District 9

Chapter 1990 Crazy General, Fu Zhenguo

On the sea.

The fighter group that rushed out from the enemy's amphibious assault ship, after all being raised to the desired height, launched a fierce attack on the seven warships commanded by Zhenguo.

The brutality of naval battles is, in a certain sense, even more intense than land battles.

In a land battle, if you can't win, you can retreat. If the soldiers are afraid, they can retreat from the battlefield in fear of fighting, but this cannot be done in a sea battle. The soldier stood on the battleship and looked around. He was surrounded by sea water and artillery fire from the enemy. Even if you were scared and did not dare to fight, the chance of survival after jumping and escaping was still very slim.

When hundreds of enemy fighter jets are dispatched together, the soldiers look up and see that the sky is full of dense dots; when dense rain of shells falls, you have nowhere to escape and can only control the anti-aircraft firepower and fight back hard.

As soon as the pressure from the air came, the soldiers on the battleship began to spontaneously shout slogans to encourage themselves and their comrades.

"The Seventh District Navy must win!"

"Must win!"


The shouts resounded like a wave, and machine guns and anti-aircraft interception missiles began to intensively raise missile nets in the air.

On the 506 frigate next to Nanxun No. 1, a team of nine manned machine guns and was sweeping the sky.


The two fighter jets swooped down and arced in the sky.

"Da da da da!"

The large-caliber airborne machine guns roared, and the two fighter jets were like dragonflies on the water. After quickly passing by from the side, a dense rain of bullets hit the hull.

"Puff puff!"

A burst of blood mist burst out, and the bulletproof shield of the ship's machine gun was shattered. Five people in the nine-man team were killed. After escaping the rain of bullets, the remaining four people immediately stood up and entered the battle again. At the same time, they headed below the deck. He yelled: "Come here, take your place, take your place!"


Below the deck, five more people rushed up and quickly took up their positions.

On the sea, several District 7 warships were already emitting thick smoke. On the frigate No. 504, the captain was commanding the soldiers in the war room.

"Captain, the lower deck has been penetrated and the water storage layer has failed..." An officer ran in and shouted in panic.

The captain turned around and immediately shouted: "Organize people to go down immediately and make emergency repairs for me, hurry up!"

A minute later, forty navy soldiers, wearing body armor, rushed to the bottom of the battleship.

A large amount of seawater has seeped in and has almost flooded the water storage layer. A large number of gaps have been blown out in the upper deck and lower deck of this layer, spraying seawater everywhere.

The officer looked at the scene in front of him, waved his hands and shouted: "Get the equipment, rush in, repair the gap, quickly!"


Forty people jumped into the cold water without hesitation and rushed forward with all their strength. However, they were all wearing life jackets, and the resistance in the water was relatively high. They jumped forward twice in a row, but it was difficult to move forward.

The officer immediately shouted: "Damn it, take off the life jacket, dive down and repair it."

There is no doubt about the Navy's water quality, and the remaining soldiers strictly followed the order, took off the life jackets with the repair equipment, and dived directly into the sea water.

There are a large number of holes blown out in the room, and no undercurrents can be seen on the upper surface of the water. But when the soldiers actually dive, they will find that the water currents in the deep sea are chaotic and rushing around.

The forty soldiers didn't have time to put on diving equipment. They could only hold their breath, hold the repair equipment, and rely on manpower to dive down to plug the blasted gap.

The water surface in the aquifer is calm and bubbles bubble from time to time.

After a while, an officer couldn't hold it in any longer and dived out of the water to take a breath. But when he looked up, he saw two bodies floating in front of him. They were soldiers who kept diving, exhausted all their strength, and then drowned.

"Puff puff……!"

Heads came out of the water one after another, and everyone came out for air.

The commanding officer pulled his neck and shouted: "If you do this, you won't be able to close the gap. Focus on repairing the equipment and block all the explosion holes at once. Come back after completing the mission!"

The soldiers made no response and dived down again.

In the water, turbulent currents surged wildly, and the soldiers were knocked around by the impact. A large number of equipment in the water storage layer swam back and forth along the current.

During a desperate dive, a soldier was hit in the neck by a steel plate shattered by the explosion and died on the spot.

Corpses emerged from the water, soaked in blood.

On the main ship.

Zhou Yuanzheng slapped the observation mirror away and cursed loudly: "What is this Fu Zhenguo doing?! Damn it, all the enemy air forces are in the air, why don't the fleets on our amphibious assault ship fight back? How are you commanding this?" !”

The chief of staff heard the sound and immediately replied: "I have sent orders to Fu Zhenguo twice, but they have not responded."

"Call again and I'll ask him personally!" Zhou Yuanzheng shouted.

As soon as the words fell, the communications officer immediately called the forward fleet command.

On the South Patrol Super Destroyer No. 1, the communications officer reported to Fu Zhenguo: "There is a call from the headquarters."

"Damn it, do I have time to take it?!" Fu Zhenguo yelled irritably: "Ignore them, give the order immediately..."

The communications officer hesitated and added again: "It's the commander-in-chief calling."

Fu Zhenguo gritted his teeth and still didn't reply. He only bent down and glanced at the observation mirror again. He saw the enemy attack aircraft group, already preparing to retreat after the first round of attack.

"Captain, the commander-in-chief is still waiting..." the communications soldier reminded him bravely.

Fu Zhenguo pushed away the observation mirror, clenched his fists and shouted: "Their fleet has completed its first attack and is in the full return stage and is incapable of conducting air interceptions. Immediately order the amphibious assault ship and let their fighter jets All take off and fly directly to the enemy's No. 1 military port."

"Yes!" The chief of staff had long understood Fu Zhenguo's command intention and immediately issued an attack order to the amphibious assault ship.

After Fu Zhenguo gave the order, he walked to the communication equipment and answered the phone: "Hello? Commander-in-Chief!"

"Fuck, why haven't the fleet on the amphibious assault ship taken off yet?" Zhou Yuanzheng roared and asked, "How did you command it?!"

"The fleet is ready to take off immediately."

"What were you doing just now??!"

"I'm waiting for their air fleet to return after it is exhausted." Fu Zhenguo said succinctly; "Only in this way, our fleet will not be intercepted by the enemy's fleet when attacking the No. 1 military port, thus ensuring the success of the attack. safety."

"Damn it, your mission is on the sea, and supporting the No. 1 Military Port is secondary!" Zhou Yuanzheng cursed rudely: "If you send all the planes to the No. 1 Military Port, who will protect the safety of the fleet?!!"

In terms of level, Zhou Yuanzheng is half a level higher than Fu Zhenguo, but the latter is also a serious lieutenant general, so he was scolded a few times in a row. Fu Zhenguo became anxious and responded directly: "If the No. 1 military port is not completely destroyed, all four thousand warriors will have to die when the enemy's army's support troops enter the port. The fighter planes they exchanged for their lives will also be consumed! Therefore, our attack on their fleet is not the main The purpose, the purpose is to make their navy have no endurance. As the commander-in-chief, can't you even understand such a simple battlefield situation?! Also, I went to sea to fight, not to be angry. Don't give me him. Mom, damn it! If you want to do it, my fleet will retreat now, and you will come up and fight!!"

After saying that, Fu Zhenguo hung up the phone directly.

Tens of seconds later.

A large number of fighter jets on the Navy's amphibious assault ship in the Seventh District took advantage of the retreat of the enemy aircraft group, collectively took off, and flew straight into the No. 1 military port at an extremely fast speed.

Direction to Salt Island.

The landing ship was only one step away from the beaching site. Lin Chengdong walked onto the deck and looked at the familiar and unfamiliar environment around him, his heart surging.

All his life's losses were here, and no one hated this place more than he did.

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