District 9

Chapter 1804: Persuasion

On the phone, Lao Li waited for a while, but when Qin Yu didn't respond, he took the initiative and asked: "Look, how should we deal with this matter?"

"It's better that you go talk to Uncle Yu." Qin Yu responded with a trembling voice: "The Yu family members are resigning. It should be that Keke left a message before he left. Please go over and persuade him."

"Okay." Lao Li nodded.

"The Yu family cannot be allowed to return to Jiangzhou." Qin Yu added.

"I see."

"Well, then... then let's do this for now, uncle." Qin Yu finished speaking and was about to hang up.

Lao Li paused briefly and replied: "Xiao Yu, the consequences of staying may not be good, and leaving may not be bad for her in the future."

"I understand, uncle."

"You should adjust well and rest for two days. We will contact those people from District 8."


"That's it."

After saying that, the two ended the call.

It's about nine o'clock in the evening.

A car with a small number plate from the Chongdu Autonomous Association stopped at the door of Yu's house. Lao Li walked into the compound alone, carrying some cooked food.

Two minutes later.

Yu Wanqing came down from upstairs, cheered up and said, "Haha, Lao Li is here."

"You've made such a big fuss, why don't I come over and take a look?" Lao Li bared his teeth and replied, "I bought some fried chicken nuggets and beef on the way... let's have some drinks?"

"Okay, drink some." Yu Wanqing nodded.

After a while, the nanny placed a few small dishes of cold dishes in the restaurant, as well as the sauced beef and fried chicken nuggets brought by Lao Li, and opened two bottles of good wine.

Lao Li took the initiative to pour a glass for Yu Wanqing and said softly: "Come on, take a sip."


Yu Wanqing clinked glasses with Lao Li, raised his neck and took a long sip.


Lao Li put down the cup, sighed softly and said, "Are you feeling unbalanced?"

"To be honest, there's nothing unbalanced about me." Yu Wanqing replied with flushed cheeks: "Oh, I just feel a little sorry for my girl, she... it's not easy for her."

"I'll give you a few words of advice. Are you willing to listen?" Lao Li asked with a candid look.

"Say." Yu Wanqing took a bite of food.

"Lao Yu, actually at work, I have more contact with Coco." Lao Li lit a cigarette and said softly: "When I was in Songjiang, many of Tiancheng's projects were in the new district, and Coco and I would meet every now and then. We met each other, so when it comes to personal relationships, I definitely prefer your relationship."

"I know that." Yu Wanqing nodded.

Lao Li took a puff of cigarette and continued: "From my perspective, there is actually nothing wrong with Coco leaving."

Yu Wanqing put down his chopsticks and looked at him.

"Can we do it if we force them to be together? I tell you, we can definitely do it." Lao Li said with a serious face: "Everyone in your Yu family who has a name and a surname is the founding father of Sichuan. Minister, if we Songjiang people hug together and make some noise together, then who can control it? To put it bluntly, if the Sichuan government leaves the Lin family, it will still be Sichuan government, but if it leaves the group of people who laid the foundation, Sichuan government will Can the government still be stable? Let’s not even talk about it. If you, Laoyu, stand up and say a few words, how much influence will it have?! Now many of the outstanding old people in the independent division are senior officers. , and who are they kissing?"

Yu Wanqing said nothing.

"If we really make a fuss, the goal will be achieved. Even the Lin family will acquiesce." Old Li said eloquently: "Since ancient times, there have been no simple things in the emperor's family. There are various relationships involved behind personal emotions. This cannot be avoided. of."

Yu Wanqing took another sip of wine.

"But is this really the right thing to do?" Lao Li sighed, shook his head and said, "Not necessarily."

Yu Wanqing did not answer the call.

"You are Keke's father. You know better than anyone what kind of character this child has." Lao Li frowned and looked at him and said, "If you force them to be brought together, in the end Keke will have to bear the reputation of a third party. For the rest of her life, is this too cruel for her with a strong personality? You can control the mouths of those around you, but can you control the mouths of everyone? Why do we, such a good girl, have such a reputation? "

The corner of Yu Wanqing's mouth twitched.

"The words of bystanders can kill people." Lao Li sighed and said: "It's not necessarily a good thing to force a girl to stand up to someone who is surrounded by so many people."

"I understand what you mean." Yu Wanqing nodded.

"Don't let the emotional issues between children get mixed up in politics and social circles. This is not a good thing." Lao Li said softly: "She is still so young and has just completed half of her life. She still has a lot to go through in the future! Isn’t it nice to let it go slowly?”

"You're right." Yu Wanqing thought about Lao Li's words carefully, and felt a little relieved.

Yes, Coco is still so young and has a long way to go in the future. Why should she have to get entangled in one life node? Isn't it nice to leave Sichuan Mansion, leave this complicated environment, and prepare for the second half of life with ease?

"I know you are angry." Lao Li poured a glass of wine for Yu Wanqing again: "But from Xiao Yu's point of view, it is difficult for him to take care of both ends. He has exhausted all his strength in fighting Jiujiang. , now when there is a commotion in the backyard, he is more upset than anyone else."

Yu Wanqing was silent.

"I don't know what Xiao Yu was thinking specifically, but he didn't go after Coco and stood as a bystander. This is actually right." Lao Li said lightly: "This is a kind of protection for Coco. . She is at the center of the storm. Once a quarrel breaks out, no matter how you handle it, she will be the one hurt the most."

"I understand Qin Yu, but I also blame him." Yu Wanqing said frankly: "There is no reason to complain, who let my girl meet him."

"There's nothing wrong with that." Lao Li picked up the wine glass, frowned at Yu Wanqing and said, "I believe that before Ke Ke left, he didn't recommend that the Yu family return to Jiangzhou, so let's talk about it, let's not carry any emotions in our hearts. I'll pretend that I didn't receive those resignation letters today. Tomorrow these people will go to work as normal."

"No!" Yu Wanqing waved his hand: "These people still have to come down. From now on, the Yu family will be in Sichuan Mansion and will only do business and will not enter the political circle."

Old Li was startled.

"This is the advice left by Keke." Yu Wanqing whispered: "You just said that the influence of the Yu family is there. Without Keke at the helm, it is not a bad thing to retreat from this rapid current."

Old Li immediately understood what the other party meant, and after thinking for a while, he said: "When Keke entered Sichuan Mansion, she took care of the most difficult things for Xiao Yu. She indeed offended many local big businessmen. She thought carefully about it, so she might as well withdraw." .”

"Yeah." Yu Wanqing nodded.

"Okay, it's early retirement. It'll be nice to play cards and drink tea from now on." Lao Li raised his glass: "Here, let's do it."

The two clinked their glasses and drank it all in one gulp.

One day later, Lin Xiao left the capital without seeing Qin Yu or saying hello to anyone.

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