District 9

Chapter 1539 The city is broken

Survey the battlefield.

Guo Yu's New First Army, except for the second division that could no longer be contacted, the other troops were suddenly dominated by regiment-level and battalion-level units and broke out in all directions.

This battle is no longer a battle to support Tang Zhang's faction to reach the top, but a breakout battle related to one's own life and death.

From senior generals to battalion-level commanders, they were all very worried. The big shot knows in his heart that if he is caught, he will definitely be labeled a war criminal and hanged on the execution platform. Gu Tai'an needs an explanation from them, the people need an explanation from them, and all political forces will also want an explanation. Even those trembling accomplices below need to die to take care of the big guys.

As for the military officers who command battalion-level troops, they also know in their hearts that they will not get good results after the war in District 8 is over. The only possibility was to spend a few years in a prisoner of war camp and then serve a long sentence in a military prison. For most of my life, I have to deal with the iron walls of prison.

These people are the core of the rebellion. After Gu Tai'an takes over the Eighth District, he may not raise his butcher's knife high at first, but once the internal political order is stabilized, they will definitely be lambs to be slaughtered. But now that they are standing in the ninth district, they have troops and people who have certain utilization value, and maybe there is a glimmer of hope.

After the breakout battle started, the mixed brigade and Lincheng troops immediately engaged in the blocking battle. But it may not be easy for the enemy to hold on, but if there are tens of thousands of people who just want to run away, it will be difficult to stop them.

After the New First Army prepared to flee, the division directly under the General Political Department outside Yanbei, as well as several regiments directly under the General Political Department, also withdrew from the defense area, surrendering Yanbei. They did not even dare to fire a shot and ran towards Flee in the direction of the river.

They can't do it even if they don't run. These troops are all directly under the General Administration of Police and have no blood relationship with the First World War and Second World War Zones. They have a lot of friction during peacetime. The military chiefs also wear the same pants as Secretary-General Zhang. So if they were caught, the end would probably be worse than Xu Shaohong's.

In the Self-Defense Army camp, the commander stood covered with dust next to the sand table, folded the infrared pen with a loud bang, and cursed through gritted teeth: "The New First Army, a force directly under the General Political Department, with more than 40,000 people, how can we survive?" A bunch of reservists in Zhanei were scared away. Damn, they are useless, they are useless!"

"Commander, Gu Taixian's troops in the direction of Chacha have pressed forward across the board." The staff officer said with a trembling voice: "Tan Zhongshu's 27th Division also fled in large numbers and was penetrated in just one encounter. Our forward troops also I can’t bear it anymore…”

The commander closed his eyes and remained silent for a long time before saying: "There is no way to save the situation. Don't make fearless sacrifices anymore. Order all divisions and regiments to give up defense... Those who have a way out, please find a way out quickly."

After saying that, the military commander sat down on the chair with a clang and picked up the cigarette case with trembling arms.

"Commander, people from the European Union will pick us up. Han Sanqian has been contacted. Now..." the chief of staff said tentatively.

The military commander lit a cigarette, lowered his head, and waved his hand: "I won't leave, and neither will he. But you all have families and businesses, so you can leave."


"I am the Eighth District Lieutenant General, what the hell are you doing in the European Union District?!" the commander turned around and asked.

Inside the government building.

The secretary walked in again and said to Tang Qingyuan very quickly: "People from our government affairs department are already waiting, Chief... Let's go quickly. Gu Tai'an's troops are already coming here. If we delay it any longer, Bei You can’t get out from the side door either.”

"You go," Tang Qingyuan came to his senses and responded calmly: "I won't leave."

"Chief, this is not the time to be serious!" The secretary persuaded in an excited voice: "Keep the green hills here, don't worry about running out of firewood."

"My green hill is District 8, Yanbei, this is my home." Tang Qingyuan chuckled and replied: "What can I do in the EU area? Be a political clown for them and let them use me to fan the flames in front of the media. , or should I shout and rebel against Gu Tai'an again?"

The secretary was speechless.

"Whether Gu Tai'an wants to admit it or not, I am the highest political officer of the Eighth District. I represent the face of the Chinese... I can die, but not without dignity." Tang Qingyuan turned to look out the window: "My descendants, It still has to be surnamed Tang, doesn’t it?”

The secretary looked at him and knew that he had made up his mind.

"You go, I'll stay by myself for a while." Tang Qingyuan waved his hand.

The secretary turned her back to him, paused for a few seconds, bowed, and then left.

In the empty government building, everyone who should have run away had run away, and everyone who should be ready to surrender was ready to surrender. Only Tang Qingyuan was left on the top floor.

He served as the chief administrative officer for six years and served for one and a half terms. Objectively speaking, the overall economy and people's livelihood foundation of the eight districts have been improved to a certain extent. At this point, Qin Yu felt the deepest. He still remembers what he said while sitting in the car when he came to Yanbei before getting married: "Yanbei has changed a lot."

This sentence fully demonstrates that Tang Qingyuan did something good and achieved results during his tenure. But it was also during his tenure that the Civil War broke out in District Eight. Perhaps many years later, some of his meritorious deeds will not be recorded in political textbooks, and he can only be evaluated as a war criminal.

Tang Qingyuan slowly opened the window and climbed onto the window sill with a slightly clumsy movement. The cold wind outside blew on his face like a knife.

He looked at the busiest streets in Yanbei, at the buildings rising from the ground, at the construction sites still under construction, and at the eye-catching banners left behind by the District Construction Festival a few days ago. There was something in his eyes. Guilt, but also relief.

The flames of war raging across the eight districts may not be what he wanted... His political view has always been that power cannot be too concentrated, so the military and government must be separated.

As the cold wind blew, Tang Qingyuan decisively stepped out with his right leg, stepped on the air, and fell from the tall building.


A few seconds later, a muffled sound echoed on the ground. Tang Qingyuan's body twisted, his eyes closed, and he fell to his death.

five minutes later.

The commander of the Self-Defense Army swallowed a gun and committed suicide in the military command room.

The city is broken, checkmate is dead!

No matter how big the world is, how can a dignified general live in a foreign country and be slaughtered by others?

Inside the Gu Corps headquarters.

The chief of staff said to Gu Tai'an: "Most of the defeated troops are fleeing towards Tonghe, where the Sha family's troops are stationed."

"What the hell, I didn't expect them to be so fragile. As soon as the battle situation turned around, they ran away without even firing a shot." Gu Tai'an frowned and said, "...the Shen Corps of District 9 wanted to pick up the slack. "

"There are too many broken troops breaking through. There are only mixed brigades and Lincheng troops on the northern battlefield. They cannot stop so many people." The chief of staff reminded.

Gu Tai'an pondered for a long time, then suddenly turned around and said, "Inform Qin Yu immediately and ask him to come over soon."

"Yes!" The chief of staff nodded.

In the prison camp, Ma Laoer pushed open the door and walked into the detention room. He looked at Officer Huang with cold eyes and said, "Long time no see!"

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