District 9

Chapter 2027 One room, three corpses

That night, around ten o'clock.

More than 20 staff members from the Foreign Affairs Division of the Eighth District Military Intelligence Bureau secretly arrived in Songjiang, the Ninth District, and were picked up by Ma Laoer's people.

In the conference room of Songjiang Station of the Military Supervision Bureau on Tuzh Street, Ma Laoer asked softly to the leader of the Eighth District: "You have confirmed the suspect's whereabouts, haven't you?"

"Not yet." A major officer from District 8 shook his head and replied: "Our people are in contact with insiders, and we expect they will get a reply soon."

Ma Laoer nodded: "Then what do we need to cooperate with?"

"We will arrest them ourselves, but the two people involved in the case are likely to have top-level political backgrounds, so when we take them back, we will need your help." The major officer thought for a while and said.

"Okay." Ma Laoer immediately responded: "Then you have a meeting. If you need anything, just tell me."


Both sides shook hands.

The reason why Ma Laoer got involved was because he received a call from Qin Yu and learned about Lao Mao's attack, so he would naturally provide help to the staff of the Eighth District within his own sphere of influence.

After the exchange, the staff of the Eighth District borrowed the conference room of Songjiang Station to hold a brief meeting.

Fengbei, District 9.

The person Feng Lei called was Lu Fang. He was specifically providing military intelligence to the prince. He also had a regular official position in the Feng army, but he was in the logistics department and his level was equivalent to a regiment-level cadre.

Lu Fang is a very low-key person in District 9. He is usually quiet and inconspicuous, but he controls a large number of military intelligence personnel and does some unflattering things.

The two criminal suspects were Lu Fang's subordinates. They had opened a private law firm in Fengbei under Lu Fang's instructions. He admired these two people very much, but now that the superiors had spoken, he had to abandon these two favorite generals.

In Zhanan District, Fengbei City, there is a street named Bulan Avenue, which runs almost horizontally through the entire Zhanan District. The buildings here are mainly in European style. The people living here are all immigrants of European descent. The local Chinese privately call this place Foreigner Street.

Most of the residents in Laowai Street are respectable Europeans. To put it simply, this is a wealthy area. Those who can live here are either officials in the nine district government agencies or are doing business. merchant.

Therefore, the two main criminal suspects were placed on this street by Lu Fang. Because the Ninth District has promulgated special protection laws for the European population, general law enforcement agencies that want to investigate and arrest people here must first contact the European Association, and they will first come forward to assist law enforcement. The unit performs work.

It is also a helpless move for the Ninth District Government to promulgate this kind of protection law. Because the European population here is a minority, and the Ninth District is a large multi-ethnic area, if you want to fully integrate, you have to take care of all aspects of emotions. Therefore, if the suspect is hiding here, it will be difficult for ordinary law enforcement units and military intelligence personnel to penetrate.

Downstairs of an apartment on Bran Avenue, two cars were parked. Lu Fang was sitting in the front car and said to the co-pilot expressionlessly: "Bring the tools up, don't make any noise for a while, and get things done quickly. Finished, dispose of the body."

"Okay!" The co-pilot nodded.

After Lu Fang finished his instructions, he opened the door and got out of the car.

In two cars, more than a dozen men in black put plastic sheets, body bags and other items into a bag before following Lu Fang into the apartment building.

More than ten people took two elevators and arrived at the sixth floor.

Lu Fang turned around and looked around, then whispered: "Wait a moment."

Everyone heard the sound and stood beside the stairwell without moving.

Lu Fang reached out and knocked on the door of 602, but after waiting for a while, there was no movement in the room.

Lu Fang frowned and knocked hard on the door again, but after dozens of seconds, there was still no response in the room.

Lu Fang paused, took out his cell phone and dialed a number, but after calling three times in a row, the other party didn't answer.

This very abnormal situation made Lu Fang somewhat uneasy. He turned around and looked around, then waved his hand to the person next to the stairwell: "Open the door."

The two stepped forward and took out the tools from their bags.

Three or four minutes later, the security door slowly opened with a muffled sound, and before Lu Fang could even enter, he smelled a strong smell of blood coming from the room.

After being stunned for a moment, Lu Fang immediately opened the door and rushed into the room.

In the living room, three corpses were lying neatly beside the sofa, with blood all around them.

Everyone was stunned when they saw this scene. Lu Fang walked over, looked down at the corpses and found that their faces were ashen, their throats had been cut with sharp weapons, and there were even corpse spots on their skin. It was obvious that they had been dead for a long time.

But among the three people, there were no two suspects. It was Lu Fang who stayed here specifically to guard and keep track of them.

"Damn it." Lu Fang frowned and cursed, and immediately ordered: "Look for other rooms to see if there are any clues."

Everyone immediately dispersed upon hearing the sound.

On the outskirts of Fengbei City, outside a chess and card room, a middle-aged man had his hands in his pockets and a cigarette in his mouth, looking around constantly.


A dilapidated motorcycle stopped. The person sitting on the car did not take off his helmet and only asked in a low voice: "Did you get it?"

The middle-aged man walked over, lowered his head and said, "Where's the money?"


The man on the motorcycle took out a check from Asia League Bank and handed it over.

The middle-aged man glanced at the numbers above and said softly: "They ran out of the area and are hiding in Xiaoli's butcher shop in Erlonggang. You can just go find them."

"Is it accurate?" the man on the motorcycle asked.

"I'm also asking. If it's not accurate, I won't charge you for the next message." The middle-aged man replied.

"Why did they run outside the district?"

"The identities of these two people are not a secret. There is a high possibility that they will be leaked. They may be afraid of being silenced, so they ran away." The middle-aged man replied smoothly.

"Okay, I'll see you if anything happens."

"Yes." The middle-aged man responded and left quickly along the alley next to the chess and card room.

Five minutes later, the military intelligence personnel of the Eighth District in Songjiang received the tip and immediately informed Ma Laoer to leave the district.

Downstairs in the apartment on Bran Avenue, Lu Fang called Feng Lei's mobile phone: "...They ran away."

"Run away?!" Feng Lei asked with a slightly louder voice: "After they went back, didn't you arrange someone around them? How could you let them run away?"

"The three people we arranged have been killed." Lu Fang replied in a low voice: "At the beginning, we didn't even think about getting rid of them. Besides, they are all my subordinates and know each other... so we are keeping track of them. When the time comes, there may not be any defense.”

Feng Lei gritted his teeth: "It will be even more dangerous if they run out. Find them quickly and deal with them!"

"Okay, I'll look for you right away." Lu Fang nodded.

After Ma Laoer got in the car in Songjiang, he immediately sent a text message to Qin Yu: "There is news here..."

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