District 9

Chapter 2055: Just one step away from breaking up

Half past ten in the morning.

In the large conference room on the 6th floor of the regional administrative building in Fengbei, the regional chief minister, Yan Botao, the regional parliament speaker Zhang Zhenxun, the regional secretary-general, Liu Zhengtian, and a series of big bosses who hold the core power of the party and government were all present.

To give a brief introduction, the level of the regional general secretary is equivalent to the second-in-command of the party and government, and his political status is even higher than that of the Secretary of State of the United States before the first century. For example, the orders issued by Lao Xiang on some regional affairs must be signed by the General Secretary to be valid, so Yan Botao is the absolute number two figure in the party and government factions.

The Speaker of the Regional Council is ranked third after the Chief Executive and the General Secretary. To put it simply, this position is equivalent to the speaker of the House of Representatives. He is mainly responsible for legislation, proposing government orders, impeaching officials, voting to veto regional administrative orders, etc. It has great power, and every chief executive has had some experience in the district. A resume as the vice president of the District Council.

To put it bluntly, if the chief executive loses control of the parliament, he will basically be in trouble. Because if what you want to do is voted down by the parliament, it’s still a joke.

Therefore, from this point of view, Zhang Zhenxun, the chairman of the regional council, must be from Lao Xiang.

As for the regional secretary-general, this position is not in the top ranking, but no one dares to underestimate him, because he is the real person around Lao Xiang and the secretary who holds real power.

Yan Botao, Zhang Zhenxun, and Liu Zhengtian were able to attend the meeting together today, which is enough to explain what kind of situation Xiang Zehao will face today.

After the meeting starts.

Zhang Zhenxun was the first to speak and asked Xiang Zehao directly: "Commander Xiang, are the Self-Defense Forces going to integrate the Beifengkou Wu's mercenary group?"

There was silence in the room. Xiang Zehao was wearing casual clothes. He thought for a moment and replied: "Yes, I have finished negotiating with Wu's mercenary group. I will give them military expenses and they will recruit 50,000 people."

"Commander Xiang, was this matter handled a little hastily?" Zhang Zhenxun's deputy fired directly: "You should be clear about the relationship between the Beifengkou Wu Mercenary Group and the Sichuan Warlords. They are the Iron Alliance. And Our ninth district is currently in a cold war with the Sichuan government, and has even imposed economic blockades and military sanctions on each other. Under such circumstances, when you recruited Wu Tianyin's troops, did you consider the issue of stance?"

Xiang Zehao put his hands in his hands and replied with a slight frown: "I think these are two different things. The purpose of incorporating Wu's mercenary group is to enhance the military strength of our party and government. Wu Tianyin also promised that his army will be completely transformed They changed their flags and agreed that we would take over their core power and cater to their incorporation. From this point of view, I personally think there is no problem."

"Haha, Xiao Xiang." Yan Botao smiled and said euphemistically: "Recruiting troops and political stance are two different things. We are currently cooperating happily with the military and government, so you can bring brother Qin Yu's troops over. Are the military and political parties satisfied? Can they rest assured?"

Xiang Zehao raised his head to look at Yan Botao and tried his best to reply with polite words: "Chairman Yan, our party and government and military and government are in a cooperative relationship, not a vassal relationship. We don't need to recruit an army. We still have to look at Commander Shen's face, right?" "

"Haha." Yan Botao laughed and said: "What is the political stance? To put it simply, it is to advance and retreat together, to share glory and disgrace. This is not a question of who is vassaling who, but a question of whether the steps are consistent."

Xiang Zehao was silent.

"Yes, whether the steps are consistent is related to whether the internal stability of District 9 is stable. Xiaoxiang, you are still young. You should think more about what you do and don't rush for success." Zhang Zhentao said lightly: "There is no need to recruit troops. Keep an eye on Wu's mercenary group! Let's do this. If you want to expand, we will look back and study it. If it doesn't work, let the Ministry of Finance allocate one billion to you first and do it slowly."

Xiang Zehao knew very well how this group of people worked, and he knew how to make excuses and push the envelope. The fact that I am "disobedient" is no longer a matter of a day or two in the eyes of the other party. Therefore, this one billion promise is probably only verbal.

"The Self-Defense Army Headquarters has signed an agreement with the Wu Mercenary Group. There is no way to go back on this matter, and I don't want to go back on it." Xiang Zehao didn't bother to explain, so he just stepped in and said: "Incorporation, it must be included. If the General Administration of Military Affairs is dissatisfied with anything, I can personally explain it to Commander Shen."

At this point, the atmosphere in the conference room was completely deadlocked. Xiang Zehao wouldn't give in even an inch, and it was impossible for the big bosses to keep nagging him. Although the others were filled with strong dissatisfaction with Xiang Zehao, they did not interrupt and confront him. People in the party and government departments are more restrained in their work and are better at fighting behind the table. They are dissatisfied and settle scores secretly, which is not as direct as the internal fighting on the military and military administration side.

After being silent for a while, Liu Zhengtian opened his mouth and said: "Let me say a few words. After all, the Self-Defense Forces are the military arm of our party and government. Since Commander Xiang has different views on this matter, then we will solve the problem through voting. .”

"Vote." Zhang Zhenxun said with a frown.

Xiang Zehao thought on his heels and could figure out what the result of the vote would be, so after listening to Liu Zhengtian's words, he stood up and replied: "Forget it about voting, the Self-Defense Forces Military Headquarters has internally approved the incorporation. And When the Self-Defense Forces were first established, it was clearly stipulated that the military actions of the Self-Defense Forces did not need to go through the regional council, and the army itself was not under the leadership of any administrative agency. Well, if everyone does not agree to the incorporation of the Wu Mercenary Group, then they The Ministry of Finance can not approve a cent of the annual military budget, and I will find a way to solve it myself."

When everyone heard this, they looked at Xiang Zehao with very ugly expressions.

"As for whether there is a misunderstanding on the part of the General Administration of Military Affairs, I will find an opportunity to explain it to Commander Shen." Xiang Zehao added again.

Having said that, if the meeting continues, it will be a very serious situation. Because Xiang Zehao has made it clear that the Self-Defense Army listens to me and it is not easy for you to speak.

The meeting dispersed.

Zhang Zhenxun and Yan Botao sat in the same room and called Lao Xiang.

"Oh, Chief, no one can explain your son." Zhang Zhenxun sighed and said, "We have absolutely nothing to do with him..."

In Fengbei City, in a private club.

Yan Botao's eldest son and Shen Yin were sitting together, talking softly.

"I heard that your party and government are holding a conference today?" Shen Yin asked with a smile.

"Well, let's clean up Xiang Zehao's meeting." Yan Botao's eldest son nodded and said, "His good life will not last long...!"

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