District 9

Chapter 155: Why can’t an obvious case be solved?

Barbie Entertainment City, in the private room on the third floor.

Wu Yao used alcohol to force her down, hitting and pushing the young girl down on the sofa. He didn't care about the other party's cries and shouts, and only showed the worst side of human nature to the fullest.

Does he really lack women? He stood in the corridor outside the door and shouted, "Why don't you spend two thousand dollars and choose the one you like?" Why did he have to be violent to a girl with a family?

Bullying, he wanted the pleasure of bullying. His pathology is different from that of Xing Zihao. Xing Zihao lived too repressed at home, so his personality has two sides. He released all the pretense he had towards his father and brother to the outside, and coupled with the devastation of psychotropic drugs, he became like a mentally ill patient.

But Wu Yao was different. His personality was purely cultivated by his family. Because all his requirements have been met, and he can get regular "decompression" methods every day. To put it bluntly, when eating, drinking and having fun have become a part of life, can he still be excited?

No more.

So he needs more exciting things to add fun to his life. For example, the game he invented in the private room that disgusted Yuan Ke; such as his bullying of married women, his attempt to take possession of her by force, and the morbid pleasure he derived from knowing that her husband also worked here... …

Making mistakes while drunk is always just an excuse, because if you can make a mistake, it must be conscious.

Wu Yao completely ignored the woman's pleading, pressed her arms with his legs, and lowered his head to untie his belt.


At this moment, the private room door opened, and a thin young man wearing work clothes hurried in.

Wu Yao turned around.

"Wife!" the young man yelled. He rushed over angrily and pushed Wu Yao away: "Get the hell out of here."

The woman covered her face and cried bitterly on the sofa.

When the young man saw his wife like this, he couldn't suppress the anger in his heart. He reached out and grabbed Wu Yao's neck collar and tried to punch her.

Wu Yao gasped and looked at the other person, squinting at the other person and said: "You still want to hit me? Believe it or not, I don't even have to say hello. As long as you don't come here to spend money for three days, your boss will have to find out the reason himself and punish you both. It’s all open.”

The young man was stunned.

"No more living? No more?" Wu Yao smiled and said: "How difficult is it for someone like you to find a job now."

The young man gritted his teeth and raised his arms tremblingly.

"Get out and close the door for me. I'll get you some money later." Wu Yao reached out and pushed the young man.

"Go to hell!"

The young man is only twenty-six or seven, which is the age when he is full of energy. If the other party stops too much, he may really swallow his anger for these two jobs. But Wu Yao's tone, expression and eyes all made him feel the other party's straightforward humiliation and contempt. So he didn't control his emotions and punched him.

Wu Yao was punched and was stunned on the spot.

"Don't fight, don't fight..." The woman stood up to stop him: "Forget it, let's go, don't fight."

"Get out of here, at worst, I will go to work hard in the nuclear radiation area, so I won't be angry with him anymore." The young man's eyes were red and he punched Wu Yao on the head again.

"Stop fighting!" The woman used all her strength to hold the boy's waist and pull him back.

Wu Yao received several punches and his lip was cut open by his teeth, causing blood to flow out.

The young man gasped and looked at Wu Yao: "If you dare to harass my wife again, I will beat you to death."

"Haha." Wu Yao smiled.

"Let's go, let's go." The woman grabbed the boy's arm with both hands and pulled him out with all her strength.

The young man looked back at Wu Yao, turned around, took off his coat and put it on his wife, and then the young couple took a step to rush out of the private room.


At this moment, there was a muffled sound.

The young man's back was facing the room, his body stopped stiffly, and bright red blood flowed from the back of his head.

"Damn it, you little bastard who can't afford to live, how dare you attack me?" Wu Yao's eyes were red, and he held the half-broken wine bottle in his right hand and stabbed it down.


I don't know if Wu Yao did it on purpose, or if he was really anxious and stabbed him casually. In short, with this hasty stab, half of the wine bottle was stuck directly on the young man's neck.


Immediately afterwards, within a few seconds, another scream came from the room, and the voice belonged to the woman.

In the dilapidated brick house built by the Relief Department, Qin Yu frowned at the old man and asked, "You told the story in such detail. Is it just your own imagination, or do you have real evidence?"

"My son's matter is actually not complicated at all. You can go to Barbie Entertainment City and ask anyone who was there that day to ask about the situation. They will definitely explain the matter in as detailed a way as I did." The old man looked at it. Qin Yu responded: "Because although the incident happened in a private room, how could the shouts and physical conflicts be heard by people outside?! In the entire Barbie Entertainment City, who doesn't know what happened that day? Ah, so, what’s the use of conjecture?”

Qin Yu was silent.

"I really don't have any evidence. I asked many people to find out the details of the whole thing." When the old man said this, he looked at Qin Yu with tears in his eyes: "But if you really want to investigate, you really want to help us. If ordinary people with flat heads redress their grievances, then you can find at least dozens of witnesses in this case. Because my son and daughter-in-law did not come out of the private room that day. Someone told me that when a fight broke out in the room, only Wu Yao’s friends rushed in, and the others I didn’t dare to go in and ask. Later, two cars arrived downstairs, and someone saw with their own eyes that they threw the person from the third floor through the window, and then Wu Yao walked away in a big way."

"Then you didn't find a witness to explain the situation to Superintendent Jiangnan?" Zhu Wei asked.

"After my son and daughter-in-law had an accident, I knelt down at least forty or fifty times. When I found someone who understood the situation, I kowtowed to them... Because I had no money and no way to repay others, I could only ask them to take pity on me. ." The old man wiped tears from his eyes and replied, "But until now, no one is willing to stand up and explain the situation at that time, no one..."

Everyone was silent.

The old man raised his head: "Actually, I can understand that these people who know the situation are afraid of Wu Yao. But I am not afraid anymore. My son and daughter-in-law are gone, and there is only a boy, my wife and I left in the family. She fell ill. , lying in that room. We both have discussed it. Even if we die, we will die on the road to litigation. I don’t ask Wu Yao to pay compensation, nor do I ask him to apologize. I just want the law to give the most just decision. Then I asked him where he buried my son. My wife and I knew where to visit the grave during the holidays."

Qin Yu thought about it for a long time, then stood up and said to the old man: "Man, I will help you investigate this case."

"Can you check?" The old man was a little confused.

"If I can't find out, then this case will be dead." Qin Yu sighed and replied.

When the old man heard this, his cloudy eyes ignited with hope again: "I... thank you...!"


Ma Laoer stood in the wasteland, burning the hell coins.

The old cat turned to look at him: "You are alive."

Ma Laoer pulled the fire and said in a calm voice: "It's hard not to have someone in charge at home. I'm going back to Songjiang."

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