District 9

Chapter 1994 Fighting for the Last Endurance

In the war room of the Fifth District Naval Command, the top generals of the three factions, mainly Japanese, Korean, and Indian, were arguing fiercely.

Many Indian generals strongly advocated the withdrawal of troops after learning that Military Port No. 1 had been completely destroyed. They believed that with the fall of the port, the army and navy had lost their most important rear supplies. If we continue to fight, after the navy and army are exhausted, without the support from the rear, it is very likely that the entire army will be annihilated. By then, not only will Salt Island be unable to be saved, but the inland cities in the five districts may also be threatened by war.

The Japanese and Korean generals believe that the war has gone to this damn point, and to withdraw now would be tantamount to a full admission of defeat in the war. The fifth district not only needs to show weakness to the three districts militarily, but also has to give up a lot of military power at home. The most important thing is that Yandao will definitely not be saved, and all the previous investments will be in vain.

Also, if the fifth region completely withdraws its troops at this moment, then the garrison troops on Yandao will 100% surrender immediately and will not resist at all, because all the forces in this region have withdrawn, so do they still have the need to resist? Even if everyone dies in battle, it will not have any impact on the outcome of the war.

Based on the above reasons, the Japanese generals who are relatively strong in military affairs still insist on continuing the fight. They want the No. 2 military port on the other side of the fifth area to send a follow-up fleet to support the sea and withstand the front of the seventh area navy. Attack and delay, waiting for the navy from the EU zone to enter and reverse the situation.

The Indian generals were very opposed to this strategy. They believed that Military Port No. 2 was too far from the war zone and it would be too time-consuming for them to get there. Moreover, the warships in the No. 2 Military Port are basically retired, and they are all old goods from before the Era. They can usually perform some patrol missions on the sea, but in real war, they cannot withstand the intensity of modern warfare. Otherwise, they would not have left the port to join the war after the war started.

Therefore, the Indian generals felt that the other party's ideas were too radical and too superior. With the troops withdrawing now, the losses can still be controlled, but if we continue to fight, not only the troops currently on the battlefield may be completely annihilated, but also the follow-up supporting troops may be wiped out...

The risk is too great. It is gambling the military future of the fifth district.

The two sides had a heated discussion for nearly twenty minutes, but in the end no one could convince the other. Just when the Commander-in-Chief of the Navy was a little unsure about paying attention, the office of the Fifth District Military Headquarters called and personally issued the follow-up order.

The Commander-in-Chief of the Navy answered the phone in front of everyone and asked simply: "Should we fight or withdraw?"

"Headquarters has decided to launch a decisive battle with the enemy fleet in District 7 outside the No. 1 military port. The empire's fleet can remain silent, but it will never surrender."

"Yes!" the commander-in-chief immediately replied, hung up the phone, and walked to the position directly in front of the conference table: "The higher-ups have decided to continue the decisive battle."

After the generals present looked at each other, they stood up and shouted: "Yes!"

After an Indian general saluted, he said very dissatisfiedly to the people in the same faction next to him: "... Facts have proved that no matter how smart a leader is, when faced with a mistake he made, he is used to making up for it with another mistake..."

There was no response from fellow faction members.

At the same time, the Southern Theater Command also received a decisive battle order. The superiors asked them to stay in the Naypyidaw area for more than three days and wait for the situation on the sea to reverse.

Ito looked at the order, and after a long silence, he ordered: "Notify the Salt Island garrison and ask them to prevent the enemy from landing at all costs!!"

"The No. 1 military port has been destroyed, let's continue the fight...?"

"The alliance within the coalition is also unstable." Ito clasped his hands behind his back and said with a haggard face: "This battle will not only test military capabilities, but also test internal stability capabilities... I hope we can be more tolerant."

After listening, all the generals looked serious and did not respond.

Salt Island.

In the war room of the garrison, a Japanese man said succinctly: "Control the workers on the island. I'm going to the garrison area to take a look."

"The enemy's landing ship has already approached. It is estimated that the general attack will begin soon."

"...!" The commander-in-chief didn't say a word. He just took his military uniform and walked out of the room.

On the sea.

Inside the main ship Nanhu No. 1, He Zhenguo shouted to the chief of staff with an expressionless face: "Has an order been sent from the general headquarters?"

"No." The chief of staff shook his head and replied: "Not only did the command headquarters not send an order, our following fleet also did not speed up and move forward."

Outside the battleship, cannons rumbled, and groups of various fighter jets kept circling in the sky.

Fu Zhenguo felt very angry because the naval battle ahead was so fierce, but he did not feel any active support from the general headquarters.

"...The Sichuan Army at Military Port No. 1 is still waiting for our response, but we have too few fleets on the front. If this continues...?!" the chief of staff said half of his words.

"Spicy next door!" Fu Zhenguo loosened his collar and cursed: "Send the order, frigate No. 057, move forward from the side, move closer to the enemy's No. 1 military port, cover the forward warships, and meet Sichuan combat personnel."

The chief of staff was startled.

Fu Zhenguo glanced at the huge electronic LCD screen again, gritted his teeth and said: "The main fleet is speeding forward again to close the fighting distance between us and the enemy. If we can't take advantage of a long-range fight, then we can follow them. Fuck your face!”

"Lao Fu, we can't be angry at this time...!" The chief of staff had already felt that Fu Zhenguo had negative emotions in his heart when he issued this order.

"...I'm not angry, I have no fucking choice." Fu Zhenguo slapped the table and cursed: "The No. 1 military port has been destroyed. Such a good fighter has appeared. With our back to the Hekou Port, it is equivalent to We are fighting against the opponent with a blood transfusion bag. But the headquarters is still hesitant and hesitant... So what can I do? I can't say good things, or even give you a probation, so don't do it. My damn choice has nothing to do with it. The other party will die together, so I’ll see if your headquarters can sit still! With the forward fleet gone, they can’t escape accountability. No matter what, let’s get on with it!”

The chief of staff thought for a moment and immediately nodded and replied: "Okay, I'll give the order right away."

"Hurry up and notify the receiving battleship and ask them to quickly pick up the combat personnel from Sichuan." Fu Zhenguo said in a low voice: "...this group of people...should not have many left...if they can't pick up any of them." , tens of thousands of navy, more than a dozen warships, how can we face the elders of Jiangdong?"


Inside Military Port No. 1.

An officer ran quickly and shouted: "Brigade Commander, Brigade Commander, there is light on the sea, it seems that our speedboat is coming."

Big Ya turned around after hearing the sound.

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