District 9

Chapter 1962: In times of crisis, you still have to be your son

In the underground fortifications, when the generals heard that the door had been blown open, their calm look on the surface disappeared.

"What's going on? Hasn't Jia Zheng already brought troops here? How long has it been? Why can't even a battalion of rebels be eliminated?"

"Where are the guards at the door, are they all dead?!"

"Where are the reinforcements sent from the First Theater Command? Why haven't they arrived yet? What are they doing?!"


Noises and panicked questions resounded throughout the room, and all the generals were panicking at this moment.

Who is not afraid of death?

When you reach this level and have almost the most top-level rights, who wants to die in such turmoil?

"Don't shout, don't even shout." The chief of staff yelled with his eyes widened: "The people haven't arrived yet. Look at your reaction. Are you still a soldier?"

Everyone listened to the roar and fell silent briefly.

The chief of staff asked the guard officer: "Where are our nearest support troops?"

"He Chong and two companies have arrived around the headquarters. They are preparing to..." the guard replied in a slightly urgent tone.

"Answer He Chong's call." Commander He interrupted directly: "Bring me a copy of the fortification map, hurry up!"

"Okay!" The guard nodded.

The chief of staff turned to look outside the door and added: "The guards in the fortification immediately set up defense zones in each corridor to block the incoming rebels."

On the streets around the headquarters, He Chong was sitting in the car, holding the phone and responded: "Okay, okay, I...I understand. Got it, I've written it down, dad...you must pay attention to your safety, I'll contact you right away." arrive."

After hanging up the phone, He Chong immediately raised his head and shouted: "Go to Baoyuan Street behind the headquarters."

"They are all military intelligence agents over there." The company commander on the co-pilot reminded.

"Quickly, go there." He Chong replied without any doubt.

Underground fortifications.

Guan Feng, with the core members of the camp, was still trying his best to attack the corridor where the other party's guards were stationed, but this battle was very difficult to fight.

The walls in the fortifications are reinforced and are more than twice as thick as the walls of ordinary houses. Ordinary handguns and explosive weapons cannot cause any damage to them at all. The space in the corridor is very narrow, and there are garrison walls like doorways at every corner. Enemy soldiers hiding inside can cause large-scale damage to Guan Feng and others just by mechanically firing. .

This kind of critical battle in a narrow space has almost no tactics or luck. If you want to fight forward, you will have to bleed and lose your troops.

But the situation at this moment is very difficult for Guan Feng and others, but for the senior generals in the fortifications, it is also a narrow escape situation. As long as the opponent moves forward, it means that they may be cool at any time...

The two sides were engaged in a bloody battle, and the corridor was filled with the pungent smell of blood and fire. On the blood-stained ground, wailing and sacrificial soldiers lay scattered.

Near the Baoyuan Street, about one kilometer away from the back of the headquarters compound, several groups of military intelligence personnel were exchanging fire with Jia Zheng's troops. The two sides took advantage of the surrounding complex terrain to fight inextricably.

Two rows of motorcades drove over from the intersection of Baoyuan Street. When they saw a gunfight ahead, they immediately slowed down.

In the car, He Chong picked up the walkie-talkie and while observing the situation ahead, shouted: "Two companies listen to my order and quickly control the road in front of the Baoyuan Street Military Service Agency, leaving two platoons to carry Zhayao, follow me later."



A response came from the intercom.

Tens of seconds later, two companies of armored vehicles and off-road vehicles quickly entered the battlefield along both sides of the road.

"Da da da!"

Machine guns and rifles opened fire at the same time, quickly suppressing surrounding military intelligence personnel with firepower. At the same time, soldiers in armored vehicles and off-road vehicles jumped out, running and scattering to grab vantage points.

This place is not close to the center of the battlefield, so the number of military intelligence personnel fighting guerrillas is not large. Two companies pounced on it, and most of them chose to retreat. However, the military intelligence personnel immediately reported to the planners and informed them that two companies suddenly came over from this side.

The main entrance of the headquarters compound.

Xing Gang, who came out of the First War Zone, finally arrived at the scene of the turmoil with two battalions.

"Commander Jia, where is your Brigadier Jia?" Xing Gang jumped out of the car and asked.

After a few seconds, in the hall of the main building of the headquarters, Jia Zheng, who had already controlled the situation on the first floor, received a report from the outside.

"Brigadier Commander, support from the First Theater Zone has arrived."

"...!" Jia Zheng thought carefully and immediately replied: "Tell Xing Gang to lead people to clean up the military intelligence personnel outside without entering the building to fight. We will be responsible for the attack here."


At the gate of the compound, an officer said to Xing Gang: "Brigadier Jia asked you to help clean up the military intelligence agents outside."

Xing Gang frowned and immediately replied: "Okay!"

After the two communicated, Xing Gang took the vehicle-mounted walkie-talkie and shouted: "Two battalions, spread out around the main building of the headquarters and launch an attack on the rebels."



After issuing the order, Xing Gang glanced at the regimental staff officer in the car and nodded to him.

Baoyuan Street, in front of the Military Service Society.

He Chong, who had never been on the battlefield, had already rushed out of the car with his scalp in his face, waved his hands and shouted: "Those two platoons, follow me, hurry up!"

"Commander He, go back, go back!" The company commander was afraid that something might happen to He Chong, so he followed behind and kept shouting.

As the old saying goes, brothers fight like brothers, and father and son fight in battle. He Chong, who had grown up under the protection of his family, had never faced such a dangerous environment, but at this moment he still put his own safety behind and ran to the door of the Military Service Society without any hesitation.

Gunshots rang out from the surrounding area. He Chong waved his hand and shouted: "Take the drill for building fortifications and lay explosive sites for me at the main entrance. Quick, move quickly!"

In the underground fortifications.

The guard rushed into the room and said to Commander He: "Commander, people are coming from above. The explosive points have been laid according to the drawings. We can leave."


Lao He hurriedly greeted him and was the first to rush out of the room, followed by the other generals.

In the corridor, there were only a dozen guards left, blocking the corridor with their bodies and moving backward, ready to fight to the death at any time.

on the ground.

After the two companies of troops quickly occupied the surrounding area of ​​the Military Service Agency, a large number of military intelligence personnel had received the news and began to rush towards this side.

The gunfire around him became more and more intense, and He Chong shouted impatiently: "Hurry up, hurry up!"

"The paving is done!" A platoon leader raised his head and shouted.

"Spread out, explode, explode quickly!" He Chong waved his hands and shouted.

Estuary port.

Qin Yu held his mobile phone and said in shock: "Bureau Wu, what a big deal!

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