District 9

Chapter 1955 The storm is brewing

After Jia Zheng's brigade entered Fengbei City, it immediately stationed itself near the General Administration Building of the Military Headquarters. Together with the two battalions of the garrison brigade, they assumed the responsibility of protecting the headquarters.

After the troops were stationed, Jia Zheng took the brigade officers to the main building to meet Lao He. The two sides communicated happily for half an hour before the officers left in a somewhat relaxed mood.

Why is it said to be fluttering?

Because being able to gain the trust of the Commander-in-Chief during this period is enough to illustrate Jia Zheng Brigade's status in the hearts of the upper class. After the battle is over, they will become the Royal Forest Army. If things go wrong, they will have to improve their organization.

After the officers left the General Administration Building of the Military Headquarters, Jia Zheng immediately held a meeting at the temporary brigade headquarters in the city. All officers at the battalion level and above in the brigade were present.

In the conference room, Jia Zheng sat at the head of the table and said: "Let's take a look at your respective defense switching time and responsibilities. I will also briefly talk about the main tasks of this visit to the city."

Everyone took the documents issued by the civil servants and looked down.

Jia Zheng took a sip of water and continued to speak into the microphone: "The first regiment and the second regiment are mainly stationed in the temporary camp area on the forward road. If the scale of the parade in the city continues to expand, you may have to assist the garrison in maintaining stability. Secondly, if the World War II zone Our troops are showing signs of moving towards Fengbei again, and you may also be sent to the city pass for defense."



The leaders of the first and second regiments immediately stood up and responded.

"Third Regiment, Fourth Regiment, your main task is to ensure the safety of the headquarters. The two regiments carry out rotating garrison. The main garrison areas are the military and political headquarters building and the family courtyard at the back. The defense is changed every twelve hours. Note that the entire regiment has entered garrison status. At least half a battalion of troops must be posted for me in nearby streets and intersections. No one is allowed to approach without a pass!" Jia Zheng frowned and said: "There are rumors outside that the army There are at least two thousand agents from the Supervision Bureau lurking in Fengbei. Regardless of whether this is true or false, we must take it seriously, do you understand?"



The leaders of the 3rd and 4th regiments also stood up and responded.

Jia Zheng glanced at everyone and continued: "During this time, our brigade can be transferred into the city, which fully demonstrates the trust that the commander-in-chief and the commanders of the headquarters have in us. Therefore, you must call me. Keep your spirits up and ensure that you can still complete the garrison mission outstandingly during this special period. The thing is done, I will not treat you badly in the future. But if anyone wants to give me eye drops during this period, don't blame me for turning against them! "

All the officers stood up and shouted in unison: "Promise to complete the mission!"

"Okay, after the specific matters are returned, each regiment commander will explain them to you in accordance with the requirements in the document." Jia Zheng stood up and waved his hands: "I won't waste your time, everyone go back and settle down the troops. Oh. , by the way, during the garrison period, you must not only ensure the completion of the mission, but also pay attention to the scale of contact with the people, and do not cause mass incidents for me, do you understand?"


Everyone nodded.

After the meeting, the officers walked away.

In Fengbei City, in a clothing factory, the director was sitting in his office and said to more than 20 management personnel: "The people from the district council have found us and asked us to gather near the Jian District Square at 8pm the day after tomorrow. One hundred workers will participate in the demonstration. This quota is mandatory, we must go."

When a young manager heard this, he immediately smiled and asked: "Director, we have nothing to do with this parade. It's all students and various trade union organizations who are taking the lead. We Mixed with what?"

"Damn it, there's really a civil war, can our garment factory continue to operate?" the factory director cursed.

"That's not what I meant. I'm afraid... if we force the workers to participate in the parade, they will be punished if they turn back." The young manager said with obvious fear: "I heard from my friends that the General Administration of the Military Department There is some kind of secret investigation bureau that specializes in arresting people who lead demonstrations."

"Today, nearly 10,000 people gathered in Memorial Square and on Poly Street. Who did they catch?" the factory director replied calmly: "The law does not punish the public, and the vast majority of people have emotions about the civil war. ...You guys are not satisfied, why don't you let me shout a few words? Besides, this event is organized by the leaders of the district council, if you don't go...then you will have to deal with it."

No one said a word.

"Oh, there are so many people participating, let's just hang out and shout twice." The factory director continued: "You can arrange people. If the parade continues later, we can just take shifts."

Everyone present was a player who was living a good life in Fengbei. They had families and businesses, and they were very resistant to civil war, so after hearing what the factory director said, no one refuted it.

"On this matter, please convey your thoughts to the following." The factory director added again: "If the news comes back, we will stay away and be done with it."



Everyone nodded.

After the meeting, the factory director walked into the bedroom, lowered his head and dialed a number, and said concisely: "I have a hundred people here, and the arrangements have been completed."

In the city, under the bridge, a middle-aged man wearing a windbreaker, smoking a cigarette with his head lowered, said: "Contact your downline and gather the people of the action team. You have a task for the large-scale parade in two days."



The two young men nodded slowly.

"As for weapons, they will be distributed before the mission is carried out." The middle-aged man continued: "If there is a problem in any link and the news is leaked, the line will immediately enter a dormant state and stop activities."


The three of them talked quietly for more than ten minutes in the cold night before leaving.

That night, in Fengbei City, which looked deserted but orderly on the outside, there was actually an undercurrent surging.

The newly established Military Secret Investigation Bureau continued to arrest suspects suspected of inciting riots, but the results they achieved were not great.

This civil war is different from the one in the Eighth District. Because Lao He and Shen Wanzhou have been waiting for the Gu Department and the Sichuan Department to start a war with the Five Districts over the issue of Salt Island, many unexpected things happened during this period, such as... …Tinmen Port Incident.

This incident had a great impact on the Chinese community. The level of public hatred towards the fifth zone and the EU zone has reached its peak. But at this peak, the He clique, Shen clique, as well as the party and government forces were frequently engaged in internal fighting and civil war, which gradually increased the people's war weariness.

Many people and people of insight did spontaneously participate in the demonstrations, and you cannot label all of these people as reactionaries. Therefore, the Military Secret Investigation Bureau led by Zhang Jiang spends a lot of energy just to identify the identities of these people.

Otherwise, if you shoot all the people and insightful people who really want to make their voices heard, the reverse fermentation of public opinion will only make the incident more serious... Therefore, Zhang Jiang's work is tied up and cannot be done. The method is too soft, but not too tough, and it is really difficult to press things down in a targeted manner.

Two days later.

A large-scale demonstration that was both planned and spontaneous finally reached its climax with constant promotion.

At around five o'clock in the evening, nearly 20,000 people gathered around the area's memorial square. There were traffickers and educated people here. Everyone gathered together, shouted slogans, held up banners, and began to make their voices heard.

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