such incidents of mutiny in the city made many people wary. If you put forward such a condition when the two parties have just come into contact, it is easy for the negotiation to reach a deadlock.

Therefore, Meng Xi did not argue with the opponent in a very abrasive way, but first handed over what the opponent wanted most, so that Feng Xi would feel that it was worthwhile to give up part of Songjiang's military garrison rights...

After the second negotiation, the contacts between Feng Ji and Meng Xi became more frequent, and the two sides were already discussing a series of details about the alliance.

Once this matter proceeds smoothly, it also means that the difficulties faced by Qin Yu's side have been temporarily alleviated.

Just as the ninth district was in intrigue, Jiang Xue led military intelligence personnel to Lanling and quickly found news about Xiaoli.

District 9, Fengbei.

Yan Botao was sitting in General Manager Xiang's office, and he said pleadingly: "Lao Xiang, I only have one son, no matter what, you have to help me rescue him...!"

Mr. Xiang squinted his eyes, looked at Yan Botao, and said calmly: "Xiang Zehao has even rebelled against his own father. Do you think... there is a way I can persuade him to release Ziyu?"

Yan Botao was speechless.

"Alas, your General Council is dissatisfied with my handling of some matters concerning the Self-Defense Forces." Chief Xiang sighed and said: "Within the party and government, people's hearts are complicated now, and it really makes me mentally and physically exhausted. "

Yan Botao was startled for a moment, and immediately responded with a positive attitude: "Lao Xiang, you are overthinking this. No matter when the time comes, our General Council will resolutely support you and the leader!"

Chief Xiang glanced at him and nodded lightly.

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