District 9

Chapter 1933: Draw the sword and see blood

In the headquarters of the 325th Armored Division under Fuyang Mountain, Jiang Hanshan held a military intercom device, pulled his neck and shouted in Korean: "The two regiments attacking at the front, eat the remnants of their tails as quickly as possible, and wait until the opponent is ready to attack." Retreat when the ground garrison counterattacks, be quick!”

In the large field on the southwest side of Fuyang.

Xiaobai took the walkie-talkie and shouted: "Xu Liang."


"Have you seen the Lingqiu Mountain in the Fuyang area?"


"If you see it, take your regiment and kill it in a straight line." Xiaobai immediately issued a combat order: "Now, quickly!"

"Yes!" Xu Liang replied immediately.

Xiaobai took the walkie-talkie and shouted again: "Three regiments."

"Three regiments received!"

"Gather your regiment's light artillery together and push it to the west of Fuyang. After Xu Liang launches the attack, immediately provide cover." Xiaobai ordered.


"Don't hide the Second Regiment and the Fourth Regiment. Along the offensive route of the Xu Liang Regiment, command the battle with battalion-level units, and advance quickly in an equilateral triangle." Xiaobai shouted again: "I want to fight faster, whose battalion is last When we arrived at the battlefield, the battalion commander remembered that he had made a mistake. When we returned to Sichuan, all the troops would clear the snow for me for three months. Let’s go!”




There were bursts of responses from the intercom.

five minutes later.

The 6,000 men of the 191st Brigade suddenly rushed out from the southwest of Fuyang.

Why do you say it was a sudden attack?

Because the river mouth is at the bottom of the old triangle area, which is equivalent to the deepest defense of the Sichuan Army and the Pu Department, the enemy can do very little effective reconnaissance on this route. After approaching this area, almost all of the reconnaissance drones and reconnaissance helicopters were killed by the anti-reconnaissance units along the route. In addition, in modern warfare, anti-reconnaissance equipment must be carried by all combat units, so the 325th Armored Division did not discover in advance the 191st Brigade coming straight from the field. After Xiaobai arrived in the Fuyang area, he did not act rashly, but waited patiently for the fighter plane to appear.

Therefore, for the 325th Armored Division, the emergence of the 191st Brigade was very sudden.

But this suddenness is limited to a time lag, because once the 6,000-man troops approach the main battlefield, the opponent's reconnaissance unit will definitely be able to react instantly as long as they are not blind.

Sure enough, as soon as Xu Liang's regiment started to charge, Jiang Hanshan's division headquarters received the report.

In the headquarters of the 325th Armored Division below Lingqiu Mountain, an officer spoke quickly to Jiang Hanshan: "A group of enemy troops suddenly appeared on the southwest side of our station. There are about 6,000 people."

Jiang Hanshan was stunned for a moment: "Which unit is it? Who is the commander?"

"It's still unclear, but according to the judgment of the investigation unit, it should be the independent First Division that came out of the Hekou Port. The organization should be a brigade." The officer responded quickly: "They inserted diagonally from the uninhabited area. This can save marching time. But the snow there is deep and the roads are very difficult to travel. They cannot carry heavy offensive weapons, and armored vehicles for high-intensity combat cannot be driven over."

Jiang Hanshan thought for a moment, then immediately bent down and looked at the sand table: "The main force of the Sichuan Independent First Division is currently attacking Naypyitaw. There are nearly two brigades of their troops here. But they sent a brigade to attack us. Fuyang Garrison Area, this command idea is a bit stupid! Without heavy attack equipment, and armored vehicles cannot drive through, then this is a lone army without teeth."

The chief of staff immediately interjected: "Although the Sichuan army is a lone army, we still have 20,000 people from the Pu family in front of us, so...should we be more conservative and let the two pursuing troops from the front Is the group withdrawing?"

"Okay, order the two regiments that pursued them to return to defense immediately." Although Jiang Hanshan was conceited, his command ability was unquestionable. He immediately said: "Notify other regiments and prepare to stay in place. Inform the three regiments of 326 to go to Get closer on the southwest side. As soon as this toothless force gets close, we will eat him immediately."


In the large field on the southwest side of Fuyang, Xu Liang's regiment was rapidly advancing forward in a fan shape in a high-power armed pickup truck with snow tracks and a front-mounted snow shovel.

After quickly pushing five kilometers, the 325th Armored Division Artillery Regiment on Lingqiu Mountain began to carry out covering strikes on this side crazily.

The artillery fire melted the snow, and smoke rose everywhere. The two combat battalions at the front were beaten to half ashes in almost one round, and their vehicles and personnel were reduced by at least one-third.

Xu Liang jumped out of the military vehicle and shouted with a walkie-talkie: "The first and second battalions who are opening the way, don't be afraid. The artillery regiment on the opposite side has been fighting against the Pu clique for four rounds, and they have been almost exhausted. That is You are a paper tiger, but if you stand up to these three axes, their whole group will be useless."

As soon as the death order was issued, the first and second battalions, whose impact speed had slowed down, speeded up again and pushed forward despite the fierce bombing from the enemy's 325th Armored Division artillery regiment.

The distance of two kilometers is originally just one step away for mechanized combat units. However, the road conditions in the field were really bad. The troops moved forward tentatively and could avoid some deep pits and sunken areas. However, after the impact, there was no time to arrange any more road exploration vehicles. There were many unlucky military cross-country, The armed pickup trucks were all stuck in the pothole area.

The opponent's artillery fire lasted for nearly ten minutes. After spending nearly half of their combat personnel, the two forward sharp knife battalions finally reached the enemy's outermost defense zone.

"Da da da da...!"

The counterattack machine guns began to explode, and the peripheral mortars and light artillery also reached the range where they could effectively attack, and began to concentrate their firepower to counterattack.


The sound of the charge sounded, and the two remaining battalions rushed towards each other's defensive positions and started close combat with each other.

"Charge, charge with me, disrupt the opponent's defensive position. Don't shoot from the outside, put them all in the trenches for me, and fill them with people. You have to fill the trenches for me!" a battalion commander yelled hysterically. .


An off-road vehicle broke out of the snow shell, rushed to the outside of the enemy's trench, and broke through the defensive position made of sandbags.


Xu Liang took a rifle with a military spike in it, stepped on the car door and jumped out.


The gun head was downward, and the soldiers in the trench who were about to raise their guns to fight back were stabbed directly.

"What the fuck, I'll let you kill the prisoners of war!" Xu Liang shouted with his eyes wide open: "We have all the regiment, and we won't accept any surrender. Each company will fight, and I'll scatter them in all directions and tear apart their defense zone! "

In the Pu Department's forward operations command room, Commander Wu Minsu looked at the enemy defense area that was once again in chaos with a telescope, and said with some surprise: "Damn it, where did this unit come from?"

"It should be the Sichuan troops coming out of the river mouth."

"That's not right. The headquarters of the First Independent Division didn't say that any combat troops were going to attack Fuyang?!" the chief of staff replied in confusion.

"Commander-in-Chief, the commander is here."

Just then, an officer rushed inside to report.

Two minutes later, Pu Xiazi walked into the room, pointed at the door and shouted: "The troops from the Sichuan government have already reached Fuyang, and you are still here watching the show?! The fighter plane disappeared in a flash, and immediately ordered all troops on the front Troops, attack Fuyang, now! I will take command personally!"

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