District 9

Chapter 1931 Three battlefields, several regiments fighting against each other

At around 7 o'clock in the evening, Jiang Hanshan spoke to Jin Shengnan, the commander of the Northeast Theater Command of the 5th Region, at the headquarters of the 325th Armored Division: "Commander, I have received a report from the forward reconnaissance unit. Two divisions from the Northwest Advance Army have reported to Fu At the same time, the 57th Army of the Pu Corps has also moved towards the Naypyidaw area, preparing to block the main force in the southern theater that is reinforcing our side. Then the battle situation has become clear. There will be three main battlefields in this Corps battle: The first battlefield will be fought around the center of the Fuyang area, and the main opponent will be the remaining corps of the Pu clique except the 57th Army. The second battlefield will be fought in the north direction of Fuyang, and the main opponent will be the two combat divisions of the Gu clique. The third battlefield is in the Naypyidaw area, and the opponents are the combat troops of the Sichuan Independent First Division coming out from the river mouth and the 57th Army of the Pu Department."

"Keep talking." Jin Shengnan replied.

"My idea is that the southern theater in the Naypyidaw area will hold back the 57th Army of the Pu faction and the main force of the Sichuan government, turning this place into a secondary blocking battlefield. And the troops in the Fuyang area, our forward troops in the northeast theater, will be divided into Send out 30,000 troops to collide with the two divisions sent by the Gu clan on the north side of Fuyang." Jiang Hanshan replied clearly: "But this is not our main battlefield, and the real strategic purpose of this battle is Three Peaks Mountain.”

"Sanfeng Mountain?" Jin Shengnan frowned.

"Yes, the Gu Department has sent two divisions, so their strength on the Sanfeng Mountain battlefield will be reduced. At this moment, our 60,000 follow-up troops in the Northeast Theater, in conjunction with the air force, will launch a fierce attack on Sanfeng Mountain, and we will definitely win a complete victory. situation." Jiang Hanshan responded with a serious face: "Sichuan Mansion and Pu Clan are all miscellaneous military forces, and their combat capabilities are the weakest. So as long as they can penetrate Sanfeng Mountain and defeat the main force of Gu Clan, it means This war will end with our complete victory. Therefore, Gu Yan's splitting of troops to attack the Fuyang area is an extremely stupid tactical command... As long as Sanfeng Mountain is captured, our 60,000 troops in the Northeast Theater can move all the way southward. , in the Fuyang area and with our troops, they attacked the two divisions of the Gu Department from both inside and outside, and completed the rendezvous of the regiments here. At that time, the Pu Department will inevitably withdraw its troops to protect Menghan, and our hundreds of thousands of troops will not need two divisions. The sky can reach the mouth of the river."

After hearing this, Jin Shengnan frowned and asked: "Your three tank regiments and one infantry regiment are currently in the Naypyitaw area. If I order the 30,000 troops of the frontline troops to go to the north of the Fuyang area to block the Gu clan's With two divisions, can you block the U-type attack?"

"You only need to order the 326th Division to leave three regiments in the Fuyang area to protect the headquarters of my 325th Division. I will definitely win this defensive battle." Jiang Hanshan replied proudly: "In this battle between the regiments, Pu The department's determination to fight is not firm. The more than 20,000 main troops of the 56th Army were defeated by us in less than two days. Their morale has dropped to the extreme. Their soldiers and officers do not think this is a This is a meaningful war. Commander, please approve my battle plan. This battle will surely go down in history as our complete victory."

"Major General Jiang Hanshan, I officially order you to lead the rest of your troops to defend the Fuyang area. Before our main force joins you, you must not attack rashly. You only need to defend and attract the main force of the Pu faction." Jin Shengnan made a decision.

"Yes, Commander!"

"Good luck!"

After saying that, the two ended the call.

Five minutes later, the back-up troops of the Northeast Theater, entrenched near Sanfeng Mountain, received orders from Jin Shengnan. These 60,000 people would launch a general attack on Gu's northwest advance army.

At the same time, the Fifth Region Air Force Command is also preparing to use the forces of the two air force bases to launch a decisive air strike on Sanfeng Mountain.

Late at night, 11 o'clock.

In Naypyidaw, on the north side of Fuyang, and in the center of Fuyang, regimental wars broke out almost simultaneously.

Xun Chengwei's 121st Mixed Brigade of the Sichuan First Independent Division and Ou Xiaobin's 122nd Brigade have killed Jiang Hanshan's three tank regiments and an infantry regiment outside Naypyitaw. Almost all of Pu's 57th Army were dispatched to attack the main forces in the southern theater who wanted to reinforce the Fuyang area.

As soon as the war started, the battle line stretched for nearly a hundred kilometers, but Qin Yu still received no report from Xiaobai's department in the Hekou area, and there was no feedback on their combat information from the frontal battlefield.

Inside the division headquarters, Qin Yu pointed at the sand table and shouted: "Where is Xiaobai's 191st Brigade? Damn it, where did this bastard lead the troops to me? How did he disappear?"

"Their brigade set out from Hekou Port, and its marching speed must be slower than that of the 121st and 122nd brigades." The staff officer immediately replied: "The division headquarters just received the march report from them. It is estimated that the troops are still on the way."

Qin Yu lowered his head and glanced at his watch, and immediately cursed: "That bullshit is still on the way. Six hours have passed from five o'clock in the afternoon to now. If the 191st Brigade advances normally, it will not be able to reach the Naypyidaw area now. Then There must be their shadow on the battlefield. The forward reconnaissance unit will not be able to send back any combat feedback. I think Xiaobai is a bitch. If the trouble is bad, it is because he did not follow the path. Contact him immediately and let him personally Call me back.”

"Yes!" The staff officer nodded.

"Reporting to the division commander, the 121st Brigade has sent back a battle report. They have defeated the two tank regiments of the enemy's 325th Division head-on. They are continuing to advance and are preparing to attack the main force of the opponent's southern theater with the 57th Army of the Pu Department." The communications officer came over and said.

"Lao Xun is still stable. He has been keeping an eye on those three regiments, and his results are not unexpected." Qin Yu thought for a while and replied: "Order the 122nd Brigade to advance close to Xun Chengwei and the others, and fight forward as a group for me. We can’t always let others do the dirty work.”


Inside the artificial air raid shelter at the Sanfeng Mountain position.

Gu Yan and a series of senior generals were hiding in the fortress tunnel, listening to the dense explosions above their heads.

The explosion shook the ground, and dust billowed in the tunnel, making the generals miserable.

Gu Yan bent over and stood at the entrance of the cave, looking through the skylight of the tunnel and looking overhead with a telescope. He saw dense bombers in the sky and enemy fighter planes passing by.

"Damn it, the post-order troops in the Northeast Theater are like having sex. Not to mention the full counterattack, the Air Force can still cooperate so actively." A staff officer wiped the dust from his face and cursed: " Now that the war has started, why do I feel that the Fuyang area is no longer the main battlefield?"

Gu Yan licked his chapped lips, turned around and shouted: "Where are the two combat divisions Teng and Xiao? Have you engaged the enemy?"

"We have already engaged the enemy." The chief of staff immediately replied: "But we were blocked by nearly 30,000 troops from the frontline troops of the Northeast Theater Zone of Region 5. We have just exchanged fire and there is no feedback on the specific combat situation."

"Contact Mr. Teng and Mr. Xiao immediately and tell them to fight me in the Fuyang area at all costs." Gu Yan said solemnly: "Ask them to eat Jiang Hanshan for me before dawn. What Lao Zhang said just now That's right, the main battlefield is not in Fuyang, but in our Sanfeng Mountain. The stubborn Jin Shengnan is very evil, and Jiang Hanshan is very hateful. It is an illusion to want to fight a decisive battle in the Fuyang area. Their real purpose should be to take advantage of our division of troops. At this moment of attacking Fuyang, take down Sanfeng Mountain."

"Then our main force launched the Sanfeng Mountain Defense Area, isn't it...?"

"Yes, order all the main forces pushed out to withdraw. We have to defend." Gu Yan made an immediate decision.

Fuyang area.

Except for the 57th Army of the Pu Department, the remaining combat troops are frantically attacking the remaining troops led by Jiang Hanshan.

Just as the battle became clearer and clearer, a disruptor appeared with troops.

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