District 9

Chapter 1812 Incident Escalation

No one knows whether Lu Jia's participation in the party today was to publicly express the Lu family's dissatisfaction and deliberately "fire", or if it had other purposes and intentions. But one thing is certain, he did not expect that Sha Xuan would stand up and confront him, nor did he expect that both sides would get really angry with each other.

Some people may think that Lu Jia's attack on Sha Xuan was too impulsive and did not match his behavior, but in fact Lu Jia had deep-seated anger and reasons for doing so.


This is because the Lu family has indeed not contributed much to the major military operations in District 9 in recent years, but they have received a lot of resources before, whether it is promotion quotas, garrison sites, and military supplies. They are all in charge of the General Administration of the Military Department.

This is obvious to all in the military and political affairs of the ninth district. So Sha Xuan satirized Lu Jia, saying that you Lu family usually don't do much, but you have to take up the majority of resources. I gave you so many benefits before, but you all accepted them with a smile, but now you suffer a little loss. , you quit. So if it's unfair, are you, the Lu family, fair to others?

These words were actually very sharp. They contained a strong sense of factional attack and even incitement. Only then did Lu Jia break his guard. He couldn't hold back and slapped the other person in the mouth. Otherwise, with Lu Jia's calm character, he would not argue with Sha Xuan, and even if the other party insulted him, he would not take action.

Both sides failed to save face for each other, which led to the continued escalation of the incident.

Who is Sha Xuan? That was the bastard of the Tai Z Party. He was very young. He had grown up in a greenhouse and was used to being praised. He would definitely not be able to bear being slapped in the mouth by Lu Jia in public.

This is also a complex form of human nature. If Sha Xuan drank too much today and was beaten by a little gangster, and couldn't find him afterwards, then he might just let it go and stop being acquainted with him. But the person who beat him was Lu Jia, the prince of the Lu family, and he was doing it in public, so the nature of it was completely different.

Sha Xuan lost face, and his blood rushed to his head. He rushed out of the main building of the auditorium with the Sha Xuan officers, and chased after him aggressively: "Lu Jia, stop the f*ck!"

Lu Jia had already gotten into the car. He glanced back at Sha Xuan and immediately urged: "Ignore him and drive away."


As soon as he finished speaking, Sha Xuan picked up a trash can from the side and threw it on the windshield of the military vehicle in an instant.

At this time, the young officers in Lu's car also became angry, and they all got out of the car and rushed forward.

In an instant, the two groups collided with each other at the door of the auditorium, and started taking action as soon as they met.

At first, there was a melee between about 20 people from both sides, which was limited to punches and kicks. But as the noise became louder and louder, people in the auditorium gradually rushed out, and the scene completely became a little out of control.

Lu Jia himself brought very few people, but people from the Lu family also participated in today's party. In addition, there were many officers from the sand family who were promoted, so the more the two sides joined forces, the more people they joined, and the fight reached the high c stage. , forty or fifty people took action.

Army University is the highest institution of military affairs in the ninth district. There are countless teachers and students living on campus in the hospital. In addition, there are many "military rising stars" and senior officials at today's party. At this moment, everyone is looking here. This made Sha Xuan, who had drunk and gained the upper hand, an inexplicable feeling of passion, and felt that he had become a man of the hour for a while.

"I'll fucking kill you!" Sha Xuan roared, picked up the trash can he had just thrown away, and immediately threw it at Lu Jia.


Lu Jia blocked it and staggered back a few steps.

Taking advantage of the large number of people on his side, Sha Xuan took six or seven officers with him and blocked Lu Jia and others next to the car.

"damn it!"

A guard who was blocking Lu Jia was shocked. He pulled out his gun from his waist, stared at his eyes and shouted: "I will kill you!"

"Tap tap tap!"

As soon as he finished speaking, two rows of school guards ran towards the door of the chaotic auditorium, all with guns on their right shoulders.

The platoon leader of the security department had a splitting headache when he saw the group of people involved in the fight. These people were either young masters or had much higher positions than him. He felt a little guilty and didn't know how to control the situation.

"Disperse and arrest everyone."

At this time, the director of the school's Academic Affairs Office rushed out of the auditorium and shouted with a stern face: "Severe punishment."

With the instructions from the big leader, the guard platoon leader felt confident, drew his gun and shouted: "Arrest them all."

The soldiers didn't care what the identity of the group of people fighting was. Once the upper-level officers gave an order, they had to carry it out. More than thirty people rushed into the crowd with guns in an instant.

This group of people poured in, and there were hundreds of people participating in the center of the fight. The scene was extremely chaotic, and the "battlefield" stretched from the main entrance of the auditorium to near the basketball court.

While people from several parties were tearing and beating, someone suddenly shouted: "You have a gun, but I don't?! CNM!"

"Kang Kang!"

In the noisy scene, as soon as the shouts came out, two gunshots suddenly sounded.

The onlookers at the entrance of the auditorium and near the playground were all stunned after hearing the gunfire. Since the establishment of the Ninth District Army University, there has never been an incident where a fight or shooting occurred on campus.

The school guards also became visibly nervous after hearing the gunshots.

"Don't even move!"

"Hold your head and squat on the ground!"

"Squat down!"


Amidst the noisy shouts and curses, several gunshots were heard again.


The alarm bell at the security office rang, and more than thirty soldiers rushed out of the barracks and rushed to the scene.

In the auditorium, Xiang Zehao, who was too lazy to watch the excitement, ran out after hearing the gunfire, frowned and said: "What a big deal, why did you use the gun?!"

The fight lasted for less than fifteen minutes, and was quickly put down after all the guards in the school who were taking turns to take breaks intervened.

In the entire incident, there were a total of more than a dozen gunshots. Three people from the Lu family were injured, and one person from the Sha family was injured.

The party incident that shocked the army and the military and government of the ninth district quickly escalated after half an hour.


While Ma Laoer was talking to Wu Di, he suddenly received a call from the military intelligence officer below: "Hello?"

"At the Army Gala, Lu Jia and Sha Xuan..." The military intelligence officer on the phone spoke quickly about what happened.

After hearing this, Ma Laoer looked shocked: "A gun was fired?"

"Yes, a few people were injured, but no one died." The military intelligence officer replied: "All those involved in the fight were caught and taken to the security office on campus. This matter... the General Administration of the Military Ministry knows about it, and the Chief of General Staff called him personally. Asked about the situation on campus.”

Ma Laoer's eyes were bright: "Damn it, the game hasn't been settled yet, and the other side is dog eating dog?"

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