District 9

Chapter 1891 Being fucked

The next day, early in the morning.

Xiang Zehao received a call from the Military General Administration Headquarters and asked him to rush over for a meeting.


In the conference room of the General Administration Building of the Military Department, the Chief of General Staff made sharp criticisms of the Self-Defense Forces' private mobilization of troops to attack Base 109 and the Self-Defense Forces' firing on Liberal Party troops without any report.

During the meeting, Xiang Zehao sat on the left, with his hands intertwined and his head raised, saying nothing.

"I hope the military generals of the Self-Defense Forces can understand that every soldier and every officer under your command is the military defense force of District 9, not your private property!" the chief of general staff said seriously: "You don't have No one has the right to mobilize troops to satisfy their own emotions. This is extremely childish and irresponsible behavior and should be severely punished."

Xiang Zehao looked at him expressionlessly and still said nothing.

"Read the punishment decision." The chief of general staff held the document and said concisely: "Xiang Zehao, commander of the Self-Defense Army, privately mobilized troops to carry out military activities due to personal emotions... was resigned from the post of commander and went to Study at the Political Department of the Headquarters. The commander of the Self-Defense Forces is temporarily appointed by Zhan Zhengchong..."

After the Chief of General Staff read out the punishment decision of the headquarters, the scene was silent. Ten generals of the Self-Defense Army were raped and were sent to the Political Department to study.

"Comrade Xiang Zehao, do you have any objections to this punishment?" the General Staff asked.

"No objection." Xiang Zehao replied calmly.

"What do you think of the notice from the Party, Government and Military Organization Department?" the General Staff turned around and asked again.

The head of the Organization Department glanced at Xiang Zehao and said expressionlessly: "Our Organization Department has no objection."

"The meeting is adjourned!" the General Staff announced the end of the meeting.

Xiang Zehao stood up after hearing the sound, took the generals of the Self-Defense Army, and walked outside.

"Xiao Xiang, let's chat." Shen Wanzhou called out with his hands behind his back.

Xiang Zehao glanced at the other party and walked over: "Do you have any instructions, Commander Shen?"

The entourage nearby dispersed, and Shen Wanzhou smiled and said to Xiang Zehao: "You also know that this decision was not made by the General Political Headquarters."

"I know." Xiang Zehao nodded.

"When things happen, the higher-ups must have an attitude." Shen Wanzhou patted Xiang Zehao on the shoulder: "You are the new leader of the party and government. Find a place to clean up for a while. When you come back, the army commander will still be yours. But in the future, you will do things , we can’t be so impulsive.”

Xiang Zehao looked at him: "Commander Shen, even if I am the regiment commander, I will order the troops to fire on Base 109. The higher-ups have punished them and they are doing things according to the rules. I have nothing to say. Haha, that's it. chant."

Seeing that Xiang Zehao didn't follow his words, Shen Wanzhou gave up the idea of ​​getting closer to him and just smiled and nodded: "Okay, that's it."

"You're busy, Commander Shen." Xiang Zehao turned and left.

"Ability cannot control temper, alas, what a pity." Shen Wanzhou looked at Xiang Zehao's back, sighed, and left with his own people.

The military commander-in-chief has no actual power over the Party and Self-Defense Forces. The Party and the military only have a nominal superior-subordinate relationship due to the cooperative relationship, but in fact the Self-Defense Forces still operate independently.

Therefore, this punishment did not come from the decision of the military general headquarters, but from the upper echelons of the party. They acquiesced, so the headquarters gave out this punishment. This was also the reason why Xiang Zehao did not refute or get angry at the meeting.

In the past, the backbone of the youth party and government led by Xiang Zehao had political and ideological conflicts with some of the old factions in power, and the two sides had deep grievances. It's just that the latter has no conflict with Xiang Zehao on the surface because he is the son of the chief executive.

But this time the Self-Defense Forces suddenly opened fire without saying hello to the upper levels of the party and government, nor notifying the military and political headquarters. Therefore, these old guys could no longer control their unhappy moods, and collectively put pressure on General Secretary Xiang. punish Xiang Zehao.

Xiang Zehao was clear about these bad intrigues, but he didn't care, and he had no regrets.

After leaving the General Administration Building of the Military Headquarters, Xiang Zehao stepped into the military vehicle.

The commander of the 125th Division sat in the co-pilot and reminded softly: "Commander, do you want to go home?"

The meaning of the teacher's words was obvious. He just wanted to make Xiang Zehao and his father submissive.

"Don't call me Army Commander," Xiang Zehao replied calmly: "If I go to the Political Department, I might become a squad leader or something."

"Commander, listen to me and don't be too stubborn." The commander of the 125th Division was single-handedly promoted by Xiang Zehao. The relationship between them was just like that between Qin Yu and Xiaobai, so they didn't talk that much. Scruples.

"I'm not stubborn," Xiang Zehao waved his hand and replied, "I just have a different view than theirs. I never thought that it was wrong for me to fire at Base 109. Then let me go home and tell him What?"

The commander of the 125th Division looked helpless and did not answer.

"...arrange a plane to go to Beifengkou." Xiang Zehao thought for a moment and said, "I want to meet Wu Tianyin."

"Okay." The commander of the 125th Division nodded.

Xiang Zehao was handed over to the army commander, but he was still busy with whatever he was supposed to do. He said he was going to be the squad leader of the training class of the Political Department, but in fact he had no intention of going.

Regarding this matter, Lao Xiang did not call his son, and the latter had no intention of contacting him.

That night.

A helicopter landed in the compound of the headquarters of the Wu Mercenary Group. Wu Tianyin, wearing a military coat, came out with a group of people, stretched out his hand to Xiang Zehao and said, "Hello, Commander Xiang."

Xiang Zehao did not shake hands with him first, but gave Wu Tianyin a standard military salute and whispered back: "Hello, Commander Wu!"

Wu Tianyin was stunned for a moment, then saluted, and then shook hands with the other party: "Let's go, please come inside!"

After saying that, the group walked towards the group building.

at the same time.

The staff department of the military and political headquarters of the seventh district took the initiative to contact the consultant department of the eighth district.

That night, Gu Yan flew to Nanhu in person and met with the chief of staff of the military and political headquarters. The two sides held secret talks on the military counterattack to the fifth district and the military reunification of Yandao.

District Nine.

Shen Fei sat in an office and whispered to several military intelligence officers: "If there's going to be a fight, District 7 should also be involved."

"What about our side?"

"The plan that was laid out two years ago can begin." Shen Fei stepped in and looked at everyone, and said slowly: "I will personally direct this incident, and no information about any link can be leaked."




Everyone nodded.

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