District 9

Chapter 1988 Sichuan Army

At Military Port No. 1, outside the building of the Air Defense Regiment Headquarters, a large number of Sichuan soldiers have advanced and are densely clearing away scattered enemy soldiers in the surrounding area.

There are only 4,000 troops in this sneak attack. If you want to achieve the desired effect, you must have clear tactics, support each other, and pull each other.

The two thousand people led by Ou Xiaobin had not participated in the battle before. They wanted to wait for the enemy's large-scale troops to move to the hangar side before launching a concentrated attack on the enemy's air defense units.

Therefore, the strength of the air defense regiment was relatively empty at this moment. Only those soldiers who stayed within the air defense firepower did not go to the hangar for support.

outside the building.

After the troops dispersed, Ou Xiaobin ran and shouted: "Don't get close, don't fight with them. Our goal is to destroy, not to occupy. All units spread out along the main building, and attack the enemy according to the planned attack plan." The anti-aircraft units engage in wolf-pack tactics. As long as they can destroy the target, they can do whatever the hell they want."

Two thousand people dispersed around the main building, and about a thousand more people began to attack the enemy's anti-aircraft guns, machine guns, and missile shafts. And they don't need to attack the position desperately, they just need to stay far away, shoot at the enemy's defensive position, and throw long-range firepower.

To put it simply, if you can hit someone with a gun, use your gun to hit them. If you can't hit them, use your hands, mortars, and grenades to attack their air defense equipment. As long as the target is destroyed, the mission is completed.

This kind of play is really a helpless move. Because Sichuan has few soldiers and no follow-up support troops, injuring one person means losing a combat unit, which will naturally lead to greater losses as the battle continues.

Outside the main building.

After the large forces were almost assembled, Ou Xiaobin waved his hands and shouted: "Long-range firepower, focus on the main building, quick!"

On the top floor of the building, in the headquarters of the air defense regiment, the regiment leader shouted on the phone: "We have been attacked by a large number of enemy soldiers here, requesting immediate support..."

"Stand where you are and wait for support." The officers in the general headquarters shouted urgently: "We will send troops here immediately...!"


While the two parties were talking, an RPG hit the office next to them. The glass shattered, the walls collapsed, and flames flew wildly among the shattered ruins.

The leader's ears were numb from the shock, and just when he was about to bend down and shout again, another series of explosions sounded, and the entire main building shook.


The communication equipment was short, the regiment leader dropped the microphone, drew his gun and shouted: "Hold on, hold on where you are!"

As soon as he finished speaking, a large number of soldiers rushed into the room, stood at the window, holding machine guns, rifles, RPGs and other weapons, and started shooting downstairs. However, the effect of this method of attack is not great, because the surrounding terrain is complex and there are blocking buildings everywhere, and the Sichuan army does not take the initiative to attack. It only uses long-range firepower on the periphery to focus fire on the main building crazily.

The fierce fighting at the air defense positions around the main building was also very fierce. A large number of soldiers from the fifth district knew that they might not be able to hold their positions. Only a small number of soldiers fled in fear of the battle, while more people chose their positions. Live or die together, use anti-aircraft guns and machine guns to counterattack the Sichuan army. Of course, this weapon has limited lethality against the army because it is too big and bulky. Attacking soldiers only need to keep running and pulling, using surrounding bunkers to launch destructive fire at the target location, which can effectively avoid a large number of battle losses.

Near an anti-aircraft battery, six Sichuan soldiers gathered together and were shooting at the soldiers in the battery.

"Damn it, Xiao Li, are you an artilleryman?" the soldier at the front asked while firing.

"I did it, what happened?"

"Do you know how to use the anti-aircraft gun?" the soldier asked.

"The principles are the same. Once calibrated, it can be used." Xiao Li replied.

"Rush, grab this heavy guy, and blast the main building." The soldier said succinctly: "We are a long-range attack unit with limited firepower. We will attack the port platform later. Let's grab a heavy cannon. At least Can save twenty fucking RPG rounds."

"Okay, let's do it!" Xiao Li replied simply.

"Do you four have any objections?" the soldier shouted back.

"Who has our Sichuan Army ever dared? Fuck him!"

"Old Liu! Old Liu!" the soldier shouted to his comrades diagonally across the corner: "We charge forward, you guys take cover."

"Don't talk nonsense, the brigade commander won't let you go."

"Don't worry, cover us." The soldier shouted.

"Fuck!" Lao Liu cursed: "Hands, concentrate your hands, push forward, throw it in when you get close, and shoot me with the machine gun."

"Da da da!"

Three soldiers rushed out from diagonally opposite corners with machine guns in hand and pressed hard in the direction of the fort.

Seven or eight soldiers jumped out and ran forward for about ten meters. The leader shouted: "Raise your arms and throw!"

The soldiers moved in unison, their guns instantly poured into the fort, and the explosions were loud. The machine gunners and soldiers in the fort were all pushed back.

"Charge!" The soldier who suggested grabbing the cannon led the team to rush out first.

The remaining five people followed closely. In the blink of an eye, six iron-blooded soldiers rushed into the fort. Before the enemy soldiers raised their heads, they used bayonets to shoot at close range, killing all the remaining defenders in the fort. , only one of the six people was slightly injured.

"Xiao Li, do it quickly, do it quickly."

"Damn, this gun is a bit big!" Xiao Li guiltily sat on the seat of the main gun, shaking the lever with his right hand, and began to turn the steering wheel with his left hand to adjust the position of the gun barrel.

"Reload?" the soldier behind shouted.

"No, they have already finished loading." Xiao Li turned to the direction of the main gun, leaned down in the sight and glanced in the direction of the main building, and immediately shouted: "Push your back for me and step on the safety under the main gun."

The soldier heard the sound and stepped forward, putting his foot on the safety guard. The other four people worked together to push the back seat.


Xiao Li pressed the launch button.


There was a shocking loud noise, and the flattened cannon barrel sprayed flames and fired the cannonball.


The explosion sounded, and the center of the main building was directly blown to pieces. The load-bearing walls of three or four houses were reduced to powder, and the floors above tilted and collapsed.

Next to the main building, Ou Xiaobin glanced at the direction of the fort in confusion: "What the hell, who the fuck is trying to steal the fort? Chief of Staff, mark your name for me, and I'll give him a title when you get back!"

In the fort, Xiao Li shouted excitedly: "Quick, load up the cannonballs and do it again."

The two soldiers heard the sound and were about to carry the shells.


Another main gun in the distance turned around.


Cannonballs fired.


The fort where Xiao Li and the other six people were located was instantly blown to the ground. All six people were killed in the battle, and not even a corpse was left behind. Only the green Sichuan Army uniforms burning on the ground proved that they once existed...

"Damn it!" Lao Liu watched six comrades die tragically with his own eyes, and roared: "Damn it, flush the other one, flush!"

More than 20 people immediately changed the battlefield and rushed towards the next fort.

In the lobby of the main building.

Seventy or eighty soldiers ran down from upstairs to assemble. The head of the air defense regiment ran down in disgrace and shouted stubbornly: "Show courage as a soldier and launch a final charge against the enemy."

"Captain, most of our soldiers no longer have ammunition." An officer shouted from the front row.

"There's no ammunition, fix the bayonet." After the regiment leader finished shouting, he raised his arms and shouted: "Come out with me!"

Seventy or eighty soldiers rushed out from the main entrance of the main building in an instant. Most of them had already used up all their ammunition in the previous battle, because the ammunition depot in the building had been destroyed by RPGs and mortars.

This group of people had red eyes and attacked from the front.

"CNM, I'm just worried that you won't come out." Ou Xiaobin waved his hand: "Prepare all the machine guns, kill as many as you come!"

The machine gunners stood ready.

The enemy soldiers rushed forward in the blink of an eye.

"Sweep for me!" Ou Xiaobin waved his hand.

"Da da da da...!"

The machine guns roared wildly, and the enemy soldiers in the front row fell to the ground, and the soldiers in the rear row rushed over immediately. All senior officers were killed in the first wave of charge.

After the machine gun fired for more than twenty seconds, all the enemy Japanese and Korean soldiers were killed. The last two dozen or so Indian soldiers were all squatting on the ground with minor injuries, raising their guns. , shouted in broken Chinese: "Surrender, we surrender!"

Ou Xiaobin was startled.

Not far away, Meng Xi shouted directly: "Don't stop the machine gun, shoot them all."

The machine gunners hesitated and looked at Ou Xiaobin collectively.

"Fire!!" Ou Xiaobin clenched his fists and shouted: "I am not here to capture prisoners, and there will be no prisoners in this war. After Jinmen Port, either you die or I live, kill me!!"

"Da da da!"

The machine gun opened fire again, and all the remaining twenty soldiers were killed.

Meng Xi glanced at Ou Xiaobin appreciatively, admiring his decisiveness in her heart. The surprise attack force was small in number and was on the offensive side. Under such circumstances, they were not qualified to take prisoners. Bringing this group of people will affect the combat effectiveness, and once the situation changes, they will become enemies again when they pick up their guns. Moreover, with Meng Xi's character and views, this decisive battle is no longer a military conflict, but a racial one. After the disaster at Jinmen Port, the war has reached its most brutal stage.

There were beacons everywhere, and most of the air defense units had fallen.

Ou Xiaobin immediately telegraphed the division headquarters and reported to Qin Yu in person: "We have taken control of the air defense units and requested the fleet to provide air support."

One minute later.

Fu Zhenguo received the news that the Sichuan government requested to dispatch air power. He thought for a moment and said, "We can't use air units now. Call us back and ask them to wait."

At the same time, after Daya led his troops to attack the hangar, he quickly gathered the remaining troops and began to advance towards the port coast.

In the center of the large force, Da Ya held the newly assembled communication equipment and shouted quickly: "... Our first mission is over. Now, push me to the fleet parking area with all your strength, capture it, and go home. The passage is there.”

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