District 9

Chapter 2065 Entering the city

The air support in the World War II area only carried out one round of attacks, and the Shensha Air Force units also entered the scene one after another. But their attack direction was not within the city, but against Xiang Zehao's and Liu Weiren's tribe outside the city.

After such a fight, the air forces of both sides began to engage in air combat outside Changji City, and the armies of both sides at the two passes were now completely entangled and engaged in positional warfare.

Inside Changji City.

The police stations controlled by the party and government have also received orders to assist in the defense, and a large number of police officers were suddenly summoned to join the defense.

After an hour of offensive battle, Nanguan Pass was the first to be breached. Liu Weiren's three regiments marched straight into the city.

If you look at it on paper, the city defense garrison could not even withstand the attack for two hours, which seems to be quite weak, but the actual situation is not like this.

First of all, Xiang Zehao's and Liu Weiren's attacks were very sudden. Because Commander Xiang ran away halfway and took control of Secretary-General Liu immediately, the party and government did not know for a while that he was out of control. And it was even less likely that the military general administration controlled by Shen Wanzhou knew in advance that Changji would be attacked.

With this time difference, Xiang Zehao could quickly contact his own troops and suddenly attack Changji. After they moved, Shen Wanzhou's side fully reacted. At this time, it would take time to mobilize troops and send troops for support.

After the attack began, the Air Force of the World War II Zone, which was relatively close to Changji, immediately provided support to the attacking units. This caused a large number of casualties to the garrison troops at the North and South Passes, and the special zone wall was also breached.

In addition, Sha Zhongwei's three regiments and Shen's two garrison regiments have to divide their forces to defend two passes, so they do not have an advantage in total strength. This is why Xiang Zehao and Liu Weiren They are so passive when they join forces.

However, this advantage is temporary, because the alliance of Qin, Xiang, Wu and Zhou, composed of these four families, does not have any advantage in terms of geographical location.

Wu Tianyin is at Beifengkou, and the Sichuan army is thousands of miles away from the main battlefield. The only ones who can support Changji immediately are the troops in the World War II zone and the self-defense forces controlled by Xiang Zehao himself.

But the Shen and Sha faction troops are all around District 9. They can arrive at the battlefield within a few hours. Therefore, this is why Xiang Zehao wants to fight Changji quickly. He can't afford it, and neither can the coalition. If Changji is not invaded within the stipulated time, then the enemy troops from the periphery will come up, and the attacking troops will definitely be completely defeated.

Liu Weiren's three regiments also paid a heavy price after defeating the garrison at Nanguankou within an hour. They were the attackers, and they were anxious to attack quickly, so they suffered 1:2 battle losses from the garrison. Many battalion-level units were already in a state of incomplete organization after entering the city.

The three regiment leaders immediately reported the situation of their troops to Liu Weiren, and then Liu Weiren had a phone call with Xiang Zehao, and the two quickly adjusted their tactics.

Liu Weiren's three regiments temporarily rested in place, and the two regiments of the Self-Defense Forces that came from the periphery took on the main offensive task of encircling and suppressing Sha Zhongwei's troops in the city.

city ​​center.

Sha Zhongwei yelled with a hoarse voice on the walkie-talkie: "They don't have many people at the North Pass, and now the air force can't support Xiang Zehao. You should quickly allocate some troops to me to support me to the south and fight with them in street battles." Delay time!"

After issuing several orders in succession, Sha Zhongwei, sweating all over his head, led the guard company and was about to move towards the southern front battlefield.

"Division Commander, Division Commander!" At this moment, a regiment commander ran over.

Sha Zhongwei turned around: "What's wrong?!"

"The enemy's attack on the south side was too fierce. After Liu Weiren's three regiments were crippled, the Self-Defense Army rushed in with two more regiments," the regiment leader gasped and said, "We may not be able to hold on. In this way, division commander, you Take the guard company and go out first, leaving the city under my command..."

The advice given by the regiment leader must have been well-intentioned. He was worried about Sha Zhongwei's safety, but the latter did not appreciate it at all: "I won't leave. You can command your own troops for defense and don't worry about me. I'm tough." It’s too bad to die.”

"Division Commander, your position is very critical!" the regiment commander urged anxiously: "Once we cannot hold on and you are captured, have you considered the consequences?! At that time, the Military General Administration will discuss the issue of Changji , very difficult to do.”

Sha Zhongwei looked at him and replied firmly: "I will never be captured! Stop nagging and do your job."

The leader was speechless.

Sha Zhongwei is completely different from his two nephews. He is an older generation general who has personally experienced the turbulent period after the Year of the Era, so regardless of his position, he is also very strong-minded.

Director Tang of the Eighth District initially fought with Gu Tai'an, but ultimately failed. He chose to commit suicide rather than go to the European Union District.

Objectively speaking, this kind of backbone and spirit are something that many young people in the next generation do not have. They grew up in a greenhouse and were unable to understand or comprehend a certain meaning between life and death.

Fengbei, military and political headquarters.

Shen Wanzhou held the phone on his hips and asked, "Can't Sha Zhongwei hold on?"

"That's terrible." A general from the Shen Department replied truthfully: "The South Pass has been penetrated, and our air force certainly cannot drop bombs in the city. This will cause a large number of casualties. Therefore, the situation in the city , it’s not optimistic.”

Shen Wanzhou gritted his teeth and said immediately: "Call Sha Zhongwei personally and tell him that the city's defenders must hold on until reinforcements arrive! Changji cannot be lost under any circumstances!!"


After the words fell, the two ended the call.

After Shen Wanzhou walked around the room anxiously, he immediately said to the chief of staff: "Call Xue Huaili, Lu Bosen, and Feng Chengzhang and ask them to come to the meeting immediately. Damn it, Changji is not from Shen Sha Department. It’s a family matter, if it’s lost here, everyone will be ruined!”

"Okay, I'll call right away." The chief of staff nodded.

At this moment, Xiang Zehao's troops at Changji North Pass, after three consecutive waves of attacks, also repelled the city's defenders and entered the city.

In the backyard of the Government Affairs Building, Yan Ziyu immediately called Sha Zhongwei personally after hearing that Beiguan Pass had also been lost.


"Uncle Sha, Uncle Sha...it's very dangerous here. Planes can't fly, and the light rail can't be used. I can't go back to Fengbei! Send me a battalion quickly." Yan Ziyu said urgently.

"I only have one company with me, but you need two battalions to protect me?!" Sha Zhongwei was furious: "If you're scared, go find a bank and go into a vault. I don't have any soldiers to protect you!"

"Hey, Uncle Sha? Uncle Sha, I'm cnm, please speak!!" Yan Ziyu yelled twice, jumped to his feet and cursed.

Both levels were penetrated at the same time. It will take some time for the Shensha Department's reinforcements to arrive here. Can Xiang Zehao and Liu Weiren control Changji?

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