District 9

Chapter 1917 Forcing the Feng Family

District 9, Fengbei.

Commander-in-Chief He was sitting in his office, looking at the military intelligence coming back from the front line, and asked Shen Wanzhou softly: "Old Shen, what do you think of the battle in the Old Triangle area?"

"In District 8, Sichuan's troops have suffered a temporary setback, but it will not affect Gu Tai'an's determination to take over Yandao." Shen Wanzhou intervened and replied: "It is inevitable to increase the number of troops."

"Who's going?"

"Keep an eye on our Lin Yaozong." Shen Wanzhou replied without thinking.

Commander He pondered for a while: "What do you think Gu Tai'an has in mind about District 9?"

"Since the war between the Gu Clan and the Tang and Zhang Clan, the Eight Districts have been at war over the years." Shen Wanzhou said in a low voice: "The people can't stand it, and the finances can't stand it... The Gu Clan and Sichuan Mansion are already struggling to survive on the Salt Island. In recent years, this is the strongest blow that can be struck. If the reactionary forces led by Old Zhou and Old Wu in District 9 do not achieve a certain favorable situation, Gu Tai'an should be too lazy to deal with them. "

Commander-in-Chief He fell silent.

"If I, even if I want to support one force and unify the region, I would first support the Chen clique." Shen Wanzhou continued: "The Chen clique has a strong voice in the seventh district and already accounts for half of the country. Supporting Chen Zhongren to come to power is not as good as Why should Lao Zhou be so idealistic?! Lao Yiyi didn't support Gu Xi at the critical moment, and he doesn't have a strong voice. The cost for Gu Tai'an to raise him is too high, and it's also unwise."

Commander-in-Chief He nodded upon hearing this.

"The only factor that can make Gu Tai'an enter the market now is just because the ninth district started to make trouble first. If he doesn't protect the market, we may have to unify, so this matter has some sense of urgency for him." Shen Wanzhou is very wise. Di analyzed: "But the war in the old triangle area is tight, and he probably doesn't have much energy to focus on the ninth district... So, we can move."

Commander-in-Chief He stood up after hearing the sound, walked into the house with his hands behind his back and said: "Civil war is not what I want. I hope the issue of rights ownership can be resolved peacefully."

"Yes." Shen Wanzhou nodded.

"You call Sha Zhongwei's troops," Commander-in-Chief He said after thinking for a long time: "Ask him to disarm Zheng Kaijun's camp in the city and search the camp area. Let's see the reactions of all parties."

"Okay!" Shen Wanzhou stood up.

At night, after 11 o'clock.

At the pass on the north side of Songjiang in District 9, three battalions of troops were assembled in the compound where Sha Zhongwei's troops were temporarily stationed.

"The target is Jiangnan District, outside the enemy's 2nd Battalion camp. Let's go!" After rushing out of the main building, the regiment leader waved his hand and shouted.

Upon hearing the sound, the officer immediately called his soldiers to get into the military vehicle and slowly left the compound.

It's past 12 o'clock.

In the armament factory camp where the 2nd Battalion of Jiangnan District is located, the 2nd Battalion Commander held military communication equipment and said quickly: "Yes, Commander, Sha Zhongwei sent three battalions to surround us. On the periphery, there is currently no action.”

"Understood. If they take action, you can open fire." The regiment leader gave the order.

"Understood!" the 2nd Battalion Commander immediately replied.

The two ended the call, and a company commander from the battalion rushed into the room. After saluting, he said to the 2nd Battalion Commander: "Commander of the 175th Regiment, I request to talk to you."

The 2nd Battalion Commander thought for a long time and replied expressionlessly: "Inform all companies to prepare for battle, and...hide the military intelligence personnel who returned from No. 198 so that the other party cannot find them."


After saying that, the 2nd Battalion Commander straightened his clothes, led the guard soldiers, and left the bungalow quickly.

Five minutes later, at the main entrance of the compound, the commander of the 2nd Battalion looked at the machine guns and mortar positions that had been set up around him, as well as the soldiers of the Sand Regiment who were waiting in full formation. He immediately smiled and said to the commander of the 175th Regiment: "What's going on? Ah, such a big formation?!"

"Let's not talk nonsense." The leader of 175 stepped forward and said with his hands behind his back: "You intercepted the company of the municipal garrison on Central Avenue for no reason, and even opened fire. Son, the General Administration is having trouble getting through it, and has ordered our troops to come over and carry out armed control on you. You hand over your guns, and we will go in and search, and we will be safe."

The 2nd Battalion Commander blinked: "You don't even give us a chance to appeal. Are you going to make us hand over our guns?"

"If you don't want to hand it over, try it." The leader of the 175th Regiment replied expressionlessly.

The 2nd Battalion Commander pondered for a long time, then immediately nodded and replied: "Okay, then I will order the troops to hand over their guns."

The leader of the 175th Regiment stood still.

The 2nd Battalion Commander turned around and walked towards the compound, suddenly raised his right arm and shouted: "Everyone is on full combat readiness. Whoever dares to rush in will be punished by me!"


The soldiers behind the military bunker in the courtyard immediately set up their machine guns and took action.

"Do you think I'm scaring you?" The leader of the 175th Regiment took out his gun and pulled the trigger: "Get ready to fire!!!"

In Songjiang, outside the southern pass, a division of Zheng Kaijun suddenly assembled on a large scale without an order from the military commander-in-chief to mobilize. A tank company and an infantry regiment arrived at the gate of the southern pass.

In the military headquarters, Zheng Kai directly dialed Sha Zhongwei's phone number.


"We have something to talk about. If you dare to touch my battalion in the city, I will immediately bombard the South Pass and let the troops attack directly." Zheng Kai said very directly.

"Old Zheng, are you determined to jump off the building with that empty commander?" Sha Zhongwei asked coldly.

"Sha Zhongwei, as long as a gun is fired in the city, if I can't capture your division within three hours, I, Zheng Kai, have been the commander of the army for so many years." Zheng Kai said succinctly: "You decide for yourself Let’s do it!”

After saying that, Zheng Kai hung up the phone directly.

Sha Zhongwei frowned and took a deep breath of cigarette: "This mad dog is really intolerable!"

"Fight or not, division commander?" asked the staff officer next to him.

Fengbei, inside the Feng Family Villa.

The old man of the Feng family sat on the sofa, looked at Feng Ji and asked, "Do you really want to open fire?"

"Xiao Nian sent people from the police station to Jiangnan District. The two gangs are already facing each other and may open fire at any time." Feng Ji replied softly.

The old man from the Feng family was silent for a while and asked: "...Why do you think the conflict revolves around Songjiang?"

When Feng Ji heard this, he replied almost without thinking: "The World War II Zone and the General Administration want to force us to make a clear stance."

"Yes, they are forcing us." The old man of the Feng family stood up slowly, leaning on a cane and said, "Let your troops enter Songjiang and mediate."

"Mediation may seem moderate, but it is actually a statement. Now the World War II zone is at a disadvantage." Feng Ji stood up and replied.

"...That's it, go ahead." The old man from the Feng family replied calmly.

The old triangle area, outside the Hekou Port.

Daya stepped into the division headquarters and said softly to Qin Yu: "... Even if the forestry department in the eighth district enters the battlefield, it will take time! Division Commander... our situation is very dangerous."

Qin Yu also cursed in annoyance: "Well, although the Pu system is a bit soft, you can't fucking blame them. After all, taking Yandao is something that is beneficial to us. There is no reason for them to risk their lives?!"

Da Ya was silent for a moment: "I have another idea, which is also very risky..."

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