District 9

Chapter 2021 Gangster Target

In the stairwell.

Zheng Ya heard footsteps downstairs and immediately returned to the corridor. Lao Mao glanced down through the voice-activated light and saw at least three or four figures at the corner of the stairs, running up. With.

The old cat stepped out of the stairwell, pulled Zheng Ya and urged: "Run, run!"

The two ran, and Lao Mao took out his cell phone and called the guard again.

"Hello? Director Li, we're downstairs in the No. 4 stairwell, go up right away." The guard spoke quickly after answering the call.

"Damn it, it's too late, someone is coming up." The old cat said while running: "We are on the fifth floor, you come up quickly."


"Don't hang up the phone." Old Mao ordered, pulling Zheng Ya around in the corridor.


At this moment, the corridor lights on the fifth floor went out instantly, and the surrounding space became extremely dark.


Immediately afterwards, the sound of the door being pushed and the sound of dense footsteps came from the direction of the stairwell.

"damn it!"

Lao Mao put the connected phone in his pocket, took two steps forward in the dark, and touched the door of a guest room based on his memory from when the lights were on.

The fifth floor is a hotel floor, and there are densely packed rooms on both sides of the corridor. Old Mao doesn’t know how many people are on the other side. In addition, all the lights in the shed are out at the moment, and running around is likely to hit the other person’s face, so he chooses to find a room. Breaking into a room to delay time.

The old cat touched the door handle, took a step back, raised his leg and kicked it.


There was a muffled sound, the door of the room shook violently, and there was a sound of the lock spring breaking at the door handle.

The old cat exerted all his strength and kicked him again.

"Bang, bang!"

The door was open, but there was no light or sound in the room, which meant that there was no one in the room.

"Get in!"

The old cat waved his hands and roared.

Zheng Ya didn't have time to think too much, she rushed into the room and ran towards the living room.

"Go into the bedroom, come into the bedroom!" the old cat shouted as he glanced outside and saw a light shining at the corner of the corridor, and figures flashing on the wall.

The two ran into the living room in the dark. Zheng Ya turned on the screen of her mobile phone and glanced around briefly. When she saw a bedroom on the left, she ran over first.

During this pause, there was already light from a flashlight outside, which meant that the other party had already chased him to the door. Lao Mao is a grassroots police officer. Although he is a bit older now, his reflexes are still there. As soon as he saw the light at the door, he instinctively bent over and hid on the side of the sofa.

"Kang Kang!"

Two gunshots rang out. In the darkness, sofa lint flew everywhere, and the room smelled of fire.

With cold sweat on his forehead, Old Mao used his left hand to pull off the lamp on the small table under the obstruction of the sofa. In a panic, he rushed into the corner of the balcony and hid behind the wall.


Seeing that the old cat had hid in the balcony, Zheng Ya's first reaction was to push the bedroom door open, hurriedly pulled the small table and pushed it against the door panel.

In the living room, chaotic footsteps sounded. Four men entered the room. Two of them pointed their guns and lights at the balcony and pulled the trigger.


Gunshots rang out wildly, and cement fragments flew across the balcony wall. The old cat was so suppressed that he did not dare to show his head. He only bent down and held a lamp, ready to fight for his life at any time.

But the strange thing is that the other side's gunman didn't seem to be interested in the old cat. The two men only shot to suppress him, but did not move forward.

On the other side, the remaining two gangsters quickly rushed to the bedroom door, raised their guns and pointed directly at the door lock and pulled the trigger.

Gunshots rang out, and the door lock was hit and sparks flew everywhere.

Indoors, Zheng Ya listened to the gunfire, her pretty face turned pale, and her eyes were panicked. However, she did not lose her mind and yell like an ordinary girl. Instead, she rushed to the side of the cabinet with a little nervousness, pushing the side with both hands, trying to pull it out. It fell down and blocked the door.

But the decoration of this hotel is relatively luxurious. The double cabinet is more than two meters high. Zheng Ya is a woman. How can she push such a heavy thing?

After pushing hard twice in a row, the standing cabinet only shook slightly. At this time, the gangster outside had already kicked the door. The small bedside table holding the door panel had moved back more than ten centimeters, and the door panel was also open. There is a gap.

Zheng Ya was so anxious that she rushed back quickly, trying to hide behind the cabinet and hold up the door.


The gunshots outside were ringing out rhythmically, the door panel was punched through, and the bullet was shot into the house, shattering the standing table lamp and punching through the wooden board of the cabinet. Zheng Ya was hit by a stray bullet while running, and her abdomen exploded directly. A cloud of blood mist.

Sitting on the balcony, the old cat felt anxious as he listened to the gunshots. He wanted to save Zheng Ya, but the space in this location was extremely narrow, and there were two people outside shooting to suppress him, so he couldn't get out at all.


The bedroom door was kicked open. One of the gangsters stood outside with a gun for cover, while another man ducked in.

"Hurry up!" In the hall, the leader suppressing the old cat urged.

In the extremely dark bedroom, the gangster turned around and glanced around, but he didn't see Zheng Ya for a while. He held a flashlight and was about to illuminate the surroundings.

"Da da da……!"

At this moment, fierce micro-gunshots were heard in the corridor outside the guest room door.

"Damn it, the guards are here!" Someone shouted in the corridor outside the bedroom.

"What the fuck! Aren't there just two of them? You guys block it for a while!" the people in the hall shouted back.

"It's not two people, it's four." The gangster responsible for covering the corner of the corridor shouted in a loud voice: "The hotel has a backup power supply. If it lights up, it will be troublesome."

In the living room, the leader hesitated for a moment, then decisively ordered and shouted: "Fourth, get out!"

In the dimly lit bedroom, Lao Si took a flashlight and scanned around it, but he didn't find Zheng Ya. He opened the door to the bathroom and saw no one.

"Retreat first!"

The people in the living room roared again.

"Damn it, he must be in the house, I'll be right away." The fourth child shouted back.

"I can't hold it anymore in the corridor, come out quickly!" The leader in the living room has already moved towards the front door.

"Oh shit!"

The fourth child cursed and rushed to the door, but he hid by the door and did not leave, because from this angle, the old cat could not see him.

The other person understood what Lao Si meant and ran towards the door with heavy steps on purpose, all the while keeping an eye on Lao Mao's position.

In the bedroom and bathroom, Zheng Ya stepped on the walls on both sides with her legs spread apart and hid above the door, with blood pouring from her abdomen.

She usually likes to practice yoga, her body is very flexible, and she has good physical strength. However, at this moment, she was injured by a gunshot, bleeding heavily in the abdomen, and her head felt dizzy. So when she heard the people in the room leaving, she lost all strength in an instant, and fell from above with a thud. on the ground.

The fourth child grinned, pulled his neck and shouted: "She is in the house, cover me!"

When Lao Mao heard the sound and was about to show his head, two gunshots were heard at the door and he was pushed back.

"CNM!" Old Cat cursed angrily, reached out and threw the lamp away, and got out without hesitation.

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