District 9

Chapter 1879 23 minutes and 40 seconds


Qin Yu rushed out of the house in thin pajamas, holding a phone in his hand and said to Wu Tianyin: "Yes, my people ran out."

"Is it near the 109 mining area?" Wu Tianyin asked immediately.

"Yes, they ran away from the 109 mining base under the Bashkir Mining Group." Qin Yu said quickly: "I will have someone send you their phone number, and you can send someone to rescue them. .”

"No problem, my people have already paid attention to the movement of Mining Zone 109 in Xibo No Man's Land." Wu Tianyin replied: "They are very close to the target location. Give me your phone number and I will have someone pick them up."

"Okay, Brother Yin, I'll leave these people to you."

"What is the situation at this base?" Wu Tianyin asked with some confusion: "Are you sure?"

"Something big is going to happen at Jinmen Port. I won't tell you for now. I have to call Department Gu."

"Okay, let's do this first."

After the two ended the call, Qin Yu got into the military vehicle, dialed Gu Tai'an's number, and said to Xiao Sang, "Drive to the division headquarters!"

District Eight.

Gu Tai'an sat beside the bed in his pajamas and asked with a very serious face, "What's wrong?"

"Jiang Xue and the others have already run out of that military base. The other party has dispatched fifty F-22 stealth bombers and is preparing to attack our Jinmen Port." Qin Yu said with a trembling voice on the phone: "They have already set off. It took about two and a half hours, and even if they had to bypass some military defense zones in District 9, it would only take between half an hour and forty minutes at most to arrive at Tianjin Port."

After listening to Qin Yu's words, Gu Tai'an suddenly jumped up from the bed, without even putting on his shoes, and walked out of the bedroom in a daze: "Does the other party know now that our military intelligence personnel ran away from the military base?"

"I understand," Qin Yu nodded: "Our people escaped by rioting."

"Trouble, the commander of the other side will definitely urge the bomber formation to fly at maximum speed if they know someone has run away from the base. Their arrival time should be faster than we expected." Gu Tai'an rushed out of the room: "Hold the phone Hang on, please tell me the detailed information..."

"Okay." Qin Yu spoke concisely on the phone and reported to Gu Tai'an the situation that Jiang Xue, Meng Xi and others found out.

Gu Tai'an lived in a single-family building behind the headquarters, so when he was talking to Qin Yu, he had already quickly arrived at the back door of the headquarters.

The adjutant who followed Gu Tai'an had already contacted the naval headquarters in charge of the Jinmen Port Terminal immediately.

There was a naval headquarters in Region 8 before, but it was not part of the main combat sequence. Because there were no naval battles in the interior in the past few years, and the investment in building a strong navy was also quite huge. At that time, the Eighth District did not have this strength.

After Gu Tai'an officially became the governor of the Eighth District, the battle for Yandao's equity has ended, and a war in the future is a foregone conclusion. Therefore, the Eighth District's navy has rapidly risen and begun to develop crazily due to the unconditional tilt of resources from the region.

The commander of the Naval Command is called Geng Weixun, who is an absolute direct descendant of the Gu family.

Today is just the second day of the Lunar New Year. Originally, Geng Weixun could go home to spend the holiday. However, the arbitration results of Yandao have been announced. As the commander, Geng Weixun could easily foresee that the use of troops against Yandao would definitely happen in the near future. Therefore, his attitude was serious and he did not go home even during the New Year. I chose to spend the Spring Festival with the generals of the army. And he has been mobilizing troops and engineering teams to rush to build the incomplete infrastructure projects in the port, and to build various supply stations on the coastline to Salt Island according to the plan.

In the naval headquarters, Geng Weixun was wearing pajamas and slippers, running around, holding a phone and replying: "I understand, Governor, I will arrange the troops to enter a defensive state immediately."

"Geng Weixun, the other party is not a good person. You must guard the Jinmen Port for me and ensure the safety of our main fleet." Gu Tai'an roared: "At the same time, you must disperse the people near the Jinmen Naval Base as much as possible, otherwise There will be big problems.”

"Yes, I understand...!" Geng Weixun nodded repeatedly.

The two ended the call.

Gu Tai'an rushed into the conference room and saw the generals on duty who had arrived in a panic.

"Inform the air command department immediately and fly as many fighters as there are for me." Gu Tai'an pointed to the sand table and said: "The opponent's bomber formation is already very close to Tianjin Port. Give me orders to the air force to do their best. Intercept these fifty bombers outside Tianjin Port."


"All surface-to-air units near Jinmen Port are on the move. If the opponent's stealth bombers cannot be detected, then every half minute, I will launch fire interceptions on the channel where the opponent is sailing." Gu Tai'an stared at his eyes, eagerly The ground roared: "If you are blind typing, you have to knock down a few for me."


"Signal Corps, immediately send an order directly to Air Command No. 2 Airport..."

The voices of orders issued in the headquarters kept ringing, and the generals felt as if a big stone was weighing on their hearts and they couldn't breathe.

Thousands of meters high in the sky.

In the air command unit of the bomber formation, a colonel officer suddenly received a call from Base 109.

This kind of call is very abnormal, because in the plan, after the bomber formation takes off, it must maintain silent communication with the base, so that it can effectively become invisible and avoid detection by military units along the way.

The colonel officer put on the headset and immediately responded: "Roger, please give instructions!"

"How far are you from the target location?" General Li from Base 109 asked.

"We will arrive at the attack site in 23 minutes and 40 seconds." The colonel officer looked at the data on the electronic route map and told the precise time.

"The attack plan has probably been leaked," General Lee said after a pause. "I need you to move faster."

The colonel officer was startled for a moment: "Report to the commander-in-chief that we will release the fuel in the aircraft, abandon all defensive military equipment in the aircraft, reduce the weight, and use the maximum sailing speed to launch a final impact on Tianjin Port!"

"Each of your names will be recorded in history." General Li replied calmly.

The colonel officer said with a serious face: "All members of the New Year's Plan are ready to sacrifice!"

One minute later.

The colonel officer held the communication equipment and shouted: "Everyone pay attention, immediately release all the return fuel in the aircraft, remove the B50-1 cannon, spare ammunition Y, T-2 interceptor nitrogen...all out of the aircraft body, and carry out comprehensive weight reduction."




After hearing the order, the remaining bombers released fuel without hesitation and automatically stripped off all defensive equipment.

Tens of seconds later, the bomber formation reached its maximum sailing speed and rushed towards Tianjin Port like an arrow from a string.

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