District 9

Chapter 1974 Six people infiltrated

On the highway, outside a gas station with a small courtyard, He Dachuan sat in the car and said to the driver: "Drive over, Xiaobo will talk to them in a moment."

The few people in the car who can work with He Dachuan must have good psychological quality. Those who are timid and hesitant will not be selected.

The driver glanced at the situation in the courtyard and drove the car to the entrance of the courtyard generously.

Three soldiers on duty came over, and the leader waved his hand.

The window was lowered, and the officer in the co-pilot, Xiaobo, looked up and said in fluent Korean: "Hello, sir, we have to come on."

The leading officer glanced at Xiao Bo, frowned and replied: "Identification."

As soon as the words fell, He Dachuan and others in the car reached for their IDs, but the officer outside the car said impatiently: "Just take yours."

Xiaobo was stunned for a moment, and immediately handed over his work permit and ID card.

The officer took a cursory glance at his work ID card, raised his head and asked, "Number!"

"00910." Xiaobo had memorized the number on his work permit before he came and answered very fluently.

"You are from the Engineering Department, which unit specifically?" The officer asked for information that was not on the work permit.

"The controller builds the department." Xiaobo replied based on the "confession" of the captured personnel.

The officer nodded, reached out and handed the work permit back to Xiaobo, pointed to the left side of the hospital and said: "Wait in the No. 3 refueling area."

"Okay." Xiaobo was a little surprised as to why the other party didn't return the ID card to him, but he couldn't ask further at the moment because he was afraid of showing his cowardice and arousing others' suspicion.

After the two communicated, the driver drove to the No. 3 refueling area. Then Xiaobo opened the door and got out of the car, and communicated with the officer again.

This kind of temporary refueling place is not a professional gas station like before the 21st century. It does not have any automatic equipment. Refueling is pumped out of the barrel by a pump and then delivered to the car through a pipe.

This process looks very old-fashioned, but in fact there is nothing you can do about it. This supply line leading to Military Port No. 1 is a temporary construction. It is impossible to build a very professional supply place in a short time. We can only do it as simple as possible, effectively reduce the amount of work, and put all supply units into use as soon as possible. Kingly way.

In the courtyard, there are still a few trucks transporting goods refueling, but the number is not large.

He Dachuan and others waited in line for a short while, and then three non-military staff came to refuel the half-truck pickup truck with pumps and pipes.

After ten minutes of doing this, the gas was finished and Xiaobo returned to the car.

"How is it?" He Dachuan asked.

"Let's go first, and we'll talk after we get out." Xiao Bo replied with bared teeth.

The driver heard the sound and drove out of the gas station yard according to the ground line.

On the way forward, Xiaobo took out his ID card, turned around and asked He Dachuan: "Brother Chuan, do you know why he didn't return this to me just now?"

"Why?" He Dachuan asked.

"This toy not only has the function of verifying identity, but also has a payment function." Xiaobo said happily: "I just finished filling up the gas, and I just swiped this toy and there was no need to pay."

"Can it still be like this?" He Dachuan was not a god. He couldn't think of all the details when questioning the prisoners, so he didn't know the hidden role of the identity card.

"Does it have deposits in it, or can it be swiped casually?" Ai Hao asked with interest.

"It should be a deduction." Xiaobo said with a smile: "After finishing the transaction, he got me a receipt and I signed it. It is probably the activity funds given by the engineering department."

"How many are there?" Ai Hao also took out his card.

"I don't know that. I don't dare to ask for fear of showing my cowardice." Xiaobo replied.

"Fuck, I told you earlier, I should have eaten chicken feathers and beef jerky to play with this." Ai Hao grinned, as if he thought of countless possibilities.

"The management here is not very strict." He Dachuan muttered.

"How strict is it?" Ai Hao cursed in a vulgar tone: "The tens of thousands of troops on the front line are all supported by this supply line, and tens of thousands of workers are scrambling for work. Soldiers, workers, supply units, engineers, transporting building materials The unit... I don’t know how many departments are involved. With so many people, do you want to manage it like the 109th Military Base? Is that realistic?! I think it’s pretty awesome if you can create this fucking ID card. Do you think Ah, so many units are involved and the information can be unified, how much workload it must be."

"It's not necessarily that everyone has this ID card," He Dachuan thought for a moment and replied: "Maybe only special types of workers have it. Didn't the old man say that ordinary workers are not allowed to circulate, and it is probably difficult to identify their identities, so Closed-off management."

"It should be like this." Xiaobo nodded.

"This game should be usable." He Dachuan looked up at the driver and said, "Hurry up, we can't wander around, we have to work."

Nothing to say during the day.

Six people drove half a pickup truck all the way to the southwest, driving for more than twelve hours at a stretch.

Along the way, the officers who came with He Dachuan were observing the surrounding situation, using small notebooks to record the situation of the garrison troops along the way, and clearly marked each location.

This method of recording in writing is indeed somewhat risky, and it may be very troublesome once someone discovers it. But people are not computers after all. Some of the information along the road is very complicated, such as kilometers, road signs, living villages, and active locations of garrison, where is the vacuum zone, where are the supply units... This information is recorded by the human brain alone, and then It is very difficult to explain clearly in a verbal way.

Therefore, after the officers finished taking notes, they placed the notebook on their chests and were ready to destroy it as soon as an emergency occurred.

In this way, everyone walked and walked, and at about eight o'clock in the evening, they came to an area called Muge. There is a large construction area here, with about three to four thousand workers building trenches and paving bumpy dirt roads. Both sides of the road are lined with work sheds and various supply yards.

Xiaobo turned around and looked around, and saw signs on the roadside indicating the direction of the supply station for non-military units, so he whispered to He Dachuan: "Go in? Take a rest."

"Wait a moment." He Dachuan turned around and looked around: "There are few cars at the moment, let's wait for an opportunity."

"Okay." Xiaobo nodded.

At the headquarters of the Northeast Theater Command of Region 5, General Jin Shengnan met with the deputy commander of the Southern Theater Command and had a brief conversation.

"The military department has issued a clear order, ordering our two theaters to organize another battle before the fleet from the EU zone arrives, and to attack in depth in the Fuyang and Hekou areas... to disrupt the enemy's defensive positions in the Hekou Port, and to The EU fleet has created fighter planes." Jin Shengnan sat on the chair and said clearly: "This time, the southern theater may be the main offensive force."

"Yes." The deputy commander nodded slowly and expressed his thoughts.

Just as the coalition forces, dominated by the Eighth District, were waiting for fighter planes to appear, the Fifth District was already quietly preparing for a second battle.

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