District 9

Chapter 1550 Disaster in the Distant Mountains

After the four regiments of Chongdu, with a total of 6,000 men, reached the combat position, they started the most brutal battle in Yuanshan since its establishment.

Both sides have long-standing grievances, and this conflict is another battle that determines the life and death of both sides, so it entered a heated stage as soon as they met.

The two artillery battalions in Chongdu do not have the combat capabilities of the New First Army. They cannot do precise strikes, and they do not have a complete modern operations room or information room. Therefore, when they open fire, they rush towards the largest defensive force in Yuanshan Town. Intensive area fucked hard.

Such a fight would inevitably kill and injure people. But at this moment, the other side couldn't control so much. They only ordered the artillery battalion to carry out indiscriminate covering strikes, and asked other troops to collectively attack the distant mountains from three directions.

Marion's armed forces are supported by District 7, so their military strength is very strong. However, the number of people is too small, and the area of ​​the distant mountain town is relatively large. If the defense is concentrated on one side, the other three sides will definitely be empty. But if you defend separately, there won't be many troops in position. Two thousand people are deployed in four directions, and there are only 500 people at most at that point.

After two rounds of artillery battles between the two sides, the losses in the direction of Chongdu were greater because they were in an offensive position, while the Marion Armed Forces were defending in bunkers in the city and had a geographical advantage. But after the artillery battle ended, the opponent's strength advantage was fully demonstrated.

Four regiments, in addition to the artillery battalion, with more than 5,000 men, attacked from three directions in a mighty manner.

The two sides only fought for an hour and a half, but the forward deployment of Marion's armed forces had already been penetrated, and the enemy soldiers rushed into the city without stopping.

The leader of the Marion Armed Forces yelled at Xu Yan with a walkie-talkie: "No, multiple defenses will definitely not be able to block the opposite side. They have too many people. We can only withdraw our defenses immediately, surround the area in the middle of the distant mountains, and shrink the area." Defend the area so that we can concentrate our forces and delay time.”

"Where to defend?" Xu Yan asked.

"Around the Autonomous Association." The leader of the Marion Armed Forces said immediately: "You and the people from the UN Protection Group will also go there. We will withdraw now."


After saying that, the two ended the call.

On the west side of Yuanshan City, Xu Yan was covered with dust and snow, his cheeks were scorched black by the shell smoke, and his voice was hoarse from shouting: "...Stop fighting, go to the Autonomous Association to defend, the Marion armed men have already Withdrawn."

"President Xu, we can't fight anymore..."

At this moment, a leader of the UN Protection Mission ran back from a distance. The man in his forties shouted in a tearful voice: "Damn it, my brother is dead... he was blown up by a gun... …I don’t understand, they are coming for Qin Yu, why should we be shot for the Huncheng Brigade?! I don’t care, I want to take people away...otherwise they will all die here."

"What are you talking about? Are you crazy?!" Xu Yan roared back.

"I don't care anymore, I'm leaving." The leader of the joint protection group turned around and shouted: "Follow me, let's stick out from behind, don't care..."


Xu Yan went up and kicked him, then grabbed his neck and yelled: "Are you stupid? Have you taken the position Qin Yu gave you? You can take the money Huncheng Brigade gave you." Didn't get it? What did you do in the distant mountains? The three major families and the two major companies know better than you yourself. You are the backbone and the person who is staring at you. Where are you running? Where can you run? Go? Your family doesn’t want it anymore? CNM, are you being shot for the mixed brigade? You are fighting for yourself, your wife and children. If the distant mountains are gone, how did Xiaobai treat them back then? , they will treat us how they will treat us. Our position has been taken, there is no turning back, do you understand?"

Everyone was stunned.

"Who are we? We are people who have worked with three major families and two major companies!" Xu Yan glared and shouted: "We joined the Huncheng Brigade. They hate us more than they hate Qin Yu. You choose your own path, No one is forcing you, think about the consequences before you fucking run away.”

After saying that, Xu Yan stood up, turned around and shouted: "My family members in Nanmu, in the distant mountains, and some bloody ones all came back to the Autonomous Association with me to garrison. If you really want to run away, I won't stop you. The sky is high and the birds can fly.”

These people are not regular troops, or they are not even reserve forces. Li Zhan has been in charge of the joint security and security groups. If their quality was good, they would have been stuffed into regular combat troops. So when the cannons, machine guns, and handguns went off, these people were really scared out of their wits. But these few words from Xu Yan were also very encouraging. Yes, they are all backbones, and everything they care about and care about is in the distant mountains. If they run away, what will happen to their families, and where can they go in the future?

Xu Yan ran back with his men. Those who were still there hesitated briefly, and most of them followed, including the leader who wanted to run just now.

As for those who had no worries and low status, they didn't want to fight anymore, so they started running in small groups to the distant mountains.

But this is normal. When a disaster is approaching and life or death is at stake, some people want to live. What's wrong with that?

After two hours of fierce fighting.

It was past eight o'clock in the evening. Marion's armed men outnumbered two thousand and only less than one thousand were left. The UNPROFORCE was almost completely defeated. In total, only a few were left who could carry their guns and continue fighting. to two hundred.

The battle losses of the four regiments in Zhongdu were also not low. They lost more than 2,000 men on the way to the attack. And although they are known as the military, they do not have a corresponding medical team. Many seriously injured people can only wait to die without receiving effective treatment at all.

But even so, the remaining people in Chongdu did not stop their attack. More than 4,000 people had already surrounded the courtyard of the Autonomous Association.

In the crowd, He Taiyong gritted his teeth and shouted: "The big fish are all in the courtyard. As long as we capture them, we can bring them up. Qin Yu will not dare to open fire even when he reaches the gate of the capital. The artillery battalion will give me another round, and then Each regiment organizes a stormtrooper team and goes in together, I want to capture Xu Yan alive inside."

In the courtyard of the Autonomous Association.

Xu Yan waved his hands and yelled: "Carry the injured to the bungalow, don't go to the main building... Damn it, if a cannon is fired from the opposite side, everyone will be covered up? Hurry up and don't wait."


The earth-shaking sound of artillery sounded, and there were continuous explosions in the compound.

"President Xu, get down, get down!" the leader of Marion's armed group waved his hand and shouted.

Xu Yan had never been on the battlefield. After hearing the explosion, he instinctively ran to the nearest bunker.


With a muffled sound, the watchtower on the left was exploded by a cannonball, and countless debris flew out.


Xu Yan's body burst into blood mist, and he fell directly to the ground while running.

"President Xu!" The leader of the Marion Armed Forces immediately rushed over with his troops.

Inside the Fengxiang Company building in Chongdu.

Zheng Xinghui held his desk with red eyes and asked: "Call again and ask where He Taiyong was hit and how long it will take?!"

"I don't fucking understand. It makes sense for the mixed brigade to defend the distant mountains, but why is this Marion armed force risking its life to buy time for Qin Yu?" Wang Changli cursed: "There are two thousand of them They were almost beaten and refused to run away, and the local people in the distant mountains were also trying their best to defend."

"Marion's armed defense is resolute. Chen Jun must have given the order." Sha Zhongyan was also a little upset: "We need to urge them to end it quickly. Time is already very tight."


While everyone was discussing, the staff officer of the Self-Defense Army opened the door and walked in, speaking quickly: "The soldiers of the mixed brigade have advanced to the outskirts of Nanmu. At least one regiment has abandoned its large motor vehicles and is preparing to take the mountain road. Rush to the aid of distant mountains."

"So fast?!" Zheng Xinghui was shocked.

"Yes, the motor vehicle convoy of the mixed brigade all uses traction chains. The front vehicle is tied to the rear vehicle, and the vehicle is driven here at maximum power. Even if one vehicle falls into a pit, a few vehicles can pull it and the maneuver can be restored immediately. Ability." The staff officer frowned and said, "They arrived nearly two hours earlier than expected."

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