District 9

Chapter 1927 The brutal first battle

The 121st Mixed Brigade is the absolute elite of the Sichuan Independent First Division. Before the officers from the Eighth District returned from their studies, Qin Yu spent a lot of money on this combat unit, pulling his combat power to that of Daya. One level of the 1st Field Brigade.

And Xun Chengwei did not live up to Qin Yu's high expectations. In this counterattack position battle, the 121st Brigade, with a full strength of 6,000 men, defeated the enemy's three tank regiments. Based on its geographical advantages, it pinned the opponent. At the mouth of a mountain range, slow down the effect of the enemy tank regiment, and then let the infantry regiment launch an attack on the enemy's infantry coordinated combat unit.

The battle lasted from around nine o'clock in the evening until three o'clock in the morning.

The enemy's three tank regiments launched a total of six group charges, but each time the infantry units operating in coordination were torn apart and defeated by the 121st Brigade.

In modern combat, tank regiments can indeed effectively impact military defense areas, especially on plains. The impact of this combat unit may not be as powerful as that of one tank regiment among five infantry regiments. But everything has its pros and cons. There is no doubt about the impact of the tank regiment, but its ability to grab points and destroy defense zones is very weak because it is known for being cumbersome and slow. After the tanks break through the defense zone, a large number of infantry coordination units are needed to seize points, destroy the contents of the defense zone, and drive and strangle the defeated troops. Therefore, once the infantry coordination units are defeated and the tank regiments attack, there is no way to deal with the scattered enemy soldiers. To effectively strangle, you can only punch or push forward.

But there is a key point in this battle, that is, the 325th Armored Division, which started from the battlefield in the direction of Naypyidaw, suddenly penetrated diagonally towards the river mouth area. The tactical goal was only to penetrate the first line of defense of the 121st Brigade, rather than continue to advance. Because moving forward means that their attack line will be extended. When they penetrate deep into the hinterland of the First Independent Division, it is very likely that these three regiments will be attacked in an instant.

In fact, Qin Yu was indeed ordering Ou Xiaobin's brigade and Daya's brigade, waiting for orders. As long as Xun Chengwei's side can no longer withstand it and withdraws, the remaining two brigades will directly close the door and fight the dogs in the river mouth area, taking advantage of the opponent's disadvantage of being busy and stretching the line too long to eat these three regiments alive.

Therefore, although the 121st Brigade suffered heavy losses at this moment, Xun Chengwei understood the key points of the opponent's tactics. He knows that human flesh cannot collide with a tank, so he just grabs the opponent's infantry coordination unit and fucks it hard, making you unable to stand even after entering the defense zone.

In this way, the battle damage will be very high, but it can temporarily resist the intention of the three tank regiments to advance.

At about three o'clock in the morning, the 57th Army of the Pu Department was dispatched, replacing the 56th Army that had been crippled, and began to engage the enemy's combat troops in the fifth district head-on.

Pu Xiazi's move relieved Xun Chengwei's pressure a lot.

In the combat command room of the 325th Armored Division, the Chief of General Staff reported to Jiang Hanshan: "On the frontal battlefield, the 57th Army of the Pu Department has come up. The attack speed of our frontline troops and brother troops has slowed down. On the battlefield in the direction of the river mouth, three tanks The regiment's attack was not going very smoothly. The opponent's 121st Brigade, using the mountainous terrain outside the river mouth as cover, has been attacking our infantry coordination unit... My suggestion is not to continue to struggle here, because the theater headquarters , No order has been issued to attack the river mouth yet... The brother troops will not support and will continue to be consumed. As long as the Pu Department sends an additional brigade down, the situation of the three tank regiments will be very dangerous. "

Jiang Hanshan looked at the sand table in the direction of the river mouth with a gloomy face. He already knew in his heart that his command was too radical, but he still did not admit his mistake on his face. He only said lightly: "The 121st Brigade is executing a cowardly command plan. They don't want to Dare to have a head-on collision with our tank regiment, and only use the guerrilla warfare method of a hundred years ago to fight our infantry... I want to delay. Forget it, this attack has already served the purpose of testing, and the report of this battle will be passed on. To the theater headquarters. Order the three tank regiments at the front to retreat first and set up camp at a point that ensures they will not be attacked by Pu forces to prepare for the next attack."

"Yes!" the chief of staff nodded and responded: "Oh, yes, the infantry unit behind our tank regiment captured about seventy or eighty injured and captured enemy soldiers. Do you think this...?"

"My tank cannot accommodate these cowardly prisoners of war." Jiang Hanshan waved his hand directly: "If you don't admit surrender, all of them will be executed."

The battlefield outside the river mouth.

The 121st Brigade lost nearly 1,500 men in this battle. More than 1,000 of them were seriously injured on the charge, while the rest died on the battlefield. As for officers, a battalion commander of the 121st Brigade died. While Xue was commanding the troops in the trench, he was hit in the abdomen by a stray shrapnel and was seriously injured. He was pulled directly off the front line and went to a field hospital.

Inside the trenches.

Xun Chengwei sat on the snow, lit a cigarette with his burnt cheeks, brought his trembling palm to his mouth, and took a deep breath.

The chief of staff ran over, holding military communication equipment and said: "Division headquarters phone number."

Xun Chengwei lowered his head and spit, put the phone on his lap and shouted: "Sir!"

"How is it going?"

"The battle losses are being calculated, and the current battle loss is more than 1,500." Xun Chengwei reported truthfully: "The battalion commander of the third regiment died, and Lao Xue... was also seriously injured."

Qin Yu gritted his teeth: "This battle will be hard on you."

"As long as the defense zone is not penetrated, I will have the nerve to answer your call." Xun Chengwei lowered his head and replied.

"Reorganize the defense area immediately and wait for orders."

"Yes!" Xun Chengwei replied.

Half an hour later, Xun Chengwei was in the temporary camp, rearranging the defense area, when a regiment commander suddenly walked in: "Brigadier Commander, our reconnaissance company discovered... while searching the enemy's withdrawal route."

"What did you find?" Xun Chengwei raised his head and asked.

"All of our captured personnel were killed and thrown into the wasteland, seventy-eight of them." The regiment leader bowed his head and replied.

Xun Chengwei was stunned.

At about four o'clock in the morning, the truck pulled the slain prisoners of war back to the defense zone.

Xun Chengwei stood on the road with his fists clenched and cursed through gritted teeth: "CNM, continue to reorganize the defense area. Everyone, keep your ears open and wait for the order to counterattack!"

Inside the enemy's 325th Armored Division, Jiang Hanshan held the phone and whispered: "Yes, General, we launched a tentative charge into the river mouth area. The enemy's resistance attitude is more determined than we imagined. Although the commander of the 121st Brigade He is a coward, but he is very good at positional warfare and guerrilla warfare... My personal suggestion is that to attack the river mouth, you must carry out a regiment-style charge... or you can lure the enemy to move first."

"How to lure the enemy to move first?" Commander Jin Shengnan asked.

In the Hekou camp, after Qin Yu answered Gu Yan's call, he immediately ordered: "Tell Daya to ask him to be ready at all times. I just discussed with Gu Yan that we may have to start early..."

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