District 9

Chapter 1586: Heartbreaking words

Yanbei, in the box.

Qin Yu loosened his collar, looked at the three people very excitedly and said: "Everyone, think about the scene when the capital city was destroyed! Thousands of people entered the city, and gunfire rang out all night. People from three major families and two major companies , like a lamb waiting to be slaughtered, helpless and desperate, they can only watch their own people fall one by one. And how did this result happen? Why did the place they had been running for so many years collapse in an instant? ?”

The three of them were silent.

"This can only mean one thing. Their management method is wrong, their business direction is seriously wrong, and their model is too old. They only care about making money, but they forget where their roots are!" Qin Yu continued in a loud voice: "Think about it. , when I first attacked the distant mountains, how many people were helping them? As soon as the troops entered the city, gunshots were fired in the courtyard and in the buildings. Even old men in their decades fired cannons at us. But what happened later? ?What happened after I stopped in Nanmu? The balance in the hearts of the people gradually tilted towards us. We offered better benefits than the three major families and the two major companies, and started bidding for military recruitment. After many people had a choice, We will no longer help them. Why? Because they only have a simple relationship of survival and interest with the people. Once a more powerful force intervenes and breaks this balance, they will lose all their advantages! For the people, whether you are Qin Laohei in power, or whether the three major families or two major companies are in power, it has little to do with them, as long as you can survive."

"Yes." Xu Yan nodded slowly when he heard this.

"So, I can't copy the loser's management model, otherwise one day, sooner or later, a Qin Heizi will break into Sichuan Mansion, kill us all, and kill you core members like rabbits and plunder the treasury." Qin Yu stood up, He patted the table and said: "By then, it won't be a matter of not having a few officers, everyone!"

When Lao Qi heard this, he woke up from a dream and looked at Qin Yu blankly.

"We must establish rules, reform, improve the legal system, and move closer to the three major regions. This is our way out." Qin Yu looked at the crowd and continued: "Only when the people have centripetal force, the government system has credibility , the town is stable, the people have food to eat, money to make, and a comfortable environment, so that we can survive here for a long time. One day, Sichuan Mansion will stay open at night and prosper, then you have another warlord who wants to enter Sichuan Mansion, Do you still need to stand up to call for help? No need at all, the people themselves resisted. How could Commander Gu conjure 50,000 reserve troops out of thin air in Khutcha? That is because the people are willing to praise him, knowing that another person will come to Khutcha. Then he may not have done a good job!"

After listening to Qin Yu's words, the three of them let out a long sigh of relief, and the dissatisfaction in their hearts disappeared. They are not fools, and they know what Qin Yu means in their hearts. Only when Sichuan Mansion is well, can they be worry-free and the family's safety can be guaranteed.

Killing officers, from an overall perspective, protects everyone's interests.

Qin Yu sat down slowly, filled the wine again and said: "I know that there are a few people who are not worthy of death, but at this juncture, you can only impose a heavy sentence. A tickling-style punishment, It does not arouse the public's trust in the police agency, and can only make them feel that this department is just a decoration, just out to shout slogans. When it comes to meritorious officers and well-established families, the law becomes a human relations institution. This is Everyone would resist it.”

"Stop talking, Xiao Yu." Xu Yan took the initiative to raise the wine glass: "We understand what you mean, and we also understand how difficult your situation is in this position. I won't go into more details, in terms of reform and restructuring , our Xu family will definitely support it. Anyone who blocks the road will be severely punished and will never be tolerated!"

Ruan Ming also raised his glass when he heard the sound: "Oh, actually I regret it. When the police department was established, I knew in my heart that it was going to be restructured, but the binding force on the people below was still not enough. To be honest, they didn't , I am also responsible. Sigh... I feel quite guilty."

Qin Yu looked at everyone, patted Lao Qi's arm again, and said with a serious face: "We not only need to rectify the local area, but also the army. I have communicated with Commander Gu's chief of staff. The Army in the Eighth District The university will specially open a channel for us. All officers of our First Independent Division can be specially recruited to enroll. Tomorrow the division headquarters will issue study orders to the officers of your three families. This further study will be led by Li Zhan and Qi Lin. It will last for two years. I will let your children learn first, and when they have finished their studies and become capable, they will return to our independent division and I will entrust them with important responsibilities."

The three of them were speechless when they heard this.

Qin Yu raised his cup, looked at them and said, "Let me just say one thing, no matter how big the stall is, it will always be people-oriented. Whether I am a division commander or a commander today, the friendship accumulated between us will never change, and it will never change." All of them!”

After the Oriental Charming murder case was over, Lao Li promoted the three of them to official positions and paid them pensions. Qin Yu held a banquet in Yanbei, drank with them personally, and told them about various situations in the Sichuan area. Now there is room for improvement for their children.

This series of actions left the three of them really speechless and full of human touch.

To put it harshly, the current First Independent Division is no longer what it used to be. Qin Yu had the merit of following the dragon, and Commander Gu loved him very much. Even if Qin Yu now killed the donkey and abandoned the Ruan, Qi, and Xu families, it would not cause any shock. At most, the division headquarters will cut some of its troops, and there will be some personnel changes in the three important towns for the time being.

Why are you coaxing them like this? Isn't it because we all went through the most difficult days together? !

Lao Qi looked at Qin Yu, stood up slowly and said: "...At this point, it would be unwise to be more serious. Just go ahead and do it, I support you."



The four of them stood up together, raised their necks and drank the wine in their glasses.

From this beginning, real changes in Sichuan Mansion finally came. Internal rectification of the troops and severe crackdowns on the ground are now imperative.


Coco sat on the chair, holding the phone and asking the person in charge of the ingredient company: "Did you tell me how to investigate?"

"A group of inspectors came from the General Administration of Medicine, walked around the office area and factory buildings, sealed some equipment and scientific research rooms, and left." The person in charge immediately replied: "It is probably beating, and there may be a fine."

"Then just pay the fine." Coco said calmly: "Don't make any noise, just do whatever your superiors tell you to do."


at the same time.

Ye Zixiao stood in the company in Nanhu, holding the phone and asked: "Minister Wen, who have we made angry? Why are the goods stopped for us?"

"What's going on? You don't know what's going on?" The other party replied with a smile: "I can't help it. I have received orders from the superiors. You can find a way to ease the relationship."

Ye Zixiao was silent for a few seconds: "Okay, I understand."

"that's all."

After saying that, the two ended the call. Ye Zixiao put his hands behind his back and said, "Damn, this Hesheng Pharmaceutical is not finished yet!"

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