District 9

Chapter 2049: Cooking wine and discussing Taoism

On the kang.

Xiang Zehao ate peanuts and said calmly to Qin Yu: "To be honest, I am actually not very rich now. If we really reach an agreement, I will have to squeeze out the 500 million."

Qin Yu blinked: "Will the higher-ups get stuck on you?"

"That's for sure." Xiang Zehao explained softly: "When the Self-Defense Force was first formed, military expenditures were allocated at the beginning of the year. The Ministry of Finance put the money in our account at once. How to spend it is all up to me. If it’s not enough, you can make up more. But it didn’t work in the past two years. The superiors felt that I was disobedient, so the money was not given happily. The allocation was once a year, and it was also changed to quarterly payment. It was very difficult to declare every time. trouble."

Qin Yu frowned and asked with some confusion: "The Self-Defense Force should be the only military force of your party and government factions. The higher-ups are holding up military funds because you have different political opinions. Isn't this stupid? The Self-Defense Forces If our fighting power is not strong, then what say does the party and government have at the table?”

When Xiang Zehao heard this, he took the initiative to pick up the wine glass, drank half the glass and turned it white. Then he said with a red face: "This is the most disgusting thing for me. The upper-level political circles of the party and government only care about how much they can catch." Rights, how much political benefits they get, they don’t care whether what you say is right or whether your political views are feasible. If you don’t listen to him, he will give you money and raise you, then who will protect them?”

Qin Yu was silent.

"The upper levels of the party and government advocate cooperation with the main forces of the military and government, so who is the main force? Before Lao He died, he was; after Lao He died, the Shen clique and the Sha clique were." Xiang Zehao continued: "These politicians We must join forces to suppress all the different voices in the nine districts, and I am among them. I do not advocate internal fighting. I hope that the three districts can be unified as soon as possible. Even if the power is temporarily dispersed, they must be in the same pace. But It went against the wishes of the vast majority of those in power, and regarding the matter of Base 109, I refuted Lao He's face... Therefore, my commander was dismissed."

Qin Yu was speechless.

"Let me ask you two things. Do you know who holds the core power in the three major districts now?" Xiang Zehao asked the two of them.

"Who?" Wu Tianyin asked.

"Those who opened up the territory after entering the new era." Xiang Zehao talked eloquently: "More than thirty years have passed since the new era. When the region was first established, those people who contributed to the nation and shined are now How old are you? They are basically over sixty years old! These people are the pinnacle of power and the representatives of politics. We do not deny that these people have contributed a lot to the nation and the country, but now it is them, It is hindering the progress of the three major regions. Why? Because it is very difficult to give up rights after you have had them."

Qin Yu and Wu Tianyin listened quietly, and no one answered.

"After the unification of the eight districts, the population base of the army has not changed much. Counting the reserve soldiers who fought against Tang and Zhang, Governor Gu has added less than 80,000 troops in total. But why does the Gu Corps seem to be invincible now, and can even Are you breaking up with the five districts funded by the European Union? Why?" Xiang Zehao said sharply: "Because the government orders have been unified, the internal affairs have been unified, and the party, government, and military affairs of the eight districts no longer have internal conflicts, and their guns are aligned with the outside world. Money and food are allocated in an orderly manner, so we are tough on the military. And do you think those politicians really can’t see the benefits of this unification? Let me tell you, they can see it more clearly than anyone else. But this benefit , it must be at the expense of their own interests, so no one is willing to do it.”

"Yes, that's why I don't want to be included." Wu Tianyin agreed succinctly.

"Qin Laohei, do you know why I came when you asked me to come to Beifengkou this time?" Xiang Zehao talked a lot today, his face was red, he smelled of alcohol, and his brows were furrowed, like a glaring King Kong.

"You know what I want to talk to you about."

"Yes, I know, but I'm still here."

"Why?" Qin Yu asked.

"You asked Wu's mercenary group to cooperate with me because you wanted to divide the relationship between the party and the military, right?" Xiang Zehao asked knowingly.

Qin Yu thought about it and did not quibble: "Yes, that's what I mean."

"Then I'm going to cooperate with you. What will it be like?" Xiang Zehao asked.

Qin Yu was silent.

"When we cooperate, I am indirectly overthrowing my own faction." Xiang Zehao tilted his head and looked at Qin Yu: "I don't have that big ambition, and I have never thought about knocking down that group. Now, be the boss yourself.”

"Then why are you doing this?" Wu Tianyin asked.

"The current situation in District 9 is definitely going to be a civil war. But how long it will last and how many people will die, I don't know. But as a damn Chinese descendant, I don't want to see my hometown really become Like Lao Sanjiang, the ground is starving and the mountains are full of corpses." Xiang Zehao said with some excitement: "I don't want to see a large district established by two generations become riddled with holes under the shells. So I want to do my best. What I can do is control the time of national pain and shorten this inevitable war!"

Qin Yu stared at Xiang Zehao blankly, feeling inexplicably excited by his seduction.

"I hope Governor Gu can enter the customs and enter the ninth district," Xiang Zehao looked at Qin Yu with burning eyes: "That's why I came! I'm sure I can't escape, so let's solve the problem as soon as possible. "

"Why Governor Gu?" Qin Yu asked.

"I have been paying attention to the Eighth District." Xiang Zehao said briefly: "After Governor Gu came to power, he was indeed tough and cleaned up many direct relatives of the former party and government factions, but he was willing to use young people. For those outside the border, He has a tough military attitude and a strategic plan; he is also willing to delegate power in terms of the division of power within the army. Let’s not talk about distant affairs, let’s talk about the Lin faction... After Governor Gu came to power, many people felt that he would slowly remove your father-in-law Lin Yaozong The main power, but what surprised many people was that not only did Commander Lin not lose his power, but he also held multiple positions. It is said... that the Eighth District Headquarters is also preparing to increase the number of troops for the Lin Clan to protect the inland areas. Military security.”

"Yes." Qin Yu nodded.

"I admire this kind of leader." Xiang Zehao said briefly: "I believe that if he comes in, the ninth district will be better, and the three major districts will be better."

"I understand what you mean."

"Qin Laohei, I can definitely make up the 500 million I promised you. But there is one thing. Wu's mercenary group cannot just talk with me on paper. It must be used by me in the short term." Xiang Zehao said with a solemn face. said.

Qin Yu looked at the commander who was being fucked, and suddenly realized that he might have had an idea for a long time.

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