District 9

Chapter 1548 The choice of Chongdu

Near Jiangzhou, in the center of the Zhu Group's convoy, Qin Yu was anxiously making arrangements: "The fact that Zhongdu has expressed its acceptance of the reorganization of the Ninth District Military Headquarters at this time means that they already know that our mixed brigade has made some moves, and now it is We have to fight a time war. For the 114th Regiment, unload all the armored vehicles and mechanized equipment from the carriages, equip Daya’s regiment first, and let them go first.”

"Yes!" Xiaobai nodded immediately.

"Daya, you move forward quickly. In the Fushankou area, receive the airdrop troops from the Gu Corps and assemble all the heavy firepower for me." Qin Yu said very quickly: "The airdrop troops from the Eighth District are here. It will also take a certain amount of time here, we can’t just wait here, we have to walk on two legs.”

"Yes!" Da Ya nodded.

"Ou Xiaobin," Qin Yu called back, "for a moment, your group will wait here. I'll also call District 7 and ask them to transport some more mechanical equipment. The other side is prepared. If forced Fight, the firepower we have now is not enough."

"Understood!" Ou Xiaobin nodded.

"Hurry, everyone is on your position and execute the order immediately!" Qin Yu shouted, clapping his hands.

Everyone heard the sound and dispersed.

At the same time, Qin Yu dialed Chen Jun's phone: "Hello, brother!"

"Has the Ninth District responded?" Chen Jun asked bluntly: "I think the city has announced that it will accept the adaptation."

"I must have realized it." Qin Yu immediately replied: "Brother, I was afraid of attracting attention when I left, so I only traveled lightly because it was too laborious to build large military equipment. Towing an armored vehicle to a train car would take at least ten minutes. , the target is too big. So now that the other side is prepared, the mechanical equipment in my hand is not enough, so you have to give me some support."

"Where are you?" Chen Jun asked.

"It's near Jiangzhou, very close to District 7."

"That's okay." Chen Jun lowered his head and glanced at his watch: "There is our garrison outside Jiangzhou. Just wait for me, and I will bring out a regiment's equipment for you and give you thirty armored vehicles."

Qin Yu was filled with gratitude: "Thank you, brother!"

"Qin Yu, you must understand one thing. This time you are not dealing with the Shen family, but with the General Administration of the Ninth District Military Headquarters. They want to take over the capital. And this is why I can secretly help you. , because now the Ninth District World War II Zone can't give you any support, understand?" Chen Jun said in a serious tone: "The Ninth District Military Headquarters wants to seize the capital, part of the reason is because this place is very important, but more The reason is to prevent District 7 and District 8 from occupying too many resources. Because there are too many shadows of me and the Gu family in the Sichuan government, and your position is close to ours, they are also on defense, do you understand? "

Chen Jun pointed out the crux of the problem in just a few words.

Qin Yu immediately replied after hearing this: "I understand, I will fight to the death to win the important capital."

"Ask the troops to wait, and I will immediately mobilize the nearest garrison unit to send you equipment." After Chen Jun finished speaking, he hung up the phone.

Two hours later.

Ou Xiaobin's regiment received equipment from the Chen Corps near Jiangzhou, and then frantically pursued Xiaobai's troops.

Two hours later, Daya led his troops to Fushan Pass and immediately ordered the troops to spread.

Transport planes followed closely, arriving from the direction of Yanbei. After verifying the exact location, they began to frantically drop heavy firepower siege equipment.

While Qin Yu was rapidly consolidating his forces, there were differences of opinion between the Chongdu direction and the Shen family in the ninth district, and each had their own reasons.

At noon, around 12:30, in the conference room of Fengxiang Company in Chongdu.

Zheng Xinghui put his palms in his hands and said to Sha Zhongyan with a frown: "How long will it take for the troops from the ninth district to reach the capital?"

Sha Zhongyan thought for a while and said: "The First War Zone has mobilized the two divisions closest to Sichuan to move here. Some of them have already boarded the light rail train and will enter Sichuan within 24 hours at the latest."

"It's definitely too late." Wang Changli frowned and replied: "Qin Yu's troops have already obtained airdrops near Fushan Pass. They will be able to reach the distant mountains before ten o'clock in the evening."

Zheng Xinghui was silent for a while, then immediately said to Sha Zhongyan: "We can't wait for Qin Yu to come over, we have to take action first."

"What do you mean?" Sha Zhongyan asked.

"Now the only troops Qin Yu can mobilize in the distant mountains are the two thousand men armed by Marion." Zheng Xinghui looked at Sha Zhongyan and replied: "Before Qin Yu comes back, we have to attack the distant mountains first."

"Hit Yuanshan?" Sha Zhongyan frowned and stood up: "Why?!"

"Because the troops from the ninth district arrived too slowly." Wang Changli also stood up and replied: "You have 24 hours to enter, and Qin Yu will be here before ten o'clock tonight. If you don't hit the distant mountains, he will definitely come. We must attack the important capital."

"If he attacks, we can hold on!" Sha Zhongyan responded quickly: "Qin Yu only came with three regiments, only 7,000 people at most. Counting the more than 2,000 people armed by Marion, they are effective The attack force will not exceed 10,000. In addition, they left the Eighth District in a hurry. They did not bring much heavy firepower and mobile equipment, and their follow-up supplies were weak. Therefore, as long as our self-defense forces stay in the city for more than ten hours , when the big troops arrive, this matter will be over."

Wang Changli waved his hand when he heard this: "Our Self-Defense Army has a total of about 12,000 people, but one-fifth of them are new recruits. It is very unsafe to stick to it for more than ten hours. Once Qin Yu invades, That’s all over.”

"I think you are too pessimistic." Sha Zhongyan shook his head and replied: "Our Ninth District Military Headquarters has publicly announced that all major cities have been reorganized. Then you are the legal and regular troops of the Ninth District. Even if Qin Yu When he comes to Chongdu, he has no suitable reason and will definitely not dare to open fire."

Zheng Xinghui frowned and looked at Sha Zhongyan, and asked bluntly: "Do you know Qin Yu?"

"He was in Songjiang before." Sha Zhongyan immediately replied: "Although this person is unruly, he has a bright mind. Attacking the troops in the ninth district, how big a trap is this?!"

"I can tell you clearly that as soon as he reaches the gate of Zhongdu, he will definitely dare to shoot without any hesitation." Zheng Xinghui said with great certainty: "If you want to use the identity of District 9 to suppress him, he will Don’t care about this at all.”

"Even if he opens fire as soon as he arrives at the gate of the capital city, then we have more than 10,000 self-defense troops. They attack and defend, and they prepare in such a hurry. We have an absolute advantage!" Sha Zhongyan still insisted on his opinion. : "But if you take the initiative to attack Yuanshan, it is equivalent to giving Qin Yu a legitimate reason to open fire. Then the announcement that the ninth district has been included in the capital will be useless! Qin Yu can even bite back and let the World War II district Complain us to each war zone."

"You believe me!!" Zheng Xinghui was not interested in what Sha Zhongyan said at all. He almost shouted back: "Don't doubt Qin Yu's determination to win the capital. As long as he gets to the door, he won't hold his hand It is impossible to give up if these nearly 10,000 troops are exhausted. And we are the side under siege, and many people have no idea. Moreover, we have not taken any advantage in several confrontations. Combat units at all levels, Mentally, you are at a disadvantage. But it is different if you choose to attack. The only troops Qin Yu can mobilize in Sichuan are the two thousand Marion Armed Forces. We only need to defeat them and attack them far away. Mountain, detaining all the people around Qin Yu as a threat, then Qin Yu will not dare to attack the important capital again. Not to mention anything else, the Xu family lineage alone is enough to influence Qin Yu's decision. "

Sha Zhongyan heard the sound and started thinking.

five minutes later.

Outside the conference room, Sha Zhongyan took the phone and said to the Chief of General Staff of the First Theater Command: "Yes, the people here in Chongdu feel that they can take the initiative by attacking the distant mountains first."

The chief of general staff pondered for a while and then replied: "Then do what they want. The local people know their own strength and Qin Yu's style better."

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