District 9

Chapter 1845 News leaked

The next day.

Deng Jun took only one personal entourage with him and secretly went to Fengbei. He met with Commander He in a sanatorium for cadres under the Military General Administration Headquarters.

After the two parties talked for more than an hour, Deng Jun left with satisfaction and a smile on his face.

After leaving the nursing home, Deng Jun sat in the car and called Yang Cheng: "Don't worry, I'll ask the people below to sort out the information and give it to you all at once."

"Haole, I'm waiting for good news from you, Station Master Deng." Yang Cheng replied with a smile.

"Brother, I will remember this favor of introducing the Commander-in-Chief to you forever."

"We are all our own people, we don't talk about the two families." Yang Cheng replied politely.

"Okay, that's it."

After the two ended the call, Deng Jun hummed a tune contentedly and turned to look out the window, as if he was looking at a ladder ascending to the sky.

In Songjiang, Yang Cheng looked at the phone screen and cursed: "This old fox really doesn't let go of hawks when he sees rabbits!"

In the evening, around nine o'clock.

Ye Lin was bored at home, standing at the window, looking at the night scene, but suddenly found Wu Di standing alone downstairs, smoking a cigarette motionless.

Ye Lin looked at him, opened the window, and wanted to shout, but finally held back.

Wu Di stood downstairs and smoked three cigarettes before adjusting his mood and returned home with a smile.

"Where did you go today?" Ye Lin asked while holding Wu Di's slippers.

"Haha, I went to talk to a few generals in the World War II area, and put pressure on the military general." Wu Di replied with a smile: "It's not a big problem."

"Have you eaten?" Ye Lin asked.

"I've eaten." Wu Di put on his slippers, with a happy smile on his face, and touched Ye Lin's belly: "How are you? Has your body reacted today? Are you feeling uncomfortable?"

"I've only been pregnant for a few days, why should I feel uncomfortable?" Ye Lin stepped aside and said, "Come in and take a shower."

"Hey, now when I think of you and the children every day, I don't have any negative emotions in my heart." Wu Di always had a smile on his face after entering the room.

"Look at how childish you are." Ye Lin rolled her eyes: "Quickly, go take a shower."


Wu Di responded and started to walk to the bathroom.

"Dip Lingling!"

The phone rings.


When Wu Di took out his mobile phone, he had already walked towards the study: "What's the matter, Director Guo?"

"The root of the problem has been found," Director Guo asked in a low voice, "Is it easy for you to speak?"

"It's convenient, you can tell me." Wu Di entered the study and closed the door ajar: "What is the root of the problem?"

"In Changji." Director Guo replied softly: "I have received reliable information that Deng Jun and Yang Cheng have private contacts."

Wu Di lost his smile: "You continue."

"The person who made the connection was Wu Manfu from Changji, and Deng Jun was not in Changji today, but went to Fengbei secretly. I haven't found out who he met specifically."

"Where is the source of the news?" Wu Di asked.

"After you told me that there was an internal problem, I asked the first reconnaissance team to investigate the matter, and also paid attention to this information on the black market." Director Guo described in detail: "The main news is that the first reconnaissance team I got it from the Secret Investigation Division. There was a civilian there who used to work in the Military Investigation Bureau. He had contact with our people and had a foundation of trust, so he took some money and leaked the information. Then I asked someone to investigate some supporting evidence on the black market, and someone inquired that Deng Jun, Yang Cheng, and Shen Fei had met together at the Star Hotel."

Wu Di frowned: "If Deng Jun rebels, it will be troublesome."

"Yes, he is an old man from the Military Supervision Bureau and knows too many things." Director Guo nodded.

"But that's not right. If Deng Jun betrayed him, why did he only give Yang Cheng very marginal information?" Wu Di was a little confused.

"I analyzed it and found that Deng Jun did not leak the main information, maybe because he wanted to boost his own worth." Director Guo paused and replied: "Think about it, he and Yang Cheng were on completely different sides before, so There is no personal contact, so even if you betray someone, you have to see the sincerity and direction of the other party, right?"

Wu Di put his hands on his hips in annoyance, gritted his teeth and cursed: "My dad has always been very kind to Deng Jun. Before the situation in the Military Supervision Bureau turned one-sided, he turned against him... This is a damn white-eyed wolf!"

Director Guo pondered for a long time: "Xiao Di, political struggle is cruel and merciless. If Deng Jun, a sub-station manager, takes the lead to speak against us, the impact will be too great. Many people have no idea, and they may Switch sides and go to the other side.”

"what do you mean……?"

"Whether it's to scare the monkeys, or to give Yang Cheng a warning, it has to be..." Director Guo said half a sentence.

"You have to do it quickly!" Wu Di said with clear eyes: "If Deng Jun went to Fengbei today, he must have met someone above Yang Cheng, not Zhang Jiang, but also someone from the Military General Administration Headquarters. Since The purpose of raising his status has been achieved, so in the next step, he will definitely give out key information."

"Yes." Director Guo nodded.

"Who should I let him do it?" Wu Di muttered in a depressed mood.

"Can you let Ma Laoer go? He is suitable for this job." Director Guo gave his suggestion.

"No, we can't let him go." Wu Di refused without hesitation: "The current situation is so complicated, and asking him to do it is tantamount to dragging him into the water."

"Then who should we look for? It's easy to leave clues with your own people. This assassination...!" Director Guo and Wu Di analyzed it on the phone.

Outside the door, Ye Lin was holding tea, listening to Wu Di's somewhat anxious and upset words, she paused and turned to leave.

late at night.

After Deng Jun returned to Changji, he immediately called the director of the confidential archives room at Changji Station.

"Three years ago, Lao Guo from the Military Supervision Bureau sent someone to kill him, the information and evidence about Commander Chen Fu of the First War Zone, and the information about Ma Laoer and others who used their powers to help their faction clean up political enemies and business competitors. I want to use it tomorrow..." Deng Jun said sitting on the chair.

"Webmaster, do we have a choice?"

"Well, we have to take sides clearly." Deng Jun nodded: "Winning or losing depends on this."


After Wu Di slept until midnight, he was suddenly awakened by a nightmare. He wiped his face with sweat, turned around and found that Ye Lin was not in bed.

Wu Di was stunned for a moment, then reached out and dialed Ye Lin.


"where have you been?"

"I'm hungry. I'll buy some food from the late night snack shop nearby." Ye Lin replied in a clear voice: "Are you hungry? I'll bring some back to you?"

"As I said, there have been a lot of things lately, so don't run around." Wu Di breathed a sigh of relief.

"Oh, the person you arranged for me downstairs has been following me in the car. It's okay." Ye Lin said easily, "I will go back in a while."

"Yeah." Wu Di nodded.

The two ended the call. Ye Lin looked at the phone screen with a pretty face solemnly, edited a text message again, and sent it out.

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