District 9

Chapter 1581 Private communication with Fatty Teng

Yuanshan Life Town.

Xu Yan was sitting in his living room, smoking a cigarette with an expressionless face. Ruan Ming on the left put his hands in his hands and remained silent, while Lao Qi on the right obviously couldn't stand the atmosphere and took the initiative to say: "Lao Xu, can you find a solution quickly?"

Xu Yan frowned and still didn't answer.

"Xu Liang was obviously taken out of Sichuan Mansion, but he was captured by the soldiers of the New Reinforcement Regiment and had Daya killed in the courtyard." Lao Qi said in a low voice: "This old cat can be very ruthless."

"It wasn't Lao Mao who advocated this," Xu Yan shook his head: "It was the girl from the Yu family who did it."

"Yu Jinnian?" Lao Qi asked tentatively.

"Yes." Xu Yan nodded: "Wang Tianhui went to see Yu Jinnian first, and then Daya went there. Neither of them talked directly with Lao Mao."

When Ruan Ming heard this, he frowned and said: "This Yu Jinnian may not look like a woman, but she has a very tough style of doing things. I heard that her role and status in Songjiang are greater than Ma Laoer and Lao Mao." big."

Hearing this, Lao Qi also took out his cigarette case: "Just because she lives in Songjiang, it doesn't mean she can live happily in Sichuan. Xu Liang is already dead, and there are steps to get down from the Police Headquarters. Otherwise, the three of us can go there together." Go to Chongdu and talk directly to Lao Mao and this Yu Jinnian?"

"If you go like this, it's a bit of a forced marriage!" Ruan Ming replied lightly: "Especially when the three of us are hugging each other, it looks too sensitive."

Lao Qi smoked a cigarette and stood up suddenly: "There's nothing you can do about being sensitive. If you don't stick together, what if Da Ya makes another arrest with a gun and kills the three children of our family? You can't be shameless in this matter. It’s a matter of fact, I admit my mistake, but for the sake of my merits, I have to spare my life, right?”

Xu Yan continued to be silent.

"We accept that our position has been reduced and our military status has been removed, so we can just save our lives, right?" Lao Qi continued.

"If Xu Liang didn't die, there might be a chance to save his life, but if Xu Liang dies..."

"Dip Lingling!"

Xu Yan had just finished speaking when Ruan Ming's cell phone suddenly rang.


Ruan Ming answered the phone: "Oh, Director Li, haha, what's going on? Oh, okay, okay, I'll inform them and I'll be there right away. That's it."

After saying that, Ruan Ming hung up the phone, turned to look at the two of them and said, "It's Lao Mao's call. He asked us to go to Chongqing."

"That's just right. He called. Then we don't have to find the steps ourselves. We can go there naturally." Although Lao Qi has a strong Jianghu spirit, he is relatively straightforward and doesn't have so many twists and turns in his heart. . Otherwise, he would not have just met Qin Yu a few times before deciding to take Nanmu to join the Huncheng Brigade. All in all, he is a relatively temperamental person.

Ruan Ming turned to look at Xu Yan: "Go and take a look?"

"It's okay if I don't go." Xu Yan stood up, frowned and said, "Let's go!"

"We agreed in advance that the three of us will stay together." Lao Qi took precautions in advance: "The bottom line is that people can be fucked off, or they can accept certain punishments, but their lives must be saved."

"Yeah." Ruan Ming nodded.

"Let's check the situation first and then talk." Xu Yan sighed.

As soon as the words fell, the three of them left the hall together. Accompanied by a group of followers, they went out and got in the car and rushed to the capital.


Qin Yu sat in the car and dialed Fatty Teng's phone: "Hello, Brother Teng!"

"Haha, what are your instructions, Master Qin?" Fatty Teng replied in a teasing tone.

"Oops!" Qin Yu sighed: "I wanted to rectify the Sichuan Mansion, but who knew I had stirred up a hornet's nest in the Seventh District? Just now, my brother went to catch the Zhongdu murder case, and one of the main culprits involved in the drug case had an affair with a gang in the Seventh District. There was a conflict. They opened fire first, and our side got excited and killed one of their deputy company commanders..."

"Yes, I heard about it." Fatty Teng replied with a smile: "Boss Qin has become stronger now. He will use his sword when encountering an enemy, and he will hurt people with his sword. How cool!"

"Brother Teng, what you said is a bit hurtful." Qin Yu scratched his head: "Who am I, Qin Yu, on the ground in the three major districts? If others give me three points of thin noodles, that one is for our Gu department. Secondly, because Brother Teng is in charge of Sichuan Mansion, I don’t dare to touch it if others want to."

"Haha!" Fatty Teng laughed loudly when he heard this: "No wonder the commander likes you. If I were as eloquent as you, I would probably be the deputy commander by now."

"It's only a matter of time before you are promoted to deputy commander." Qin Yu immediately replied: "I'll leave it here. In three years at most, you will at least have the title of lieutenant general."

"Stop being such a bastard, just tell me what you want me to do."

"That's it, Brother Teng." Qin Yu immediately replied: "Four regiments came over from the Seventh District. They looked grinning, but I don't want to touch them. Can you move troops up to the border between Sichuan Mansion and the Seventh District? Just stop it and put the troops between us and the other side."

"Haha, do you have someone you're afraid of?" Fatty Teng replied with a smile: "Chen Jun and you have such a good relationship. If you don't want any friction, just call him."

"No, Brother Jun hasn't called me now, which means that he is not particularly close to the person opposite." Qin Yu shook his head and replied: "The time hasn't come yet, so let's play with him. And I'm not I'm afraid that these four regiments in District 7, mainly because this battle will definitely not be fought. Once they come over and talk about it, they will insist on me beating their deputy company commander to death. There is nothing useful to say. Too lazy to contact them.”

"If my troops move, there will be money everywhere." Fatty Teng is also an old businessman: "How can you thank me? Brother!"

"I don't want to hear what you said." Qin Yu suddenly became anxious: "Brother Teng came to Sichuan Mansion to help me garrison, so can I make you feel less warm? Do you still need to take the initiative to say this? ! The days are long, let’s take our time, whether you want to invest, or whether you want to increase troops here, reduce troops and replace them, that’s all a matter of one word from us.”

"Okay, as you said, big brother supports you." Fatty Teng was also happy.

"Fuck him, fight him!" Qin Yu nodded immediately.

"Okay, I'll do it right away."

"Brother, there is one more thing."

"you say!"

"You can lend me a guard camp for the police headquarters in Chongdu. My female director just called and she is short of people," Qin Yu said bluntly.

"no problem."

ten minutes later.

Fatty Teng said to the chief of staff: "Assemble three regiments to open up the depth of defense horizontally at the border between Sichuan Mansion and District 7, and keep out the people in District 7. Be gentle, and their leaders will come to discuss , just say that I have prepared barbecue and horses and chickens, and invite them to come and play."

"Haha, okay." The chief of staff nodded.

Fatty Teng rubbed his palms: "This Qin Laohei is a bit interesting. He is an open-minded person. You can have a deep friendship with him."

"Little Gu Yan may seem careless on the outside, but he is actually a very difficult master to serve." The chief of staff also nodded and replied: "Qin Yu has been with him for so many years without breaking up, which shows that he is very good as a person. It’s really something.”

"Help him." Fatty Teng nodded.

Late at night, a large number of cars drove from outside Zhongdu to the gate of the Police General Administration compound.

Xu Yan sat in the car and glanced outside, seeing many idle people surrounding him. Because Xu Liang died just now, the people who had dispersed came over to watch the fun again, and on the wall of the Police General Administration compound, someone spray-painted several rows of slogans with colorful sprays saying "severely punish the murderer", which looked very eye-catching.

Seeing this scene, Xu Yan frowned unconsciously.

Two minutes later, Coco, Lao Mao and others came downstairs to greet the heads of the three families.

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