District 9

Chapter 1971 The organization gives you a difficult task

Within the Niutoushan Mountains.

He Dachuan put on a warm sleeping bag, sat in the excavated snow cave, and whispered to Daya: "The six people we bumped into are all people from the Communications Engineering Department of the port. I saw their IDs and they didn't lie."

"Then what?" Da Ya asked.

"That's what I think." He Dachuan said to Daya with a bright mind: "Instead of us waiting here for the opportunity to appear, we might as well send a team of people to pretend to be people from the six engineering departments and go along the highway. Go in and feel the situation around the supply line to see if you can find a reliable offensive route."

After He Dachuan finished speaking, before Big Ya could reply, an officer beside him immediately waved his hand in denial: "This is not possible, the risk of pretending to be someone from the Engineering Department is too great. If you are bumped into by an acquaintance, you will be exposed in minutes. "

"I personally feel that the chance of exposure is actually not that high."

"Why aren't they high? They are from the Engineering Department. They are very professional, and four of them are of Korean descent. Do you know how many acquaintances they have in the military units along the road? Do you know how they usually communicate with them? ?" The officer analyzed clearly and logically: "If you impersonate them rashly, once exposed, the other party will definitely investigate strictly. By then, our large troops in Niutoushan may be in danger."

Da Ya fell into deep thought.

"That's what I think." He Dachuan was not in a hurry, wrapped in a sleeping bag, and whispered softly: "Look, there were about 50,000 southern theater troops in the Naypyitaw area before, right? We are here In the past few days, new soldiers have been transferred on the road every day. How many people are there in this front-line combat force alone? Sixty or seventy thousand, these are all at least, right?"

Everyone listened carefully to He Dachuan's words.

"The frontline combat troops are so large, how many people will there be in the supply units behind them?" He Dachuan frowned and said, "There must be at least 20,000 to 30,000 people, right? With so many logistics supply units spread out on this highway, In addition, there are a large number of workers who need to pave roads, repair defense zones, repair supply stations, and repair various communication base stations along the way... How many people will flow on this road every day? We only pretend to be six people working on projects, so Why don’t you carry it more so you can run into a familiar face?”

Daya nodded after hearing this.

"...The chance of this is actually very small. Find a few people with quick minds and quick reactions, pretend to be people from these six engineering departments, and stroll towards the port. You can clearly see everything along the way. In vain." He Dachuan continued: "Anyway, it is definitely better than waiting here. Because you can only observe the situation near Niutoushan now, but we have no idea what the situation is deeper. Even if there is a chance Appeared, you can move forward, but what if the situation inside is worse? By then, we won’t have such a good geographical environment as the Niutou Mountains to hide the troops. Once discovered, that’s all we can do People will be eaten in minutes."

Deep in the snow cave, Ai Hao finished changing into a new pair of underpants, stepped out and said, "Yes, we have been wanting to go deeper these days, but we are afraid that it will be too deep to come back. What is going on inside? Now I have no control at all.”

After listening to what the two said, the officer nodded unconsciously: "It makes sense."

"It will be uncomfortable to wait." He Dachuan said again: "I have been out for such a long time and haven't sent any news to the division headquarters. My family must be anxious... I think it is easy for something to happen after such a waste of time. "

While everyone was discussing countermeasures, a guard soldier suddenly ran in and whispered: "Turn off the basin lamp, there is a helicopter flying in the sky."

"Quick, quick, close it!" Daya also shouted.

Everyone in the snow cave immediately extinguished the old-fashioned pot lamps, turned off all things that could produce heat sources, climbed out of the cave entrance together, and looked toward the sky.

More than twenty helicopters flew over the sky, and the scene was extremely spectacular. The soldiers hidden in the mountain were all lying motionless in the snow shells and snow caves.

This kind of emergency happens every day. The enemy's helicopter reconnaissance formations and transport formations in the southern theater will pass by the Niutou Mountains from time to time. This is a great test for the execution and endurance of the Daya troops. Once someone makes a mistake, or the person on guard slips away, there is a possibility of being discovered at any time.

Lurking, penetrating behind enemy lines, and conducting surprise attacks may seem like a very simple thing on paper, but in reality, it is very difficult to operate.

In order to prevent the helicopter's detector from detecting heat sources on the mountain, the snow caves dug by everyone did not dare to have only one exit. Because helicopters may fly over at any time, and if you turn off the basin lights and cooling equipment urgently at that time, the temperature in the cave will not dissipate immediately, so air circulation must be ensured in the cave to allow the heat to continue to dissipate.

Therefore, the snow cave does not have any effect of keeping warm. It can only withstand some strong winds, making it more comfortable when resting.

It’s really hard to imagine how difficult it is to survive in such an extreme environment without experiencing it yourself.

After the helicopter formation passed by, Daya turned to look at He Dachuan: "I think what you said makes sense. Keeping waiting like this is really not a good idea."

"Yes." He Dachuan nodded: "Although my idea is a bit risky, it is worth a try."

"Well, I just thought about it carefully," Daya paused and said, "The organization decided to send you to lead the team to carry out this arduous task."

He Dachuan was a little confused when he heard this. Ai Hao was stunned for two seconds and immediately sneezed: "Oh, why do I have a cold?"

"No, what I mean is that we are going to send a few professional people to pretend to be..." He Dachuan immediately explained excitedly.

"Listen to me." Da Ya interrupted: "I was supposed to do this job, but my level is a bit high, and the enemy must have mastered the information of our main officers, so it is very risky for an officer to lead the team. Big. And if I let ordinary soldiers do this, I'm afraid they don't have much experience. You proposed the plan, your ideas are very good, and you have plenty of ground life experience. I think... you are more suitable. .”

"I...I...!" He Dachuan didn't know how to reply for a while.

"I also think it would be better for you to do it. Your experience is much better than other soldiers, and you also have the experience of lurking in Beifengkou 109 Base. This job is yours."

"Yes, you have been to Base 109. The management of the enemy's supply lines along the way must be much looser than there!"

Everyone spoke one after another, and they all felt that He Dachuan was the best candidate, and they all looked at him eagerly.

"This...this...!" He Dachuan originally wanted to offer a plan, but he didn't expect to sacrifice himself. His eyes were a little aggrieved.

ten minutes later.

He Dachuan left the snow cave and prepared to interrogate the six prisoners and add details.

On the way, Ai Hao covered his head and said: "My body has been really weak in the past two years. I caught a cold. It's so uncomfortable...!"

"Brother, we still have to do this together."

"I said I had a cold."

"Just take some medicine and you'll be fine."

"I have so many skills!" When Ai Hao saw that he had to pull him, he immediately yelled: "Why are you so mean? There are so many officers who are on the staff, but they are not as good as you, right? You have nothing to say. Some suggestions! Why are you so addicted to doing this kind of work?!"

Estuary area.

After Qin Yu finished the meeting in Menghan, he was under great psychological pressure and couldn't sleep at night. After walking around the camp, he suddenly shouted: "Mengzi, call Chengdong and the others. I want to go to Shanghai and take a look."

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