District 9

Chapter 1607 Fierce Battle at the Water Plant

Near the south gate of the water plant, Sang Shao and Xiao Wei were in a very dangerous situation. The snipers on the wall kept pressing on them, and there were police officers and soldiers inside the door holding fire. They couldn't get in, and they couldn't get in. I didn't dare to run into the wild field, so I could only rely on two wall stacks to avoid the enemy.

The sound of sniper gunfire kept ringing out, causing sparks to fly off the wall and shrapnel flying everywhere.


Xiao Wei was about to shoot toward the wall to suppress him, but as soon as he showed his head, his left arm was hit by a ricochet. He staggered back half a step and got stuck outside the iron gate. He looked very helpless because there was no one behind him. Place to hide.

"damn it!"

Young Master Sang cursed, pulled his neck and shouted: "Peripheral, peripheral, let me shoot the snipers on the wall."

In the snow, six or seven companions had already ran out, raised their guns and started shooting at the wall.

"Pah, pah!"

The young man gritted his teeth, bent down and ran out of the wall. He took out a hand bud from his coat pocket with his left hand and threw it along the wall.


The explosion made the wall shake violently, but it did not collapse. Only some bricks and cement debris flew away.

At this moment, two police officers rushed out of the gate and opened fire at the young man in a hurry.


Several gunshots rang out, a puff of white smoke burst out from behind the young man, and blood spurted out from his buttocks. A military bulletproof vest saved his life.


On the other side, Xiao Wei roared, rushed over with a gun, and shot into the door as if he was desperate.

There was a burst of gunfire, and one of the two people who rushed out of the door was killed, and the other immediately shrank back.

Serena was shot in the abdomen and could no longer hold on, falling to the ground on her back.


Sang Shao once again threw a grenade under the wall.



This time the wall could no longer withstand the ravages of the hand, and the nearly two-meter-long wall collapsed with a roar. The rubble and tiles temporarily blocked the sniper's sight.


Young Master Sang turned back lamely, stretched out his hand to help Xiao Wei up on the ground, and fired suppressively at the door.

In just ten seconds, the two of them almost walked away from the gate of hell, and this reaction was completely reflected. Although Xiao Sang looked very reckless, he was actually a very calm character in trouble. He didn't do it blindly, all his on-the-spot reactions were very purposeful.

After the wall was blown down, the gun dealers who came to support also arrived at the south gate. More than a dozen people held guns and pressed into the wall, directly repelling the snipers.

The unshaven strong man rushed up with his men, and at a glance he saw that both Sang Shao and Xiao Wei were injured, and Bao Yu was also dead.

"Fuck, are you okay?!" The bearded strong man waved his hand to signal Ma Zai to press inside the door, and reached out to help Xiao Sang up.

"I'm fine, Xiaowei, Xiaowei..." Mr. Sang dragged Xiaowei away from the relatively high-risk side door, held his abdomen in the snow, pulled his neck and shouted: "The whole car is here, My brother is injured."

"Fuck... godmother... they seem to have someone at godmother's place." Xiao Wei shivered all over, his consciousness was blurred, but he still did not forget the old lady sitting on the bed sewing cotton pants for him.

"When we came, there were people passing over there." The strong man with unshaven beard waved his hand and said, "Come here and help him carry him away."

Young Master Sang stretched out his hand to tear open Xiao Wei's shirt, bunched the strips of cloth together to block his wound, and tied it with a belt, then gritted his teeth and said, "Get it away."

As soon as he finished speaking, several people rushed up, picked up Xiao Wei and ran away.

"Damn it, even an old lady in her seventies will do it." The young man turned around and snatched the rifle from a horseman's hand: "I have to chop him into pieces today. Call someone and beat him in."

In the courtyard.

Xu Cheng was not too panicked at the moment. He kept waving his hands and shouting: "Hit at the door and catch the little mourner. Don't worry about these gun dealers. Our support will be here soon."

Captain Liang and Xu Yan heard the shouting and kept sending people to attack the door. But Guan Qi had already realized that something was wrong. He quickly ran to Xu Cheng, dragged him and shouted: "We can't fight, retreat first, retreat first."

"Retreat for what? Xiao Sang hasn't been caught yet!" Xu Cheng shouted anxiously.

"We didn't catch him just now, and it's even more impossible to catch him now." Guan Qi pulled him and shouted: "The gun dealer came with so many people and brought cannons. He was obviously prepared. That Xiao Wei When he made the phone call, he must have said a code word and passed on the news that he had been arrested. We have fallen into a trap, let's withdraw first."

"Get out of here!"

Xu Yan turned around and shouted: "Our regiment headquarters is less than thirty kilometers away from here. How can I still defend my company against gun dealers like them?! No need to withdraw, just go with them."

"Listen to me, you have to calm down." Guan Qi urged: "Don't just look at things in front of you. You have to think about why the gun dealers are so bold and dare to go against the General Police and the regular army."

After the words fell, Xu Yan was stunned.

"There may not be reinforcements, understand? Whatever you can think of, the other side can also think of." Guan Qi didn't want to die, he still had concerns, he had to go home, so he could see it more clearly than anyone else.

Xu Cheng was really anxious. If he couldn't catch Sang Shao, then everything he had done before would be in vain, but he was not stupid. Guan Qi's words made him sober up a lot.

"Get out, get out first!" Guan Qi pulled him and continued to yell.

Xu Cheng gritted his teeth and could only wave his hands: "Listen to him and go out first to see the situation. Xu Yan will report the situation here to your regiment headquarters."

After saying that, the soldiers and police officers who had just rushed to the main entrance immediately stepped back after hearing the shouting.

More than a hundred people rushed directly to the side of the main building, preparing to escape from the main entrance.

After waiting for a while, the gun dealers rushed up in large numbers. The people on the ground are very thieves. They know that their quality is not comparable to that of the regular army and police, so they only shoot RPGs and cold guns from a safe distance to block Xu Cheng and others like shooting rabbits.

at the same time.

At the south door, Shaan Shao and the leading strong man had already led a team to rush in, and there was a platoon of Chen soldiers mixed in with the cavalry team. They wore civilian clothes, carried guns, and hid in the crowd. Outsiders didn't know what they were doing.

Young Master Sang rushed after him, gritted his teeth and shouted, "Follow me, I want to fight Xu Chengpan face to face."


When the crowd heard the sound, they swarmed up and chased Xu Cheng and others.

In Nanhu City.

Xu Hanshan already knew about the situation at the water plant. He was worried about his son's safety and directly called Xu Hancheng, the head of the Xu family and deputy commander of the Seventh District World War II Zone.

"The situation at the waterworks is more urgent. The gun dealers have rebelled. Do you think...?" Although Xu Hanshan was anxious, he still spoke to the relative in a very polite way.

Xu Hancheng pondered for a few seconds: "I know, I'll let someone go take a look."

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