District 9

Chapter 2074 Meeting Feng Ji

Early the next morning, Songjiang City, Tuzhong Street, a black neighborhood.

After Lao Mao, Meng Xi, Jin Taizhu, Ma Laoer and others gathered together, they chatted together.

It's around 10 am.

Feng Lei personally called Lao Mao and said politely: "Brother Mao, is it convenient for you? Let's come out and sit for a while."

"It's convenient." Old Mao immediately replied: "However, I came to Songjiang specifically to visit General Feng, so we don't need to sit outside. Can we go directly to visit him?"

"It's like this. My grandpa is not in good health recently. He coughed all night last night and is in very low spirits. The health doctor will give him a comprehensive examination today, and it is not convenient for him to see guests." Feng Lei declined politely: "But the old man I specially ordered my dad to receive you well."

"That's okay. Then tell me the location and we'll rush there." The old cat nodded.

"Let's go to the Jiangpan Hotel. I've booked a guest room and a conference room for you there." Feng Lei replied: "Let's meet at 11:30, just in time for lunch, how about it?"

"Okay, we'll be there in a minute."

"Okay, Brother Cat."

"Okay, that's it."

After that, the two ended the call. Lao Mao turned to look at Meng Xi: "Feng Chengzhang will not show up today. It is Feng Ji who wants to talk to us."

"Guessed it." Meng Xi replied with a smile: "The diplomatic skills of the older generation of politicians."

"Shall we go there?" Lao Mao knew that he was not the person in charge of this matter, so he was seeking Meng Xi's opinion.

"Okay, let's go there." Meng Xi nodded.

When Ma Laoer heard the news, he immediately arranged for a car and security personnel, and rushed to the Riverside Hotel with everyone.


In the largest restaurant room of the Riverside Hotel, Feng Ji walked in from the door with Feng Lei, who had not recovered from his injuries, and several Feng family military and political cadres.

"Hey, hello, old chief!"

"Hello, Chief!"

Ma Laoer, Lao Mao and other old men from the Sichuan clan were the first to stand up and salute Feng Ji. Because the latter had led Qin Yu's mixed brigade in the northwest battlefield, it was reasonable to address him as "Old Chief".

Feng Ji smiled and nodded to everyone, waving his hand and saying, "Sit down!"

"Wait a minute, old chief, I have to introduce you to someone solemnly." Old Mao can be relaxed, dare to speak, and not be afraid of any official he faces: "This is our new head of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. , Meng Xi, Kim Tae-soo.”

Feng Ji was stunned for a moment, stretched out his hand to Meng Xi and said, "Hello!"

"Hello General Feng!" Meng Xi politely held the other person's hand with both hands.

"Hello, Kim Tae-soo!"

"I've heard of you, haha." Feng Ji also shook hands with Kim Tae Soo.

After everyone exchanged greetings, they sat down around the dining table, and Feng Ji naturally took the main seat without hesitation. Beside him was Meng Xi on his left, and Kim Taishu on his right.

Feng Lei glanced at the seats in the room and whispered to the old cat: "How did you do it, Brother Cat? Shouldn't you be the person in charge of diplomacy?"

"Brother Cat, you are going to be in trouble in Sichuan. You are not welcome anymore." The old cat responded quickly: "As for the donation you mentioned, I even blew it out, but the money has not been paid yet." It's too late... Sigh, the higher-ups keep pushing me around on this matter, so I don't have much room for advancement."

"Brother Cat, can you please stop making donations?" Feng Lei replied helplessly.

"Brother, I know you have difficulties too. Forget it, I'll find a solution myself." The old cat sighed.

"Stop making trouble, okay? I'll definitely get the money for you."

"Okay, brother, with your words, I, Li Fugui, have not made you my friend in vain! Don't say anything else, let's have a drink." As the old cat said, he was about to pour wine for Feng Lei.

"Brother, why do you want to send me away? I'm still taking anti-inflammatory injections. After drinking this drink, no one will be around. Who will donate to you?"

"...It's okay. Isn't there a hospital nearby? We can rescue him in time." The old cat said like an animal.

"Brother, stop teasing me. I will definitely give you the money!" Feng Lei surrendered and turned to chat with Ma Laoer.

Everyone chatted privately for about ten minutes, and then the hotel service staff brought the food and wine to the table.

"Come on, let's have a drink together to honor the old leader. Without your support, Sichuan Mansion might not be what it is today." Ma Laoer is a person of spectacle and takes the lead in stimulating emotions.

Everyone stood up and began to toast Feng Ji.

During the dinner, they put aside the idle chatter for the time being. After three rounds of wine and five dishes, Meng Xi began to test Feng Ji.

"General Feng, to tell you the truth, I was quite stressed out from drinking today's drink." Meng Xi said with a smile: "I came with a mission!"

"Haha, what mission?" Feng Ji asked knowingly.

"Alas, the current situation in the ninth district is extremely unfavorable to our Sichuan government." Meng Xi sighed and said: "After the plan to occupy Changji failed, Commander Xiang and the self-defense forces led by him automatically broke away. The party and government now don't even have a base area where they can set up camp. In addition, in order to cooperate with the plan to occupy Changji, Commander Zhou of the World War II area also opened fire on the Shen and Sha factions. In this way, they are equivalent to the military commander-in-chief. The government is in disarray... Although the troops are still there, the legitimacy is gone. To put it bluntly, Commander Zhou's troops have now been labeled as rebels. Military expenditures will be a big problem in the future, and it will also be a big issue in public opinion. The main target of criticism."

Feng Ji listened to Meng Xi's words, with a flash of surprise in his eyes.

"So, Master Qin asked me to come here this time to ask you about Feng Xi's attitude and see if there is any possibility of cooperation between us." Meng Xi continued: "If Feng Xi can come forward to mediate, then our I am willing to listen to you and Mr. Feng."

On the surface, Old Mao was talking nonsense to others, but his ears were always listening to the conversation between Meng Xi and Feng Ji. Therefore, he was very puzzled when he heard that Meng Xi truthfully told the other party his background and purpose as soon as he came up.

How can a negotiation be like this?

You showed weakness as soon as you came up and said that you were in an extremely dangerous situation and would die without help. Doesn't that mean you gave the initiative to the other party?

You are in such a miserable state, so if I don't impose some harsh conditions, I will be sorry for your sincerity.

Not only was Lao Mao confused, but even Ma Lao Er looked at Meng Xi with some confusion. He was thinking in his mind. Is this the level of person Qin Yuxin proposed?

On the right side of Feng Ji, Kim Tae-soo was drinking soup and listening to Meng Xi's words with a calm expression. He did not interrupt and continued the conversation from beginning to end.

Sure enough, after listening to Meng Xi's words, Feng Ji smiled and shook his head: "Well, it stands to reason that the relationship between the Feng family and the Sichuan government has always been very close. We should give you certain support at this time. But my old man is close to His health has not been good for several years, and it is really difficult for him to have the energy to get involved in such complicated things."

When Meng Xi heard this, his expression clearly showed disappointment.

Feng Ji paused and continued: "Moreover, the card you have in Sichuan is also very complicated. The self-defense forces of the party and government, the mercenary group in Beifengkou, and the Zhou clique in the World War II zone... These groups were originally No one belongs to anyone else, and now they suddenly come together, how will the interests be balanced? How to resolve conflicts if they arise? The most important thing is, once a war breaks out with the Shen and Sha factions, who should give unified command to the several troops? ? At that time, if no one listens to anyone, what should we do? So, I think this matter is quite difficult. "

When Meng Xi heard this, he already had some idea of ​​the Feng family's true thoughts.

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