District 9

Chapter 2013 Come out on your knees!

"You really haven't heard of it?" You Liang asked in surprise.

"No." He Dachuan shook his head and said, "I've never heard of such a person in Sichuan Mansion. What does he do?"

"Damn it, I sent eight loads of coal to a customer in Sichuan, but this bastard kept it." You Liang frowned and replied: "I can't figure out the other party's route, so I gave you a call. Telephone."

"Then I really haven't heard of it. I haven't been here long and I'm not familiar with the ground."

"Well, okay, then I know how to deal with it."

"Can you help me?" He Dachuan asked proactively.

You Liang hesitated for a moment: "No need, I can do it myself."

"Okay, then call me if you have anything to do." He Dachuan replied.


After saying that, the two ended the call. You Liang sat indoors and lit a cigarette. He turned to look at a young man next to him and said: "Second brother, take fifty brothers over, take the gun, and kill the leader for me." of."

"Brother, isn't He Dachuan the leader of the regiment in Sichuan Mansion? Then you can ask him to reconcile this matter with you?" The young man said in a low voice: "If someone from the official comes forward, this matter can be easily solved."

"You know nothing." You Liang smoked a cigarette and cursed: "What did He Dachuan do before? He was a fucking bandit, and he was bigger than us! There are only eight trucks in total. You ask him to come forward, I owe him a favor, how do I repay him afterwards? If you give him less, he won’t like it. If you give him too much, then you won’t get the eight carts of goods, and you’ll have to pay for it. What’s more, if he goes up The first time he came to recruit us, I didn't give him any face. Now I beg him, and it won't be easy for him to take advantage of us."

The second child nodded when he heard the sound.

"Besides, you have to rely on yourself to do business on the ground. You can't point to the army to take care of you for the rest of your life." You Liang said sternly: "Damn it, you made your name by yourself, you're the only one who can take care of you." If the people are gone, it doesn’t matter if the goods can’t be brought back, but the people have to work for me.”

"Okay." The second child nodded.

"Be smart with your hands and feet. Come back immediately after you finish and watch the wind." You Liang ordered.


After the two brothers finished discussing, the second brother immediately summoned fifty brothers, drove a dozen cars, and rushed to Sichuan Province in a hurry.

About four hours later.

In the center of the Eighth District, in the special reception garden of the commander's headquarters, Qin Yu and others were sitting in the lobby of the villa. When they were bragging and talking, a soldier outside the door came in. After saluting, he shouted: "Commander Qin, there is a man named Wu Di." The man led a dozen people outside the door and said they were your friends."

Qin Yu stood up immediately after hearing the sound: "Let's go, you take me there, I will pick them up."


The soldier heard the sound and led everyone out of the villa hall, through the quiet outdoor greenhouse garden, and to the main entrance.

Next to the motorcade, Wu Di was leading a group of young men, laughing and joking on the roadside.

"We were talking about you when you arrived." Qin Yu stepped forward to greet him.

"Hey, Master Qin, hello, hello!" Wu Di pretended to salute Qin Yu with a military salute, and said half-bent, "I am shaking hands with you now, do I have to do this?"

Qin Yu poked Wu Di's weak spot with his finger: "What's going on with you now? Are you treating me like a slut when we meet?"

"Haha!" Wu Di laughed, pulled Qin Yu and said: "Let me introduce you, this is Zheng Qian, the eldest son of General Zheng Kai, and this is his sister, Zheng Ya."

"Hey, hello, hello!" Qin Yu extended his hand politely.

"Mr. Qin, you are a role model for our generation. I have admired your name for a long time!" Zheng Qian stretched out his hands and shook Qin Yu's hand.

"When we get along, don't be too official." Qin Yu waved his hands repeatedly: "We are all friends in the circle, so it's better to be casual."

"Hello, Mr. Qin." While the two were talking, a girl with glasses and a slightly naive appearance stretched out her palm to Qin Yu.

She is Zheng Qian's sister, Zheng Ya.

Qin Yu immediately stretched out his hand: "Hello, hello!"

"Come on, let me introduce you again. This is...!" Wu Diyou walked among the people and introduced both groups of people.

Among the people Wu Di brought, many of them Qin Yu had met before, and they were all children from the World War II Zone Headquarters compound. These people don't have a fuel-efficient lamp. They used to be very good at acting as monsters in Songjiang. Fortunately, they are a little older now and look more stable than before.

After everyone got to know each other, they walked towards the villa together, but the old cat felt inexplicably that someone was always staring at him, but he turned his head twice in succession, but did not find anyone looking at him.

This feeling was very strange and made the old cat feel a little hairy.

In a living village in Sichuan Province.

You Liang's younger brother You Wei, with fifty people, had already rushed to the area where the conflict had occurred, and picked up the dozen or so brothers who had been dealt with.

After You Wei got out of the car, he clearly held the gun and asked, "Where are the people?"

"They unloaded the goods in the compound not far ahead." The leader of the escort said: "These people are very crazy. They have said that if they cross the Sichuan-Tibet Line, it will be Xue Laohei's fault. Without their permission , we can’t even sell a piece of briquettes here.”

"Fuck, let's go, you get in the car and show the way, go over and fuck him!" You Wei got into the car again with a sullen face.

In this way, the two groups of people came together to form a formation of sixty or seventy people, and they marched towards the unloading compound.

The food and lodging shop is not too far from the compound, and it only takes ten minutes to drive.

You Wei sat in the car and smoked two cigarettes, and the escort behind him opened his mouth and shouted: "This is the compound right here!"

"Cnm, I'll drive you crazy!" You Weifei pushed open the car door, rushed to the door of the compound with a long gun, and kicked open the iron door with his legs.


All the people in the car rushed out, carrying guns and swearing angrily, and rushed into the compound.

"Woof woof!"

Two big black-backed wolfdogs ran over, barking wildly.

"Da da!"

You Wei shot and killed one, and shouted domineeringly: "What the fuck, who took away my goods?! Come on, kneel down and come out!"

The gunfire rang out and the compound was temporarily quiet.

Five seconds later, more than 20 soldiers wearing regular army uniforms suddenly rushed out from the door row room on the left.

You Wei was stunned for a moment. How could there be regular troops in this place?

"Bang, bang, bang!"

From the door row room on the other side, five more soldiers rushed out and directly set up mortars.

You Wei blinked his eyes, swallowed wildly, turned to the leading escort and asked: "Did you make a fucking mistake?! Are you sure the other person is Xue Laohei and not Qin Laohei?"

"Who shouted that?!"

A company-level officer walked out of the main room, tilted his neck and cursed: "I'm just thinking, who dares to make the Sichuan army kneel down in Sichuan Mansion? What the hell, you Jade Emperor?!"

You Wei felt something was wrong, but before he could take a step, two military trucks suddenly rushed over from outside the courtyard, full of soldiers.

Yanbei, District 8, in Bieyuan.

The old cat glanced around uncomfortably, frowned and muttered: "Why do I always feel like someone is staring at me?"

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