District 9

Chapter 1865 A secret

The turmoil in the tunnel lasted less than four minutes and ended completely. A company of guard soldiers rode a rail car to the scene of the incident and used crushing weapons and equipment to end the conflict.

Two officers and six workers were killed at the site, and more than a dozen people were injured. In addition, the collapse site also caused a secondary collapse due to the continuous firing of the soldiers. Countless gravels stuck at the entrance of the lower tunnel were photographed one after another. Go down. Fortunately, the tunnels that have been opened are very strong and no abnormalities have occurred.

After the soldiers who arrived took control of the scene, the workers were all escorted away from the incident area. Meng Xi and others, including those who did not take action, followed suit and suffered a lot of beatings and scoldings along the way.

Due to landslides and disturbances, work in the No. 2 construction area ended early, and all workers were called back to their dormitories to sit and wait.

On the top floor of the accommodation building, dozens of workers were separated into small dark rooms, with two or three soldiers guarding each door.

Meng Xi sat in the extremely narrow closed room, smelling the damp smell, and still recalling the scene he saw in the tunnel in his mind.

The collapse must have been an accident, and Lao Qiao and others' secretly taking the guns must have been a temporary act. But why were the workers so united?

Why did you suddenly resist?

After pondering for a long time, Meng Xi suddenly realized that maybe without this landslide, mass incidents would have occurred in the mountain construction area.

Maybe someone wants to take the lead in the resistance, or does it have some other purpose?

Is Lao Qiao that person, or is he just a leader in the community?

Time passed by minute by second, and soon it was about four o'clock in the afternoon.

While Meng Xi was thinking about things in his mind, the iron door suddenly opened, and a relatively short and fair-looking officer walked in.

"Hello, sir!" Meng Xi stood up immediately.

The officer glanced at him and asked in broken Chinese: "You witnessed the whole turmoil, right?"

"Yes." Meng Xi nodded truthfully.

"Then have you observed, during the turmoil, which people attacked our guarding soldiers first?" the officer asked expressionlessly.

Meng Xi thought for a moment and said, "The man with the steel drill stabbed an officer to death."

"He has been shot dead. I am talking about other people, secretly, not caught on video." The officer asked.

"I didn't pay attention to this." Meng Xi shook his head: "Because we were squatting next to the wall, with the guards in between, we couldn't see the situation at the center of the conflict."

The officer frowned and asked Meng Xi again: "In the 415 dormitory, did you observe which worker was very prestigious and the leader?"

"As for the man who was beaten to death, he was usually very popular. There were a few people who often secretly exchanged words with him when nothing happened. The rest, I didn't notice." Meng Xi paused here: " Oh, by the way, everyone usually listens to the foreman, and we will do whatever he says."

"That's all?" the officer asked.

"That's all." Meng Xi explained without any panic: "Sir, I have only been here a few days, and I really don't know much about the situation in the dormitory. I don't want to cause trouble, I just want to work hard and wait for the completion of the project. Just take the money and leave.”

The officer lowered his head and glanced at the notebook in his hand, then checked the number on Meng Xi's chest. After confirming that he was a newcomer, he softened his tone and said, "I checked the surveillance video and you were not involved in the attack on officers and soldiers." , you are an obedient worker and deserve praise. But I also tell you, if you discover something and conceal it, you will be treated as an accomplice of the attacker, and you will be shot, do you understand?"

"Yes, I understand!" Meng Xi nodded.

"If you remember something, you can call the caretaker of your dormitory at any time. Just say you are not feeling well, and then come out and report to me secretly. This way you will not suffer retaliation from the workers." The officer whispered: "If you behave well, you will Technology, I might transfer you to a small dormitory in the future."

"Thank you, thank you." Meng Xi replied with a licking face.

"Let's go, I'll take you back." The officer shouted.

"Thank you!" Meng Xi looked like a coward and bent down to follow the other person out of the confinement room.

After Meng Xi returned to the 415 dormitory, she found that there were no arrested workers in the room. They were all sitting on the floor in meditation.

"Go and sit there and don't talk." A strong man with a beard pointed at Meng Xi and said.

Meng Xi glanced at him and didn't refute. He just found his bed and sat on it cross-legged.

After 6:30 p.m., all workers in major work areas, except for the night shift group, returned to their dormitories, and a second mass incident broke out.

On January 2, 34, 60% of the thousands of workers in the four construction areas refused to eat at night and refused to accept the management of officers in several dormitories.

As the incident unfolded, people in other work areas didn't know how they found out about the landslide, and they began to spontaneously and silently resist.

At first, the management thought that some leaders were inciting the workers to cause trouble, but after further investigation, they found that even the strong men captured from the Russian district participated in the protest and sit-in. They are neither noisy nor fussy, they just don't eat and don't listen to management.

The dormitory building and construction site in the Russian district are very far from the 2 district. They usually have no communication with the Chinese group, and they are less likely to have frequent contact, so they must not have been incited.

The vast majority of people are protesting spontaneously.

With such a commotion, the pressure on the work area management department increased sharply.

In the main building of Mining Base No. 109, Li Zhixun and more than a dozen senior generals from the fifth region were having a secret meeting with the Bashkir Mining Group and some military intelligence personnel from the EU region.

"Dip Lingling!"

The phone rang for a while. Li Zhixun stood up and apologized to everyone, then walked outside and pressed the answer button: "Hello?"

"Report to Chief Li, it's still a landslide incident." The other party said in Korean with a serious tone: "After learning about the group incident in District 2, many workers spontaneously sat in to protest, refused to eat, and refused to listen to management. Look here, it's Don’t you want to process a batch?”

Li Zhixun frowned and asked: "Is the landslide an accident? Is it possible that the mass incident was premeditated in advance?"

"This is definitely not the case. The cave-in area was originally an attempt to build a tunnel. The engineering unit had not made a good judgment before as to whether it could be dug down, so this was an accident." The other party replied.

"How many soldiers died?"

"Two, one of them is the platoon leader."

"Treat it in a low-key manner and focus on appeasement." Li Zhixun thought for a while and said: "The first four areas will be activated soon. If workers make trouble at this time, it will delay the plan. Don't be too forceful, but don't be too soft. "

"I see!"

"That's it." Li Zhixun hung up the phone, opened the door and walked into the room, continuing to speak: "This attack plan was designated by the General Administration of our Military Department, and General Jin Shengnan of the Northeast Theater Command is responsible for its execution, so..."

It was about nine o'clock that night.

Four workers who were insignificant but who had definitely done something were shot to death as typical examples, while several other leading foremen and deputy foremen were given warnings and released.

After the news was announced, the workers stopped making trouble and all started eating.

In such a dangerous environment, it is not easy to survive and gain a little bit of living space. What human rights can we expect to win?

Lao Qiao was quickly taken back to the dormitory. After he entered the room, several workers immediately surrounded him.

Meng Xi looked at him, feeling a little confused for no reason.

Lao Qiao winked at everyone, and walked towards Meng Xi in a steady pace with the three people who came back together.


A dozen burly workers stood up in the room, staring at Meng Xi gloomily.

Lao Qiao walked to Meng Xi and sat down slowly: "Tomorrow you take the initiative to quit your job of laying cables and follow me to work in the tunnel."

"Brother Qiao, I...!"

Before Meng Xi could say anything, two strong men rushed over and strangled his neck from behind.

At the same time, several workers deliberately walked to the front of the monitoring probe and blocked it.

"Do you believe that I can kill you when you sleep at night?!" Lao Qiao pointed at Meng Xi and said in a hoarse voice.

At Beifengkou, Wu Tianyin received a call from Mr. Liu: "Hey, tell me."

"There is news about the thing you are asking about."

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