District 9

Chapter 1784: Controlling Xun Chengwei (Leader update)

inside the car.

Qin Yu shivered and lit a cigarette, looking out the window with his heart pounding, and his face turned pale.

"Commander, I'll lead the security company to rush in and take my sister-in-law out." Xiao Sang gritted his teeth and said, "If you let the surrounding troops cover you, I will definitely be able to rush in."

Qin Yu waved his hand: "You are not needed."

"Teacher, now...!" Xiao Sang still wanted to speak.

"I said you don't need it!" Qin Yu roared back.

Xiao Sang looked at him, clenched his fists and said nothing.

Qin Yu took a deep breath of cigarette, frowned and took out his cell phone, wanting to dial a number.

"Dip Lingling!"

The phone rang first. Qin Yu was startled for a moment and immediately pressed the answer button: "How...how is it?"

"Gong Bei has finished his work," Chen Jun's voice sounded: "Let's have a showdown with the other party."

"Damn it, you can be trusted," Qin Yu cursed through gritted teeth when he heard this, "I have to peel off Jian Fei's skin!"

After saying that, Qin Yu hung up the phone and dialed a number he had saved in advance.

In the courtyard behind the municipal building.

The helicopter landed slowly, and the officer on the co-pilot jumped out. After saluting, he said to Jianfei: "I received a call from the headquarters. They said that the Chen garrison on the side of Yangzhuang Living Village was relatively weak. The superiors asked us to start from there. Retreat and return to Nanhu along the coastline."

"Okay, you can arrange the route." After Jianfei nodded, he immediately shouted to the members of his department and Jiujiang military and political officials: "Everyone, get on the plane quickly, hurry up!"

When everyone heard the sound, they immediately rushed to the helicopter, while the commander of the second regiment of the garrison led his people to protect everyone's safety.

The northern entrance of Jiujiang has always been led by the Second Regiment of the Garrison Brigade. So tonight, the Sichuan Army used this place as a breakthrough point. Naturally, the responsibility of the second regiment commander is not small. He knew that if he didn't hug his thighs now, he would be in a bad situation afterwards, so he no longer listened to Xun Chengwei's orders, but followed Jian Fei closely, because this kid could obviously talk to the higher-ups.

Next to the helicopter, Keke was tied up and stood there, looking at Jianfei coldly and saying nothing.

"This is your fate." Jianfei came over, pointed at her with a gloomy face and said, "I will take you to Nanhu now, and I will see if Qin Yu can attack the capital again."

Coco looked at him and said nothing.

In the defensive area on the north side of the municipal building, Xun Chengwei took the phone and shouted at Qin Yu: "cnm, you are a division commander after all, why can you do such a shameless thing?! When the two armies are fighting, you mess with me...!" "

"Did you fail militarily?" Qin Yu asked, "Did my troops reach the city?"

Xun Chengwei was speechless.

"You have failed. An army of six to seven thousand people, a large group of high-ranking military and political officials, but you are talking about a woman, using it as the last fig leaf and life-saving talisman for you people. Who is shameless? Who is he? Mom is dirty?!" Qin Yu glared and shouted: "I tell you, there is no room for negotiation on this matter. If you don't make trouble with her, we will open up the battle and continue to fight, but you want to use this as a threat, then I'm sorry , my troops cannot stop, if she is gone, I will wipe out your family."

Xun Chengwei clenched his fists: "Qin Yu, listen to me..."

"Nothing to say. In five minutes, I will launch a general attack on the municipal building. If something happens to her and she is taken away, then everyone will be in trouble." After Qin Yu finished speaking, he hung up the phone.

"Hey, hello, Qin Yu!" Xun Chengwei shouted twice, but found that Qin Yu had hung up the phone.

"damn it!!"

Xun Chengwei cursed angrily with a livid face and looked at the regiment leader with a very complicated expression.

"What's wrong?" asked the regiment leader.

"Something happened in Nanhu." Xun Chengwei said with a trembling voice: "I don't know who from the special operations unit squatted for several days... and took away my wife, children, and my father... You His family members... also didn't escape."

When the leader of the regiment heard this, his head banged.

"Qin Yu asked us to protect that woman. As long as that woman is fine, our family will be fine." Xun Chengwei could not make up his mind at this moment, because if he followed Qin Yu's words, he would have to talk to Jian Fei and It is very bad in nature to go against the people in charge of the military and general administration.

Yao remembered that Ke Ke had just been captured in Jiujiang and the first thing Qin Yu did after he was about to start fighting was to call Chen Jun and ask him to mobilize special forces members in Nanhu to give him more support.

Also, when Daya was preparing to swim across the Meijiang River, Qin Yu also mentioned Xun Chengwei's resume. At that time, Daya was quite surprised, saying how Qin Yu got his information so quickly, and it was quite efficient.

But what Daya didn't know was that Qin Yu had already targeted the families of Xun Chengwei and other major officers, and Gong Bei was ready to take action at any time. In this way, Coco's safety can be guaranteed to a certain extent when the city is broken.

Some people may wonder, saying that since Qin Yu was sure that he could control Xun Chengwei's family, why didn't he threaten him before the war started? Wouldn't it be over if we just let the other side hand over the city, saving us from fighting and sacrificing so many soldiers?

In fact, this reason is very simple, there are only two reasons.

First, if Xun Chengwei's family members are controlled before the siege, then there will be no suddenness in this matter. The General Administration of the Nanhu Military Headquarters will definitely receive the news as soon as possible. When the time comes, just change the generals and assign other officers to take charge of the garrison, so that Xun Chengwei can avoid this war. Then what you have done will be in vain, because you cannot tie up all the family members of the officers who can command.

Second, by kidnapping Xun Chengwei's family members, it is possible to exchange for Coco's safety, but it may not threaten Xun Chengwei's Jiaocheng. This is a question of the proportion of chips. For a senior military officer, surrendering without a fight because his family surrendered the important city will be written down in history and be reviled by future generations. And this nature is no different from rebellion, so it seems unacceptable to any bloody officer.

Based on the above two reasons, this bargaining chip can only be used at the last moment. After the city is broken, threaten Xun Chengwei so that he can cooperate with you. Because there is no point in continuing to defend at this time. At most, it will delay the Sichuan Department and Fatty Teng's division's occupation of Jiujiang.

Therefore, it is relatively acceptable to Xun Chengwei to exchange the safety of Coco for the safety of his family.

In the defense zone on the north side of the municipal building.

Xun Chengwei was thinking with sweat on his forehead and ran out of ideas for a while.

"Damn it, don't think about it, brigade commander. Qin Yu is someone who dares to exterminate his family once he enters a distant mountain or a heavy capital. If he says he wants to kill him, then he will definitely kill him." The regiment commander said with a cold face: "No matter what. Now, I will lead my men to rush in and snatch that woman back. It’s okay if we die, but it’s not worth it to bring down the family. Especially if you die for these officials who fucked you up, it’s not worth it!”

Xun Chengwei looked at him: "If you go and grab it now, I'm afraid it's too late. The plane has already fallen in for a while."

The regiment leader took two anxious steps on the spot: "Don't worry about it, I'll take care of it."

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