District 9

Chapter 1904 Undercurrent

Fengbei, in the office of the director of the Military Supervision Bureau headquarters.

"Dip Lingling!"

The phone rang for a while. Director Wu sat on the chair, opened the drawer, took out the phone from inside and pressed the answer button: "Hello?"

"Secretary, something happened in Songjiang."

"What's going on?" Director Wu asked calmly.

"...Your daughter-in-law was arrested. It was Lu Jia's birthday party that Yang Cheng led." The middle-aged man on the phone narrated in a calm tone: "The direct regiment dispatched by the municipal government sent out a company to help Yang Cheng support the scene. .”

Director Wu sat on his chair, paused for a few seconds and asked: "Is it Deng Jun's case?"

"Yes." The middle-aged man nodded: "If Yang Cheng dares to move, he should have something in his hands."

Director Wu stood up slowly and walked around the room twice before saying: "Arrange the people in Songjiang to start a riot in advance, but it must be reasonable. In an hour, I will ask Secretary Wen to give you something, and he will tell you what to do. .”

"Yes, seat." The middle-aged man replied.

"that's all."

After saying that, the two ended the call.

Director Wu walked to the window and after thinking for a while, he dialed Commander Zhou's number.


"Gu Yan's northwest advance army just had a small-scale friction with the troops in District 5 outside the line, and something broke out here in District 9." Bureau Wu said calmly: "We don't have much time, we can't let the other side cut our flesh slowly with a knife. , frequent temptations, we have to be the first to act.”

Commander Zhou pondered for a long time: "Are you in Songjiang?"

"Yes, make some noise," Director Wu nodded: "Look at the direction of the neutral faction."

"You code the cards, I will give you military support." Commander Zhou replied briefly.

"Okay." Bureau Wu nodded.

"that's all."

After that, the two ended the call. Director Wu called Secretary Wen, whispered a few words to him, and quickly left the Military Supervision Bureau headquarters.

A few minutes later, in the lobby on the first floor, Director Wu walked forward quickly, holding the phone and saying: "Don't cause trouble, go back to Fengbei immediately."

"Dad, Xiaolin was caught, Yang Cheng must...!" Wu Di wanted to refute in a somewhat excited voice.

Director Wu still replied calmly: "I know everything you want to say. Stop talking nonsense and return to Fengbei quickly. I will arrange the rest."

The political situation in Songjiang is relatively complicated, because it is the only city in the ninth district where the military is currently in power, so there is a garrison directly under the municipal department.

When Yang Cheng captured Ye Lin, he got the support of the garrison, so he just dared to brazenly barge into Lu Jia's birthday party and take her away with confidence.

After Yang Cheng and other members of the Military Secret Investigation Bureau left the birthday party, they were escorted by the garrison and returned to their current office location in Songjiang, Compound No. 198.

In the main building of the single-family compound, Yang Cheng washed his face, sat on a chair and dialed Zhang Jiang's number.

"Hey, did you take it back?"

"Bring it back." Yang Cheng nodded and said: "Ye Lin must have been locked up, and there is no chance of her coming back, but those bastards in the World War II area are more rational than I thought... I was at the birthday party He kept provoking Wu Di with words and wanted him to shoot...but he was stopped."

"Can I meet Wu Di through Ye Lin?" Zhang Jiang asked.

"It's difficult under normal circumstances," Yang Cheng replied with a smile: "But Ye Lin is pregnant, I can use this to force Wu Di to submit. Besides, to say the least, Ye Lin is Wu Di's wife, she directly planned He participated in the shooting of Changji Station Director, and the evidence is conclusive, so Wu Di cannot stay out of the matter. According to normal procedures, Wu Di will also be monitored and controlled."

"Yeah." Zhang Jiang nodded.

"Don't be anxious, Zhang Ju." Yang Cheng said clearly: "I will first let these gunmen identify Ye Lin and lay out all the supporting evidence. Next, I will prepare to summon Wu Di according to the normal process. Detain him and force him. If he wants to protect Ye Lin, he must take the matter on himself."

"This idea is okay." Zhang Jiang said with satisfaction: "I'll leave it to you to take care of Songjiang. When the battle starts on the front line, the superiors will use thunderous means to resolve the internal conflicts in the nine districts at once... The Wu family and the Zhou clique are about to fall. The day is not far away.”

"I promise to complete the mission." Yang Cheng said with a smile.

Compound No. 198, where the Military Secret Investigation Bureau is located, is similar in nature to No. 57 in District 5, but its scale is much smaller than No. 57. Because after all, it is just an "internal struggle" organization specifically targeting the Wu family, Zhou clan, and the forces in the World War II zone.

There are about a hundred staff members in Compound No. 198. They were all transferred by Yang Cheng from his old unit. They are very loyal and can handle things quickly. In addition, the garrison regiment directly under the municipal government also has two companies here, one is responsible for the security of the compound, and the other is also for Yang Cheng's deployment.

After all, Songjiang is not another place. It is the place of Longxing where Tiancheng started his business. Although Tiancheng has all withdrawn to Sichuan, some of the previous relationships are still there. Yang Cheng wants to compete with the Wu family, Ma Laoer and others in the ring, and it will definitely not be possible if there are few manpower.

Yang Cheng was in the office. After making a phone call with Zhang Jiang, he went to the basement of the main building and met Ye Lin in the detention room.

"Why don't you say nothing?" Yang Cheng asked the interrogator with his hands behind his back.

"Yes, don't say a word." The military intelligence officer in charge of the interrogation stood up and replied.

"If you don't want to say it, then there's no need to say it." Yang Cheng looked at Ye Lin with a smile: "Call the gunmen over, identify her, and record the whole process on video."

"Okay." The military intelligence officer nodded.

"Do you think I can't do anything to you if you don't tell or admit it?" Yang Cheng pointed at Ye Lin and said, "Don't be anxious, I will play with you slowly."

Ye Lin raised her head and glanced at him, but said nothing.

Songjiang, South Pass.

Twenty military trucks and a dozen military off-road vehicles stopped in front of the gate. A soldier with the rank of battalion commander jumped out of the car and walked into the checkpoint.

"What's going on? Why are there so many people in your army?" The officer at the pass checkpoint obviously knew the other battalion commander and stood up to ask.

The battalion commander took out the formalities from his pocket, handed them to the other party and said, "Our battalion is going to pick up the military supplies."

"How many people are there? Is it excessive?" the officer asked as he looked at the procedures.

"It's not over the standard. He happens to be a soldier from the same battalion." The battalion commander stepped aside and said, "You can take a look."

"Let's go and have a look." The officer took the formalities and walked out of the checkpoint with the other party.

In peacetime, when combat troops want to enter the city, there are strict requirements for the procedures and the number of people entering the city. What's more, in this day and age, with the war in chaos, it is impossible for the garrison troops to easily bring in large-scale troops. Moreover, the upper levels of District 9 also formulated regulations in the past few years. Except in wartime conditions, any troops entering the city can only have a maximum of one battalion.

The higher-ups may have been more or less influenced by the Tiancheng Group in enacting such regulations. After all, it was Qin Laohei who took advantage of this loophole to lure the World War II zone into Songjiang, so the higher-ups somewhat shadowed this matter.

The officer took the formalities and carefully inspected the military vehicles. When he saw that the weapons and equipment they carried and the number of people they carried were in compliance with the requirements, they stamped and let them go.

Five minutes later, the troops entered the customs with formal procedures.

at the same time.

In Fengbei, in the Feng Family Villa, an old man was leaning on crutches and was preparing to go upstairs to rest.

"Dad, something happened in Songjiang."

"What's the matter?" The old man turned around and asked.

"Old Wu's daughter-in-law was arrested." The middle-aged man downstairs replied.

"Alas." The old man sighed: "The fighting on the front line just started, and it won't stop..."

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