District 9

Chapter 2002 After the War

Immediately after Yandao was captured, the navy of the fifth area retreated on a large scale and completely gave up the idea of ​​​​fighting the battle of life and death with the fleet of the seventh area on the sea.

The Seventh District Fleet pursued the enemy all the way to the vicinity of the No. 1 Naval Port before choosing to take a break. This time, Fu Zhenguo did not make a radical proposal to the superiors to continue pursuing the Fifth District Navy.

In this battle, the Seventh District fleet suffered a lot of damage. If they continue to pursue them, they won't gain anything. Because the enemy's No. 2 military port is in the hinterland of District 5, as long as their navy goes back and they really fight, it's not clear who will win.

As for the army, the enemy's southern theater troops in the Naypyitaw area also retreated across the board after the failure of the naval battle in the fifth area.

Pu, Sichuan, and Lin troops pursued with great vigor all the way to the vicinity of Niutoushan. They defeated the enemy's covering force of nearly 30,000 people, annihilated more than 6,000 enemies, and captured more than 6,000 people. In the end, The battle ended with a complete victory.

After the war.

The Lin faction did not withdraw its defenses, but together with the main force of the Pu faction, they marched out of Niutoushan and advanced southward along the supply line established in the fifth district. They occupied a large number of military favorable locations and aimed at Meng within the fifth district. Add market.

This city is one of the main cities in the fifth district. It and Yishi guard the east gate of the fifth district. The Lin and Pu cliques stationing troops outside Mengjia City are posing an extremely strong military threat to the fifth district, which means: If we want to kill you, we can do it at any time.

after one day.

The Military Intelligence Department of Region 8 also detected that the EU Region 1 fleet, which set out from Xia Island, returned halfway and gave up the idea of ​​supporting Region 5.

Retreating is a helpless move, because the navy and army in the fifth zone have been completely defeated and withdrawn. Even if the EU fleet from the first zone comes, it will not be able to reverse the war situation. At that time, the navy of the seventh district only needs to stop the EU fleet near the river mouth port, and the armies of the Napu, Lin, and Sichuan factions can press forward and place the main battlefield in the opponent's Mengka City. By then, not only will it be difficult for District Five to touch Salt Island, but its own hinterland may also become a battlefield. This loss is too great, and the Fifth District Military Headquarters cannot afford it.

There are many hidden factors in withdrawing troops: For example, the anti-war voices within the Fifth Region are very loud, and the military department is under unprecedented pressure from public opinion. In addition, the EU Region One cannot reinforce them in vain. Once a war breaks out, the Fifth Region will have to cede There are many military benefits... Therefore, it is also a more rational choice to temporarily admit the failure of the Battle of Salt Island and readjust the military strategy.

Sure enough, after the navy of the European Union Region 1 retreated, the Lin and Pu factions did not continue to press forward, because in this battle, the Pu faction also suffered very heavy losses, and they also needed internal adjustments and cultivation.

After the war, everyone, including generals, officers, and lower-level soldiers, breathed a sigh of relief. Those who survived were both lucky and sad. Many comrades and friends died in the battle. The jubilant atmosphere in Lao Sanjiang is also filled with tributes and farewells.

The third day after the battle.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Fifth District issued a statement, strongly condemning the Sichuan government's military government forcibly occupying Yandao and launching a war, claiming that the Qin warlords are bandits and bandits...

This kind of statement has no deep-seated purpose. It is mainly to tell the people of the fifth region that we are not warmongers. The military is fighting this war in self-defense and counterattack to protect the territorial rights and interests of the region. At the same time, it also made it clear to the outside world that the withdrawal of troops from the Fifth District was not a surrender, but a strategic retreat.

This kind of war of words is very boring, so the Sichuan government’s Information Department, led by Lin Nianlei, only announced various details of Yandao’s equity to the outside world, and simply responded: “The territory of Yandao was acquired more than two years ago. It has already belonged to the Sichuan government, and the Asian League Arbitration Tribunal has recognized this fact. Therefore, the theory of banditry in the fifth district is childish, funny, and ridiculous."

After the two sides exchanged insults in the air for several days, public opinion gradually subsided, and the atmosphere of military tension gradually faded.

On Salt Island, in a certain air raid shelter.

Qin Yu sat in the damp, cold "special" office, squinting and scolding: "Damn it, why did the Air Force in the fifth district stop today? The bombers are out of fuel. Why didn't they come over to throw small firecrackers?"

In the past two days, while the regional diplomatic department was engaged in a war of words, the two sides were secretly making small moves and competing. The Fifth District Air Force made several sneak attacks on Yandao and threw bombs on the island, which made the troops on the island nervous.

Xiaobai heard the sound and replied: "The main ships of the Seventh District Navy have come and are stationed at the port. They will send them off again. I guess they will stop in the future."

"Is there any conflict between the Seventh District Navy and our garrison?" Qin Yu asked.

"No." Qi Lin sat aside and replied: "Not only did he not cause trouble, but he was also very polite. He even called in advance to get some fresh water. He was very polite."

"Haha." Qin Yu grinned: "I scolded my mother during the fight, but after the fight I became completely honest. It's quite interesting."

"By taking Yandao, our Sichuan troops will have nothing to do." Qi Lin sneered and replied: "The ninth district is in a mess, haha, no one dares to offend us easily now."

"That's the truth." Xiaobai nodded in agreement.

"Damn, I'm tired." Qin Yu rubbed his face and said, "Ignore them for now. Regarding the subsequent profit distribution, let the Eighth District argue with the Seventh District. I don't care."

"I think so." Consultant Wang agreed: "Let's just occupy the main rights in Yandao, and let the Eighth District cut the cake for the rest."

Qin Yu thought for a long time, looked up at Lin Chengdong and asked: "How are the arrangements for the workers rescued on the island?"

"The number of people has been calculated. There are currently more than 7,800 people. Some... died in the military conflict, about 2,000." Lin Chengdong replied truthfully: "I said hello to the financial department and prepared Allocate some money to take them inland by boat and let them return home on their own.”

"Okay." Qin Yu nodded.

"But what surprised me is that many workers... don't want to leave, but want to stay on the island to work, and some even want to join the army." Lin Chengdong said with a wry smile.

"Why? You've been liberated. Just go home if you can?" Qin Yu also didn't understand.

"Many people came here as bachelors and without a home... They have been here for many years and are used to it." Lin Chengdong replied calmly: "Well, the more they act like this, the more it makes me feel uncomfortable. "

Qin Yu thought for a while and said: "Those who are young and willing to serve as soldiers can be recruited by the Armed Forces; those who are older and unwilling to leave can stay and work on the island. After all, we will have to rebuild in the future, so it can still be used To the workers.”

"Okay." Lin Chengdong nodded.

Qin Yu stood up slowly: "I have to go back to Sichuan Mansion, there is a celebration party."

As soon as the Battle of Yandao ended, the capital of Sichuan suddenly became somewhat of a "political center".

For several days in a row, Lao Mao, Zhu Wei, Lao Li, Li Zhan, Ye Zixiao, and even Ding Guozhen, Fu Xiaohao and others were constantly visited.

The first peak of Sichuan Mansion is here!

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