District 9

Chapter 1882: Fire the first shot as quickly as possible

In the ninth district, inside the self-defense army headquarters building of the party and government, Xiang Zehao walked quickly at the front of the crowd and went straight to the combat conference room.

The deputy commander, chief of staff, and more than a dozen entourages followed closely behind Xiang Zehao.

"Commander, we are now under the operational order of the Military General Administration Headquarters. Even if we want to fight, we have to say hello to the superiors." The deputy commander conscientiously persuaded: "This sudden mobilization of troops to participate in the war, even the most basic There is no communication...then the emotions of the upper level...?"

"I raised the Self-Defense Force. The purpose is to use it in combat to kill the enemy and strengthen the military strength of the ninth district. It is not specifically to take care of anyone's emotions." Xiang Zehao interrupted impatiently: "Stop talking."

The deputy commander looked at Xiang Zehao's back and hesitated to speak.

Everyone walked forward quickly and soon arrived at the combat conference room. Just as Xiang Zehao was about to step in, a middle-aged man chased him from behind: "Commander!"

Xiang Zehao turned around: "What's wrong?"

"The General Administration of the Military Department has held an emergency meeting. I have called three or four times to urge you to come and attend." The middle-aged man replied breathlessly.

Xiang Zehao paused, turned to the deputy commander who was still trying to persuade him, and said, "Go ahead, I don't have time."

The deputy commander looked embarrassed: "This...!"

"It's up to you to go." Xiang Zehao said without saying anything and walked directly into the combat conference room, waving his hand for the senior generals who had been waiting for a while to sit down.

The deputy commander sighed at the door, waved his hand and urged the adjutant: "Let's go, drive, go to the military headquarters."

The door of the combat conference room was closed, and Xiang Zehao said succinctly: "I believe you all know what happened at Jinmen Port. What is our army used for? In eight words, defend the homeland and the country, go into battle and kill. The enemy! The bombers from Area 5 passed through our defense area but were not discovered in time. This is a serious dereliction of duty. All our officers must bear certain responsibility for the tragedy and military disaster that occurred at Jinmen Port."

Everyone listened quietly, with a serious attitude.

"I declare that the Party and Government Self-Defense Forces have officially entered a state of war." Xiang Zehao stood at the head of the conference table and said succinctly: "Immediately mobilize the troops closest to Beifengkou and march across the board into the Xibo no-man's land. Operational ideas , we must first cut off the possible escape route of this military base to the Russian zone..."

"Commander, we know very little about this military base." A staff officer stood up and said, "We currently don't know where this place is."

Xiang Zehao looked at him and replied: "You don't need to worry about this, someone already knows about it."


When Qin Yu was thinking about whether to call Wu Tianyin, his cell phone suddenly rang.


"I need to know about the situation at that military base." Xiang Zehao said quickly: "The air defense units in the Eighth District and Jinmen Port had already responded before the other party attacked. This shows that they should know Some circumstances.”

Qin Yu was startled: "I know. What do you mean...?"

"The attack is over. By the time Gu's troops arrive in Xibo's no-man's land, everyone there will probably be gone." Xiang Zehao said bluntly: "If you can't reach them, then I'll do it."

Qin Yu did not expect that after Jinmen Port was attacked, apart from the Gu troops, Xiang Zehao's side would be the first to prepare for the attack.

An hour later, in the large conference room of the Ninth District Military Headquarters.

Commander-in-Chief He, Shen Wanzhou from the First War Zone, Commander Zhou from the Second World War Zone, including some core leaders from the party, government and academic factions have all gathered together at this moment.

At the head of the conference table, Commander-in-Chief He put his hands in his hands, looked at everyone with a serious face and asked: "What do you think about the attack on Tianjin Port by some military forces from the Fifth District, as well as the European Union District and the Russian Sixth District?" ?”

"Fight back." Feng Ji immediately stood up and said succinctly: "Commander-in-Chief, the sneak attack bomber passed through the defense zone of District 9. We didn't notice it in advance, so we naturally have to bear the main responsibility. Fighting is the best. Attitude."

"A fight must be fought." Shen Wanzhou frowned and said calmly: "But how to fight, what stance and military means to fight back, this is the key."

Commander Zhou wanted to express his position, but when Feng Ji stood up, he stopped talking.

"Yes." Sha Zhongwei also said softly: "As far as I know, this military base in the Xibo District has the shadow of some military and political forces in the Sixth Russian District. Entering to fight there will easily provoke us and the Sixth District. military conflicts between regions.”

"What about your suggestion?" Commander-in-Chief He asked Sha Zhongwei.

"My personal thought is that the Tianjin Port has suffered such a heavy blow. This is a common disaster for the three regions. Any of our active-duty soldiers should have the determination to take up a gun to defend the rights and interests of the local people." Sha Zhongwei said with a serious face. Said: "But objectively speaking, if Jinmen Port is within the management scope of the Eighth District, if we want to fight, they should be the main force. We will provide assistance, and the priorities in this process must be clarified... We can't do it, not ourselves." The work that should be done.”

Commander-in-Chief He nodded slowly when he heard this.

"The fight is not for the Eighth District." Commander Zhou couldn't help but say: "Although there are naval units in Jinmen Port, it is still an area to be planned. If a tragedy occurs here, the military and political units of the three districts need to take responsibility and fight back. The obligation. I personally feel that regardless of the factors and attitudes of the Eighth District, since we are close, we should start working first."

"Old Zhou, there is a factor involving the participation of some military and political forces in the Sixth District of Russia." Shen Wanzhou said softly: "They do not represent the attitude of the Sixth District of Russia, but if you rashly enter the no-man's land of Xibo, you will be exposed to other people's radiation If troops are gathered within a certain area, it can easily turn into military friction between regions..."

In the self-defense army's garrison territory less than 300 kilometers away from the north wind outlet, several missile d-wells have been opened.

The top military officer of the garrison in the base took military communication equipment and reported: "Report to the commander, we are ready for launch!"


Xiang Zehao ordered briefly.

Two minutes later.

"Swish swish!"

A large amount of fog rose from the well, and the three missiles instantly lifted into the air and flew directly to the No. 109 mining base to conduct a tentative attack.

At the same time, the Self-Defense Army's garrison in the north of District 9 mobilized in full force and rushed towards the Xibo No Man's Land as quickly as possible.

In the General Political Conference Room of the Military Department.

While the senior generals were having a heated debate, a staff officer walked in from the door with a slightly panicked expression.

"Report to Commander-in-Chief, Self-Defense Forces...!"

"What happened to the Self-Defense Forces?" Commander He asked.

"The Self-Defense Forces' No. 1 long-range guided missile test base near Beifengkou has opened fire on... the enemy's military base." The chief of staff said with some anxiety.

Commander-in-Chief He was stunned for a moment.

They were still considering the pros and cons, but Xiang Zehao had already done it.

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