District 9

Chapter 1523 Return!

Commander Shen turned to look at everyone and said calmly: "Let the Sha family's troops gather and move towards Yanbei to station troops at Lianhe Port."

"Commander, either help or stay still. What does it mean to station troops halfway through the journey?" Shen Yin asked confused.

Commander Shen frowned: "The Gu family, including the mixed brigade, now has 80,000 troops. It has just been a few days since the war started. What can you understand? A little city, a little patience!"

Shen Yin was scolded by his father and immediately stopped talking.

"Let's do it like this." Commander Shen waved his hands to everyone.

It's about four o'clock in the afternoon.

In Guo Yu's New First Army headquarters, Chief Huang said with a smile on his face: "This bottle is said to have been given by the tenth son of Kangxi to the Eighth Sage King. Later, it changed hands several times and ended up in the hands of the Northeast King. I found some friends and bought it. It took a long time to get it.”

Guo Yu has no other hobbies and is usually willing to collect these old toys. He wore white gloves and looked at it with a magnifying glass for a while, then said with a smile: "Good stuff, Lao Huang, you took the trouble to do it."

"What are you talking about? The leader's interest is my interest, haha!" Officer Huang smiled.

"You got the information about the mixed brigade in a timely manner. During today's meeting, I specifically mentioned you to the superiors." Guo Yu slowly put down the bottle: "Don't worry, you will be reused when the war is over. "

"Thank you, Commander Guo, for your support." In fact, Chief Huang was not under Guo Yu's jurisdiction, and the latter was not his immediate boss. However, after the war started, the Military Intelligence Bureau sent him to the New First Army and asked him to lead a department. A military intelligence officer who provided combat intelligence to the New First Army, that's why he licked Guo Yu like this. Because the war is over and his work performance must be recognized by the new army, his promotion is inevitable.

Chief Huang looked at Guo Yu and paused for a moment before continuing in a low voice: "I have news here. After Huncheng Brigade defeated Xinyang, some internal conflicts occurred."

"What's the contradiction?" Guo Yu asked with little interest, because he was a very arrogant person and didn't take the mixed brigade seriously.

"That's it...!" Officer Huang reported to Guo Yu in a low voice.

"Haha, it's not uncommon to be happy when you win, but to be scolded when you lose. This is not uncommon in any army." Guo Yu replied calmly: "If you think there is a chance, you can also take action. But the main focus should still be on the enemy. In terms of the reconnaissance of the Corps, our main opponents are them."

"That's no problem." Chief Huang nodded: "Then I'll go to the Second Division first in the evening and stay with Yang Liandong for a few days to see if there are any opportunities along this line?"

"Okay." Guo Yu nodded: "Go ahead. Although Yang Liandong has a bad temper, he is also straight-tempered and easy to get along with."

"Okay." Chief Huang responded.

That night, Chief Huang took the military intelligence personnel below and rushed to Yang Liandong's Second Division headquarters by car and began to work underground.

It's about eight o'clock in the evening.

The Northeast Theater Command of the Fifth District suddenly announced that it would conduct a self-defense blockade on the northwest and southwest lines. The reason was that the Chen Jun Corps and the Gu Corps had repeatedly provoked military frictions along the border.

As soon as the decision of the fifth district came out, many of the faction bosses in the three major districts who were paying attention to the civil war in the eighth district were pessimistic about the prospects of the Gu Corps.

Because once the fifth district joins the battle on the northwest and southwest fronts, it means that Gu Yan's troops will not be able to return to defend the eighth district in a short time, and they will be entangled. At present, the Gu Corps is retreating steadily on the battlefields around the Eighth District. As a result, the possibility of final failure is very high.

In the northwest line defense zone.

Gu Yan glared and cursed: "Damn it, this District 5 is really a troublemaker. Now that we are sending more troops to support Pu Xiazi, I will definitely not be able to leave!"

In fact, Gu Yan has been fighting the battle very hastily these days. He wants to repel the Pu clique army as soon as possible and return to Yanbei to reinforce his own troops. But seeing that the attack was becoming more and more effective, the Northeast Theater in District 5 suddenly increased its troops openly. As a result, he could no longer leave. Because the nature of the war has changed. It is not the regular army fighting private militia, but military friction between the regions. If they run away at this time, they can be drowned by spittle.

Just when Gu Yan's mentality exploded, the signal soldier suddenly stood up and shouted: "Report to the commander-in-chief, there is an encrypted call from the headquarters."

Gu Yan was startled, then immediately walked over and answered the phone: "Hello? Who is this!"

"Baby, are you panicking?" A familiar voice sounded.

Gu Yan burst into tears when he heard this voice.

"I'm fine. Give me a good fight. If the country is lost, I'll fucking shoot you." The other party just said this lightly and hung up the phone.

Gu Yan turned to look outside the tent and suddenly said: "Damn it, it's daylight!"

Half past nine in the evening.

After the fifth district declared a state of war, the Self-Defense Forces outside Hucha, the New First Army, and Tan Zhongshu's division began to rapidly advance toward Hucha, preparing for the final decisive battle with the direct troops of the Gu family here.

Outside Qufu, in the headquarters compound of the Gu Corps.

Several military vehicles came to a slow stop, and a group of people entered the main building without making any noise.

Ten minutes later.

In the large conference room upstairs, Fatty Teng gnashed his teeth and cursed: "Lin Yaozong's troops have also come, and now we don't dare to fire first, and we don't dare to move. Damn it, this battle is not an ordinary one. I can only watch as the Hucha side is besieged... The stupid District 5 also comes to join in the fun, I really fucking want to...!


The door of the conference room was suddenly pushed open, and an energetic and thin old man walked in with more than a dozen people. He cursed with his hands behind his back: "Fat Teng, Fatty Teng, when will you be able to have some wealth? Upstairs. I heard you curse next time."

The generals who had their backs to the door in the conference room turned around immediately when they heard the sound.

Gu Tai'an, with a dry and thin body, was standing there.


"It's the commander, the commander is back!"

"F*ck!" Fatty Teng was not very educated and could only use these two words to express his shock.


In an instant, the conference room was filled with excitement.

"Oh, this one was so shocking that I almost didn't get off the operating table." Gu Tai'an said jokingly: "When I was taking anesthesia, I seemed to be in the Palace of Hell in a daze. Then I thought about it, the things in this family are too... Too much, I can’t die, I’m stuck in one breath, and it’s coming back again.”

When everyone looked at the thin old man, the gloom and depression in their hearts were instantly swept away.

He stood there with confidence!

Gu Tai'an looked at everyone, nodded slowly and said: "In the past few days when I was away, our conference room has lost some people, which makes me feel a little sad! Okay, everyone, please sit down!"


Everyone shouted in unison, and everyone sat on both sides of the conference table.

Gu Tai'an was helped to sit on the front seat and said in a low voice: "Gu Taixian."

"Here!" Gu Taixian stood up.

"Go to Hucha and prepare to pick up my troops." Gu Tai'an said calmly: "What a fool, haha, 80,000 people dare to touch my home, so let's fight him!"

"Yes!" Gu Taixian saluted.

"I heard that Lin Yaozong is also here?" Gu Tai'an ordered calmly: "Instruct all the garrison in Qufu to advance towards Xinyang. I will see if he can shoot at me."

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