District 9

Chapter 1888: Leveling 109

On the outskirts of Mining Base No. 109, a regiment leader of the Self-Defense Forces shouted with military communication equipment: "Damn it, don't get entangled with the enemy defense units at the door, rush in, and cut them off in units of companies and platoons. The connection between their defensive zones quickly divides the battlefield.”

"Second Battalion Commander!"

"Here!" The second battalion commander ran over quickly.

"Did you see the high wall about 800 meters on the left?" The regiment leader pointed to the distance and said quickly: "I will use the attack cannon to break open the thick wall in a while. You can lead the people to attack from there." Go in, take a detour directly to the dormitory building where the workers are located, control the place as quickly as possible, and rescue the workers."


"If the troops don't come, we can't do anything about what happens here, but when you arrive, you must be effective." The regiment leader pointed at him and said: "If another worker is shot and killed, I will fucking punish you!"

"Promise to complete the mission!"

"Go ahead."

"Second Battalion Reconnaissance Company, follow me!" the battalion commander roared, and with more than a hundred people, he rushed towards the high wall on the left.

"Bang bang...!"

Half a minute later, the attack artillery opened fire, forcibly breaking the thick wall.


More than a hundred people from the reconnaissance company, led by the second battalion commander, broke into the dormitory building.

The war has reached this point, and the result is already very obvious.

The Self-Defense Army has two regiments of airborne troops, and coupled with the Beifengkou helicopter formation with super supply capabilities, it is completely difficult to deal with a group of combat units that mainly focus on garrison and management.

The workers were powerless to fight back in front of the troops of the fifth district who were armed to the teeth; and when the troops of the fifth district faced the self-defense forces who had an absolute advantage in strength and existed only to protect their homes and country, they were also like Like paper.

The reincarnation of heaven, the cycle of cause and effect.

Retribution comes at this moment!

The Self-Defense Forces besieged the military base from all directions, attacking more and more. The defenders in the compound gradually collapsed and shrank.

Soon, all the outer fighting areas were occupied, and the eight-story main building was also destroyed by mortars and attack artillery. The soldiers and officers who had armed themselves with guns and deprived workers of their dignity and lives broke up and roared in despair.

Inside the air raid shelter.

Li Zhixun glared and shouted unwillingly: "Defense, continue to defend, our reinforcements will be here soon!"


As soon as he finished speaking, a violent explosion occurred at the entrance of the air raid shelter, and half of the entrance collapsed, killing the soldiers guarding there.

"Swish swish!"

Smoke bombs and shock bombs were thrown in from the entrance. A large amount of smoke spread. The guarding soldiers and senior generals were blinded by the shock. After inhaling the smoke in their mouths and noses, they coughed violently.


The commander of the Self-Defense Forces ran over, stood next to the air raid shelter, bent down and shouted: "How many people are inside?"

"I don't know, but they are all high-ranking officials." the officer replied.

"Damn it!" When the leader heard this, he waved his hands and shouted with red eyes: "Bring me twenty groups of flamethrowers and press in."

Tens of seconds later.

Twenty soldiers carrying flamethrowers and wearing steel plate bulletproof suits got directly into the air raid shelter.


Flamethrowers began firing from several entrances.




Screams rang out from inside the cave. The defending soldiers, who were temporarily blinded in both eyes and deaf in both ears, could not organize an effective counterattack. They could only keep retreating and fell into the flames one after another. .

After the violent attack lasted for less than three minutes, someone in the cave started shouting crazily in broken Chinese.

"Surrender, we surrender!"

"Let us out!"


Outside the cave, a company commander who was organizing the storm in front turned back to his superior officer and asked: "Captain, they are going to shout for surrender."

"Did you hear that?" the leader asked.

"No." The company commander shook his head.

"Did you hear that?!" the regiment leader turned and shouted at the surrounding Self-Defense Forces soldiers.


Hundreds of people responded in unison.

"No, just keep hitting me!" The regiment leader pointed at the hole: "Let me go in with the machine gunner, behind the flamethrower, and continue to press hard."

Tens of seconds later, the soldiers from the machine gun squad entered the cave and fired wildly into the corridor.

In the corridor.

A large number of soldiers had given up resistance and were wailing and begging for mercy.

"You are soldiers, and sacrificing your life on the battlefield is the highest honor for a soldier." General Li shouted with his face covered in burns: "Stand up and give the enemy the final counterattack!"

The emotions of the defeated army had collapsed. There was smoke everywhere in the corridor. They had long lost their wits and could not pick up their guns and fight again.

Deep in the corridor.

Li Zhixun pointed to the upper tunnel, pulled two soldiers over and shouted: "Use your l to blow up this place and go from here."

A soldier looked at him blankly, and slumped to the ground with his right leg bloody and bloody. He slowly picked up the pistol and pointed it at his temple.

Li Zhixun was stunned.

"... Chief Li, I... we shouldn't massacre civilians... We don't even have a chance to surrender." The soldier murmured back and pulled the trigger decisively.


The gunshot rang out and the soldier fell to the ground.


Immediately after gunfire rang out in the corridor, a large number of soldiers and officers chose to commit suicide to leave this world.

An hour and a half later.

On the outside of the dormitory building, thousands of workers stood together, looking with hatred at the captured General Li, Li Zhixun and other senior officers from District Five standing in the center, as well as the civilian staff responsible for managing the base.

Xiang Zehao got off the helicopter, stepped forward quickly, and grabbed General Li's neck collar: "Kneel down to my dead compatriots!"

General Li stood upright and said expressionlessly: "War is not what I want, but I am a soldier, and I should be here. I accept the result of defeat calmly, but please give me the respect I deserve!" "

"You have no right to talk about respect with me!!" Xiang Zehao pulled out his pistol and said briefly: "Any army that fires on civilians is a shame that cannot be washed away. You are not worthy of talking to me as an equal, Even if you are a major general!"


With three gunshots, General Li's legs and knees collapsed, and he knelt on the ground with a thud, but his back remained straight.

He looked at the workers, pondered for a long time, knelt down, bowed, and said in less fluent Chinese: "I'm sorry..."


The gunshot fired, and General Lee's skull cracked and he fell to the ground.

Next to him, Li Zhixun, who participated in a series of events such as controlling the capital city and instigating rebellion against the old triangle Wu Junsheng, was trembling at the moment.

"Did you give the order to open fire and massacre the people?" Xiang Zehao asked.

Li Zhixun paused, the courage in his heart was gone: "Yes...it was an order from above."

"kill him!"

"kill him!"


All around, workers roared like a tsunami.

Xiang Zehao looked at Li Zhixun and lost interest in shooting. He just waved his hands and shouted at the workers: "Let him kneel down and die!"

"kill him!!"

Roars sounded in unison, and thousands of workers rushed over instantly. Li Zhixun and a dozen other hard-line managers were drowned in the crowd and beaten to death...

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