District 9

Chapter 1573 Favor Pass

Two days later.

Chongdu, in the main building of a compound covering an area of ​​20,000 square meters on Jiannan Road.

Lao Mao stood in the office on the top floor and said to Coco: "I think we should just call the Sichuan Police Bureau. It sounds more grand."

"Haha." Keke smiled, holding the electric heater in both hands and replied: "Counting us, there are a total of more than 500 police officers in the entire compound. Is it appropriate for you to call the Sichuan Police Bureau? The highest police officer in the three major districts. Department, that’s what it’s called, it’s a bit taboo for you to name it like this!”

"I think it's good. Sichuan government is inherently autonomous. We can call whatever we want." Old Mao didn't care: "Besides, the territory we manage is here. For such a big place, you have to divide it according to regions. What’s the administrative level of the police? The four major towns are the police stations, and the districts are the superintendents. There’s nothing wrong with dividing them like this!”

"Okay, let's call it this." Kexiao looked at the old cat with a smile, holding the warm treasure in a fist shape: "Then congratulations to Comrade Li Fugui, for being promoted to the General Administration."

"Can you please stop calling me by my name?"

"Haha, okay, Comrade Li Fugui."

"It's boring." Old Mao waved his hand in disappointment: "Okay, I won't chat with you anymore. The people I hired from Songjiang are coming soon. I'll pick them up and steal a copy of the police management model of the ninth district. After a little improvement, we will use it first. As for the police titles and police uniforms, they should be designed and produced before they are distributed."

"Just watch and figure it out." Coco nodded slowly.

When Lao Mao heard this, he was not happy: "You are also the boss's partner appointed by Boss Qin. Why do you sit here every day and do nothing?"

"I just need to see how you perform." Coco took a sip of coffee and said, "You have outstanding abilities, so I can just stay here and be a handsome man."

"...Why do I feel like I'm raising a mistress for Boss Qin?" Lao Mao said nervously.

"Get out!!" Coco yelled anxiously.

"...Farewell!" The old cat's liver trembled at the roar, and he turned around and ran away.

The compound of the Sichuan Police Headquarters used to be the goods storage warehouse of the Zheng family. The infrastructure here is very good and the place is large. So as soon as Old Mao came in, he had people post notices outside the Autonomous Association and here. The main reason is to use this place to look very eye-catching and completely announce to the outside world that the Sichuan police system has been established.


Lao Mao took the convoy to the distant mountains and roped in dozens of police officers he had hired from the Songjiang Black Street Superintendent. These people are the absolute core of the Tiancheng system. As soon as Lao Mao, Zhu Wei and Fu Xiaohao left, although Feng Yunian was taking care of this group of people, their lives would not be easy in the future, so they immediately responded to the call and made one move. Bi came here neatly.

When old friends meet, it's inevitable to chat and drink, so Lao Mao dragged them back and immediately booked a hotel and called a few newly promoted cadres to accompany them, planning to sit down together in the evening and get acquainted with each other.

At seven o'clock in the evening.

At the north entrance of Chongdu, a black car and four trucks stopped in the open space outside the inspection post.

In the black car, a middle-aged man wearing a black leather jacket turned back to a young man in the back seat and asked: "Haha, Mr. Xu, how are you? Have you calmed down?"

The young man's face was pale, and he yawned very sleepily: "It's been too much, I'm a little dizzy."

"Haha, local people will come over in a while and take you to places in Chongdu to play in the evening. You will be energetic." The middle-aged man said with a smile: "It's fun here. They are all hot local girls. They are fair. The legs are still long.”

"I just listened to your words, so I went to this place where birds don't poop." Xu Shao looked like he was in his early twenties, but he gave people a sickly feeling for no reason. It's weak and the words are not very polite.

"Haha, it's so fun. You'll know it soon." The middle-aged man replied again.

"I'll squint for a while, and you'll call me later." Xu Shao replied calmly.

"Okay." The middle-aged man nodded.

About twenty minutes later, a military vehicle stopped on the side of the road. A battalion-level cadre with the rank of major jumped out of the vehicle, smiled and waved to the black car.

The middle-aged man in the leather jacket walked away immediately when he saw the officer, smiled and waved: "Here we come, brother!"

"Damn, I've been in a meeting and I'm a little late." The major officer replied with a smile: "Let's go into the city."

"Okay." The middle-aged man in the leather jacket nodded, waved his hand at the four trucks behind him, opened his mouth and shouted: "Get in!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the four trucks restarted and headed straight for the checkpoint.

At this time, the major officer turned to the people at the checkpoint and shouted: "Lao Li, this truck belongs to my friend, stop checking it!"

"Okay, let's go over there." The company commander on duty in the watchtower smiled and nodded at him. Obviously, this kind of inspection with a human relationship happened every day.

In this way, the four vehicles entered Chongdu City directly without inspection.

In the black car, Young Master Xu was still sleeping, while the middle-aged man in the leather jacket was sitting in the military vehicle and said to the major officer: "Brother, a heavyweight has come to Nanhu. Can you take the lead in making arrangements tonight?"

The major officer immediately waved his hand: "No, not today."

"Fuck, I'm not kidding you." The middle-aged man in the leather jacket said to the major officer's ear: "The person sitting in the car behind is the prince of Nanhu Hesheng Pharmaceutical. All my goods are from others. I got it from inside, I’m giving you a chance, do you understand?”

"I know, but you really can't do it today." The major officer said with some embarrassment: "You don't know, our superiors are currently reorganizing the army. The newly established picket department has issued more than a hundred new military disciplines and regulations in the past few days. , made it very formal...I am on duty today and cannot leave my post easily."

"You can really talk nonsense. With your status in Sichuan government, who can check you?" The middle-aged man in the leather jacket curled his lips and said, "Are you afraid of spending money? Damn it, I'll pay for it tonight, you can just find a place."

"Alas!" The major officer thought for a while and said, "Okay, I'll call the troops later. Let's unload the goods first and go directly to the site later."

"That's right, you must accompany Mr. Xu well tonight."

"Got it." The major officer nodded.

In the evening, around 10 o'clock.

In the Donghai Hotel, Lao Mao stood up and said: "There will be no entertainment tonight. It's not that I don't want to spend money, it's that our police system has just been established, and it doesn't look right to have fun together. So. That’s it for today, everyone go back and have a rest early, and arrange specific work tomorrow.”

Everyone was more understanding, so they all stood up together and prepared to drink the wine with Lao Mao and others.


At this moment, several crisp gunshots were faintly heard from the left direction.

The old cat was stunned: "Fuck, are the troops firing guns?"

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