District 9

Chapter 1946 Attacked

In the evening, the entire security battalion of the First Field Army Headquarters was dispatched to escort Director Wu away. Along the way, two regiments stationed about fifty kilometers away from the southern pass of Songjiang also sent people to support and guard along the way.

Inside Songjiang Station.

Ma Laoer received a call from an officer in the Feng Department, who asked politely: "Stationmaster Ma, will we arrange the residence of Director Wu?"

"Haha, I won't trouble you about Director Wu's residence," Ma Laoer politely replied: "Our Songjiang Station will arrange this matter. However, in the next few days, there may be other places that need your help... .”

"Oh, Station Commander Ma, please don't be polite." The other officer responded politely: "For this military transfer, Feng's position is still to hope that Wu Bureau can return with a full load."

"Thank you, thank you!"

"You're welcome!"

The two parties just chatted on the phone for a while, then ended the call.

Ma Laoer stood up slowly, looked up at Baojun and asked, "Has everything been arranged?"

"Okay." Baojun nodded in response: "Our people have already gone to the checkpoints, and the police station has been more cooperative and helped seal the road sections along the way."

"Okay, let's go." Ma Laoer picked up the Chinese tunic suit and waved his hand towards Baojun.

In the evening, around 8:45.

The convoy escorting Director Wu arrived at Songjiang South Pass. The officer from the Military Supervision Bureau in the first car pushed the door and got out of the car, leading the two of them into the pass office.

A few minutes later, indoors.

After checking the documents and procedures of the Military Supervision Bureau personnel, the officer in charge of the pass said calmly, "Wait for ten minutes. When these people in the pass are released, we will seal the pass and lift the pole to let you pass."

When the young man from the Military Supervision Bureau heard this, he frowned and asked: "Before we came, we already greeted the people inside the pass. Why didn't they close the pass in advance and wait for us to pass?"

The management officer glanced at him, pointed to the clock on the wall and said, "You made an appointment at nine o'clock, but it's not here yet."

When the people in the Military Supervision Bureau heard this, they felt a little angry. Thinking back to the past, local officers like this would not even dare to breathe in front of the Military Supervision Bureau. Not to mention he was a battalion-level cadre in charge of the pass, even his regiment commander and division commander. When people from the Military Supervision Bureau came to the door, their heads were buzzing, for fear of getting into trouble.

But things are different now. The World War II Zone has completely come into conflict with the General Administration of the Military Department. The status of the Military Supervision Bureau has plummeted, and no one takes them seriously anymore. Even when Director Wu entered the customs in person, the other party did not clearly arrange the entry process in advance.

This evening was different from the past, and the people from the Military Supervision Bureau did not have an attack, so they could only wait patiently.

Since this is a special period, in order to ensure the safety of the senior generals participating in the military transfer meeting, the roads they pass through must be closed.

At the checkpoint, ordinary passengers and people who had come in to wait for inspection took about twenty minutes before they were all inspected and released.

It was already past nine o'clock. The battalion-level officer in charge of the pass asked the soldiers to properly control the passengers and people outside the gate, and then ordered the garrison company to block the roads on both sides. Then he walked out in person and headed towards where Bureau Wu was. The car saluted.

The window was lowered, and the passenger in the car reached out and handed out several documents.

The battalion-level officer bent down and glanced into the car, and saw Director Wu sitting in the back seat, looking down at his cell phone.

"Would you like the director to get out of the car and check it out for you?" the middle-aged man in the passenger seat of the vehicle asked in a cold tone.

The battalion-level officer immediately replied: "No, no, just go through the process."

The person in the co-pilot didn't say anything, but the battalion-level officer checked his ID, then bent down and replied, "Okay, keep your ID."

The middle-aged man in the passenger seat took the things and raised the window.

"Let it go!" the battalion commander waved his hand and shouted towards Guan Nei.

The order was given, the two-layer railing inside the pass was raised, and the convoy moved forward slowly again. At this time, Zheng Kai's troops who were responsible for security along the way did not follow because it was currently in the military deployment period, and neither the Sha clique nor Zheng Kai could send any more troops to the city.

Six or seven cars quickly entered the customs along the passage, and the military intelligence personnel at Songjiang Station were standing on both sides of the road waiting.

"The convoy is coming." Baojun shouted over the walkie-talkie.


The door of a military vehicle on the roadside popped open, and Ma Laoer stepped out. After straightening his clothes, he immediately led a dozen people towards the direction of the convoy.

The motorcade drove slowly from the direction of the pass. Ma Laoer turned his head and was about to ask Baojun, who was following him, when he suddenly noticed that in a building on the left side of the road, voice-activated lights came on one after another.

"Hasn't this building been inspected?" Ma Laoer asked Baojun strangely.

"This building is used by garrison units," Baojun immediately replied: "We...can't go here to check."

Ma Laoer frowned: "Send someone here to guard the door."

As soon as he finished speaking, Baojun pointed in the direction of the building, and the military intelligence personnel standing on both sides of the street behind him immediately rushed to that side.

In Fengbei, in the new office building of the Military Secret Investigation Bureau, Zhang Jiang was sitting in the office on the top floor, holding the phone and whispering: "Yes, the confirmation is over. Well, you can move."

"Is it accurate?" someone on the phone asked cautiously.

"Zheng Kai's military department has my spy. He saw someone getting on the bus." Zhang Jiang replied in a low voice: "The side at Nanguan Pass... also confirmed it."

"Okay, I understand."

"that is it."

After that, the two parties ended the call.

Songjiang, on the streets inside Nanguankou.

The motorcade slowly stopped on the side of the road, and Ma Laoer quickly stepped forward to meet Director Wu.


Suddenly, a harsh gas explosion suddenly sounded from the left side of the road.

Ma Laoer turned his head instinctively when he heard the sound and saw a dazzling light coming from the direction of the roof of the building on the left.

"Stationmaster, stationmaster...!"

Baojun's shout rang out, and he rushed from behind with long strides.


The sound of gas explosions came to the street in the blink of an eye, and an RPG missile hit the car where Director Wu was sitting accurately.


There was an explosion, and a burst of fire shot into the sky.

Ma Laoer was dragged to the back by Bao Jun. Seeing the fire burning in front, he immediately shouted: "Protect the director, hurry up, protect the director!"


After the bulletproof car was shot by an RPG, it did not explode immediately. However, the side of the vehicle was severely damaged and the tires were on fire. Under the control of the driver, it fell directly to the rear because the roof with the relevant opening could block it.

"Da da da……!"

Fierce gunfire rang out on the left side, and the military intelligence officer at Songjiang Station stretched his neck and shouted: "Attack, someone is attacking!"


Two more RPG shots came from high in the sky.

"Boom, boom!!"

A deep hole was created in the street by the first RPG. Bureau Wu's car was going backwards and was about to pass. The second RPG directly hit the windshield of the car. It exploded instantly and the car body shot up like a ball of fire.

"Bureau Wu!!"

Ma Laoer roared in panic and was about to rush forward.

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