District 9

Chapter 1829: Ai Tank stands firm

Qin Yu was really resentful in his heart, because he had high hopes for every officer who went to school in the Eighth District. These people had not gone home for several years. They finally learned their true skills and were ready to return to their hometown to serve, but they were killed by a group of bandits. Kou was robbed and killed.

For example, Qi Wei, this guy was planning to get married as soon as he returned home. His girlfriend had been waiting for him for several years, but now she has disappeared inexplicably...

Qin Yu felt very distressed and hated the bandits in Xingshan to the extreme. This was not due to professional discrimination, because many of Tiancheng's elders were from outside the district, including himself, so what bothered him was that these people had no bottom line, no basic moral principles, and could not even be called gangsters.

Seeing Qin Yu's reaction, Xun Chengwei stopped trying to persuade him and only reminded him, "How to deal with the remaining bandits?"

This is indeed a problem. There are more than 2,000 people on Xingshan Mountain. It is impossible for Qin Yu to order everyone to be killed, because this would be against the harmony of nature and unreasonable. With so many people, there must be accomplices who are waiting to die. They are not guilty enough to die. If you want to slaughter them all, what is the difference between that and He Dajiang?

But if we don't kill them, this group of people will be dismissed and they will continue to move to other mountains in the future and do evil things, which will also be a problem.

After Qin Yu thought for a long time, he intervened and said: "Let them bite each other. Those who have serious crimes, throw them directly to the Seventh District and let them take these people to prison. They are responsible for this case anyway. Those who have serious crimes are not The serious ones and the bastards will be sent directly to the Old Triangle area and let them join the engineering team to build roads and airports for me. Those who do not escape or cause trouble within three years will be given some money and let go."

Xun Chengwei felt that this idea was reliable, so he nodded slowly and said, "That's okay. Letting these people do the work can be regarded as reform through labor."

"Damn it, I won't be able to forgive my hatred even if I kill them." Qin Yu sighed, then intervened and said, "I've blinded several of my officers in vain, alas!"

Outside the camp.

After Xiao Mangdai Qin Yu conveyed the order to shoot the bandit leader, the officers who returned from the Eighth District all raised their guns and aimed at the more than 100 people at the pit.

These people are all bandit leaders, or small leaders. If you pull anyone out at random, there must be a murder case on them.

Meng Xi felt completely cold when he saw the officers raising their guns. He recalled his own experience and felt very unwilling.

He escaped with a narrow escape, but in the end he still couldn't escape death.

Meng Xi closed his eyes, clenched his fists, and stopped shouting.

"...I really regret it. Why didn't I listen to you in the first place? Just leave..." He Qiang muttered with a trembling voice and purple lips.

"Ready to shoot!"

Wang Tianhui shouted.

"Wait a moment!!!"

At this moment, a woman with a slightly bloated figure, wearing a large cotton jacket, thick cotton trousers, and short hair, struggled away from the soldiers guarding him from a distance, and ran over like a majestic female calf.

Xiaobai turned around when he heard the sound.

"Sir, sir...don't shoot, don't shoot!"

The woman is about thirty-five or sixteen years old, very tall, but not very good-looking. I don’t know if her cheeks are frostbitten or if she has the same constitution. In short, her cheeks are very red, but her eyes are very big. There is a spiritual energy.

This woman is He Dachuan's wife, her name is Ai Xuehan. Her name sounds very elegant, but in fact she has a masculine personality. She is also in charge of logistics matters in Xingshan. But because she had a bad temper, spoke loudly, and looked very burly, others gave her a nickname, Aitak.

On Xingshan Mountain, apart from the complicated small forces, there are two main large forces. The first group was people brought back by He Dajiang from the old triangle border. This group of people was the source of evil. Some of them served as soldiers in the Pu clan, and some of them were old brothers who made their fortune together with He Dajiang. They usually had the highest position in the mountain. The second group of forces were the people brought by He Dachuan from Zangyuan. They later defected to Xingshan, and half of the backbone of this group were surnamed Ai, that is, Ai Tank's natal family.

Therefore, He Dachuan is usually very henpecked. He also has a nickname on the mountain, called He Sanbao, which means that He Dachuan must report to Ai Tank at least three times a day to prevent him from going down the mountain with others.

Of course, saying this is a bit exaggerated, but it is true that He Dachuan is afraid of his wife.

Aitank was also considered the bandit leader, but she was pregnant, so she didn't squat with the others.

On the road, two young and strong soldiers stopped Aitank, but they did not hold her back. She rushed over like a calf and shouted to Xiaobai and other officers: "...I have something to say. Please let me see Master Qin and I will have a few words with him."

Xiaobai glanced at her coldly, turned around and shouted: "Get ready to execute!"

Ai Tank saw that his words were of no use and immediately shouted again: "I have important military information to report to Commander Qin. If you don't stop, it will cause serious trouble."

Xiaobai frowned and looked at her again.

"What I said is true." Aitak was afraid that Xiaobai wouldn't believe it, so he immediately added: "I really have military intelligence, and I want to be punished and meritorious service. You... you talk to Master Qin and let me see him."

Meng Xi opened his eyes, looked at Ai Tank, and slowly loosened his clenched fists.

"Just one thing, if what I said is wrong, you just shoot and it's over. My man and I will die together, okay?" Aitank shouted again, ignoring the gun in the soldier's hand.

Ten minutes later, inside the camp.

Qin Yu looked at Ai Tank expressionlessly and said nothing.

"What military intelligence do you have?" Xun Chengwei asked.

"The outer district may have to fight with the three major districts." Aitank was not timid, but spoke loudly.

Qin Yu frowned when he heard this, feeling that Aitank was talking nonsense. Neither the Eighth District nor the Sichuan government had a complete grasp of the military situation in the outer districts. How could she, a bandit woman, know any information.

"Do you know the consequences of lying?" Xun Chengwei replied coldly.

"I didn't mess around, and I didn't lie," Aitank stood at the door of the camp: "Everything I said is true."

Qin Yu said nothing.

"Mr. Qin, He Dajiang robs food, robs people, hijacks cars, and hijacks roads. Those are all their own decisions. We... do know about it, but we can't persuade them at all." Aitank held his stomach and said with clear logic. : "If he hadn't been my man's biological eldest brother, I would have persuaded my brothers to leave. Mr. Qin, I heard that you are also a man who rushed out of the area to be planned. You should understand what the environment outside this area is like. Like this...if you don't become a bandit, you'll starve to death; if you become a bandit, you'll lose your head if something happens. Life is not easy, you see, I'm pregnant...and I still have to take care of my family."

Qin Yu looked at her in surprise.

"... something has happened, we accept the punishment and deal with it, but we also ask Master Qin, for the sake of our family, let go of those who are not guilty enough to die." Aitank knelt down with a grunt: "... I kowtow to you."

"Don't talk about this." Qin Yu waved his hand: "Stand up and talk about the main thing."

"Beifengkou is secretly building military units." Ai Tank raised his head and replied.

"Beifengkou?!" Qin Yu was stunned.

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