District 9

Chapter 1591 Uprooted

after one day.

In the compound of the Police General Bureau, three trucks parked next to the main building. Zhu Wei opened the door and got out of the truck, waved his hand and shouted: "Come here, give me armbands to the brothers of the 115th Regiment."

In the lobby of the main building, Coco, Lao Mao, and Ou Xiaobin walked outside together and started talking softly.

"The Police General Administration has just been established, and there is no investigation department. There are very few clues about illegal drugs." Lao Mao said to Ou Xiaobin: "But I called the Ruan family and the Xu family. They will bring people there. Come to lead the way.”

Ou Xiaobin immediately grinned when he heard this: "Haha, then this is much more convenient. They are industry insiders. These people can provide clues and the work can be done very quickly."

"Yes!" Old Cat nodded.

"Then I'll trouble you, Captain Ou." Coco stretched out her palm.

"Don't say that," Ou Xiaobin immediately replied, "Please take care of Director Yu in the future."

"You have a very good eye." The old cat replied to Ou Xiaobin angrily: "If it doesn't go well, I will have to ask the Bureau to take care of me in the future."

When Coco heard this, her pretty face turned red and she turned to scold the old cat: "You are a bit serious, okay?"

"Okay, Director Yu."

After the three people exchanged greetings, Ou Xiaobin took two steps forward, clapped his hands and shouted at a battalion of soldiers: "Brothers who are in charge of the vicinity of Chongqing and cooperate with our police system, put on the armband of joint law enforcement, and be strict." Just make it more formal."


Five hundred people stood in a square formation and shouted in unison.

Twenty minutes later, all the red joint law enforcement armbands were handed out, and 500 people got on the military truck in an orderly manner.

Ou Xiaobin stood in the courtyard and continued to shout: "Let's talk about law enforcement disciplines: First, in the law enforcement area, you are not allowed to harass people. When encountering strong resistance from bandits, you are not allowed to use small-scale military weapons of destruction unless necessary. Pay attention to ensuring the safety of people's property..."

When Ou Xiaobin was shouting, the person in charge of the ground business of the Xu family also arrived. After a brief communication with Zhu Wei, he also got on the military vehicle.

In the evening, around 7:30.

Ou Xiaobin's regiment, four battalions, plus a guard platoon, launched joint operations in many areas of Sichuan Prefecture at the same time.

On the west side of Taoli Life Town, outside a warehouse with a plaque of Nanhu Trading Products Company, four or five military vehicles were parked.

A battalion commander of the 115th Regiment jumped out of the military vehicle and waved his hand at the soldiers.

Seven or eight snipers immediately climbed up the wall and occupied the high point.

"Battal Commander, would you like to let the scouts go in to investigate," the battalion deputy said softly, "UAVs can observe the situation inside the factory."

"Is it necessary to use reconnaissance to beat two drug sellers?" The battalion commander pointed at the factory gate with a gun and shouted: "Advance tactics, kill all those who resist, and end the battle in ten seconds."



As soon as he finished speaking, the demolition soldiers blew open the iron door, and a company of soldiers rushed directly into the courtyard.


Immediately afterwards, an alarm sounded in the compound, and the drug dealers rushed out from the factory, all holding military equipment in their hands.

"Joint law enforcement, temporary inspection, all personnel in the hospital squat down on the spot!" the battalion deputy shouted with a loudspeaker.

In the hospital, more than twenty drug dealers gathered together, completely confused.

"Does Sichuan government have a joint law enforcement unit?"

"Never heard of it!"

"Fuck, he's probably someone from the UN Security Group, right?"

"What shall we do? Surrender?"

"The UNPROFOR members were afraid of the enemy, so they used heavy firepower to attack them from the side."


Several leaders squatted together to discuss it, and decided to fight back. They took out RPGs, grenade launchers and other military equipment from the warehouse, and then started to fight against the regular army in a daze.

As soon as the gunfire rang out, the battalion commander became anxious: "What the hell, you dare to fight back?! Give me the heavy firepower of the mortars aimed at the door of the warehouse."

"Battal commander, the regiment commander said not to use small-scale weapons of destruction."

"Are you having a headache? They already have RPGs, why are you still coddling them? Do you understand what non-essential circumstances mean?" The battalion commander waved his hands and shouted: "Do it for me, I will take care of you if anything happens. !”

Five seconds later, four mortars opened fire, and the shells hit the main entrance of the warehouse.


A violent explosion sounded, and the entire front door of the warehouse was blown through instantly. More than a dozen drug dealers fell into the gunfire in a daze.

At this time, the drug dealer hiding in the courtyard had already used the lights at the door and the monitoring equipment to clearly see the group of people coming into the courtyard.

"What the fuck, who said this is from the UNPROFOR Corps? These are fucking soldiers!" The leading drug dealer covered his injured abdomen, waved his hands and yelled: "Silly? Stop firing, we can't get out. Yes, surrender. Quick, shout surrender!"

The gunfire only lasted for less than two minutes before it completely stopped. All the remaining drug dealers abandoned their guns and surrendered, squatting miserably around the warehouse door.

District 7 is quite far from Sichuan, and the amount of goods shipped out by drug dealers every month is different, so it is impossible for them to transport goods immediately. Those who sell goods now basically find an inconspicuous warehouse locally and stock up. Put and store, as long as there is a buyer, we can deliver the goods on the same day.

Moreover, these drug dealers in the Sichuan area are almost all people controlled by the Xu family. They are mainly responsible for connecting with local "dealers" and earning commissions, but they do not have to spend money to stock up on goods. To put it bluntly, they are high-level mascots, and those who really deal with the local families are all the core members of the Xu family, otherwise Xu Liang would not come here in person.

Just like Chen Jun said, Hesheng Pharmaceutical's intention in doing this kind of thing here is not just to make money, but to infiltrate.

Therefore, after facing the regular army tonight, the drug dealers in various regions basically did not resist too fiercely. Because the goods are not their own, and working hard means death, so when they see something is wrong, they just wait for it to be dealt with.

After the joint law enforcement continued for ten hours, Ou Xiaobin's group raided at least thirty stocking locations, involving more than twenty tons of illegal drugs.

In the early morning, Ou Xiaobin dialed Coco's number and asked bluntly: "How to deal with the goods?"

"Pull them all back outside the capital city and burn them in public after ten o'clock in the morning." Coco said without hesitation.


At a law enforcement location outside Chongdu, a regiment chief of staff looked at the boxes of goods with his hands on his hips and couldn't help but sigh: "Xiaobin, how much are more than 20 tons of goods worth?! This one is on fire. , the Xu family was in so much pain that they convulsed."

"No matter how much it's worth, you can't touch this thing." Ou Xiaobin said with a serious face: "Instruct officers at all levels. Anyone who dares to hide goods privately will be shot directly if discovered. There is no mercy."

"Yes." The chief of staff nodded.

At around three o'clock in the afternoon, in the general manager's office of Nanhu Hesheng Pharmaceutical, a middle-aged man whispered: "All the goods in Sichuan Province were swept away, and hundreds of drug dealers were arrested. And this morning's At that time, the General Police Bureau started a fire outside Zhongdu and burned all the goods..."

Xu Hanshan grimaced and gritted his teeth and said, "I admit it. Make an appointment with the judicial department this afternoon. I will sentence Qiu Wu within half a month and let Qin Yu watch him die."

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