District 9

Chapter 1519: Rebellious General

To the south of Yanbei in District 8, after Fatty Teng's division defeated the garrison, it had been trying to advance forward, penetrate the defensive area of ​​the Self-Defense Army, and approach Yanbei City. However, the defensive attitude of the Self-Defense Forces was beyond imagination, and their combat capabilities were much stronger than expected. Therefore, the two sides fought fiercely for several days, and no one could do anything to defeat the other.

During this period, the Gu Corps Headquarters sent orders to the 27th Field Division several times, ordering the division commander Tan Zhongshu to detour from the direction of Hucha and lead troops to support Fatty Teng. However, the 27th Division was moving very slowly, and even after arriving today After checking the surroundings, he suddenly stopped moving.

Xingshan battlefield, inside Fatty Teng's headquarters.

"Damn it, this Tan Zhongshu hasn't replied yet?" Fatty Teng hasn't slept much for a few days. His eyes are scarlet and his face is sallow, but he is very excited and scolding people: "Is he riding a tricycle? You Even if you take a tricycle, you should reach your destination by now."

"I contacted their division headquarters just now, but now I can't contact Tan Zhongshu. Their staff officer said that Tan Zhongshu is deploying troops at the front and has not responded to the call." The chief of staff frowned and said: "This patrol of the surrounding roads is indeed It's not easy to walk, and there are also garrison areas of the Self-Defense Forces. They were moving slowly before, which is understandable. But now that the 27th Division has arrived at the edge of Hucha, it suddenly stopped moving. Then... the situation is a bit subtle. "

Fatty Teng is a radical commander, but this does not mean that he has no brains: "What is the attitude of our headquarters?"

"The order has been given, let us retreat." The chief of staff pointed to the sand table and said: "Look, the current situation is that we are in the Hucha area. Counting Tan Zhongshu's troops, there are about 50,000 people who have not moved. Behind us, in the direction of Qufu, there are still more than 20,000 troops staring in the direction of Xinyang without moving. Currently, the only ones fighting fiercely are the mixed brigade and our division, as well as a few scattered regiments. Counting the mixed brigade, our side The number of troops engaged in the battle is about 30,000. If we add these together, we can probably use 100,000 troops. And what about the opponent? The Self-Defense Forces have more than 40,000 people, and Guo Yu has more than 30,000 people. Counting those in the World War II zone The 415th Division, as well as the divisions directly under the General Political Department and the following regiments, have at least 110,000 troops. By the way, they also have an air command department of the General Political Department."

Fatty Teng looked at the sand table and said nothing.

The chief of staff pointed to the entrance point of Hucha and said: "Hypothetical, hypothetical, if Tan Zhongshu has a problem at this point, one will go down and the other will go up, our situation may be..."

Fatty Teng instantly understood what the chief of staff meant: "Damn it, listen to the headquarters and let the troops retreat in an orderly manner. I want to see what can happen to Hucha."

The chief of staff nodded slowly and sighed unconsciously: "Our commander, victory lies in the pattern, but he is also trapped in the pattern. If we don't care about the northwest front now, let Gu Yan come back with three divisions and 50,000 troops. That can turn the tide of the war around in an instant. Our troops have pure pedigree. With superior strength, is there any disadvantage in fighting these temporarily formed interest groups?! Personally, I think it can be solved in two months at most. This war.”

"Alas!" Fatty Teng also sighed: "If he really does that, he won't be able to be the commander of the Gu Corps. If Gu Yan is to withdraw from the northwest, the Pu Corps will definitely carry out massacres within the line. They are not affiliated anyway. For any major region, reputation is not a concern, and with the protection of the five regions, the Asian League cannot do anything to them. But what will be the direction of public opinion outside?! In order to fight a civil war and compete for power, the Gu Corps does not care about the people in the area to be planned life and death, and there is also suspicion of fear of war... Alas, these guns and cannons can't kill us, but the people's hearts can! To take this step, military victory is only one aspect, and the people's centripetal force is also another aspect."

The chief of staff was speechless.

Fatty Teng stood up and said, "Order the troops to retreat. I want to see what will happen in Hucha."

"Okay!" The chief of staff nodded.

About half an hour later.

After being unable to attack for a long time, Fatty Teng's division also withdrew from the battlefield on the south side of Yanbei. The Self-Defense Forces pursued it for about fifty kilometers before stagnating.

After the news of this withdrawal spread, the outside world was in an uproar.

The mixed brigade faced off against the New First Army and ended in a disastrous defeat.

Fatty Teng attacked Yanbei with murderous intent. After fighting for several days, it had no effect, and now he retreated in embarrassment.

The answers handed over to the outside world in the two battlefields were very unsatisfactory. From this moment on, the Gu family seemed to be at a comprehensive disadvantage.

Guo Yu's New First Army marched northward. After detouring from Yanbei, it moved diagonally to the west and was about to advance into Hucha.

At the same time, more than 40,000 people from the Self-Defense Forces gathered together and formed a coalition force of nearly 70,000 people with Guo Yu, watching Hucha with eager eyes.

Hucha is the foundation of the Gu Corps. Their Zhu family granary is here, and the main force of more than 50,000 people is also here. Therefore, after Guo Yu's New First Army and the Self-Defense Army merged, the strategic intention was already obvious. They were no longer prepared to defend, but to attack.

Attack Hucha!

After more than 70,000 people gathered, Secretary-General Zhang also began to exert his strength. He secretly contacted him with his last trump card.

At the edge of Hucha, inside the headquarters of the 27th Division.

The teacher, Tan Zhongshu, wore gold-rimmed glasses and a well-made Mao suit. He had his hands folded and looked at the people in the conference room expressionlessly.

"Commander, I think it's okay." The chief of staff pointed to the sand table and said, "Look, Guo Yu's new army has come up, to the north of us, and below us is the Self-Defense Force outside Yanbei. If we don't Let’s make it clear that once these two troops come up, we will probably be eaten.”

Tan Zhongshu had already thought of what the chief of staff said. He knew his situation, but he was still confused.

Up to now, the news about whether Gu Tai'an is dead or alive is still not confirmed, and Tan Zhongshu, as a veteran general of the Gu Corps, has always been afraid of Commander Gu. He always felt that unless this old man died, he would not feel at ease.

"Old Tan, now is not the time to hesitate." The deputy division commander also advised: "The headquarters has sent us orders several times, and Lao Teng has also taken the initiative to contact us many times, but we have not moved... This This attitude is already very obvious. In addition, Guo Yu's new army has also come up. If we don't express our position at this time, the final result may be a fight between chickens and eggs, and there will be no human beings at both ends."

"Yes, division commander, our troops are now sandwiched between the New First Army and the Gu Corps. If we don't express our position, once friction occurs, the possibility of us being eaten up is very high." The division staff officer Also interjected.

Tan Zhongshu slowly picked up the cigarette case, thought for a while and then said: "Announce to the outside world that we support the decision of General Secretary Zhang to attack Hucha."

The generals stood up after hearing the sound, saluted and shouted: "Support the Master, support Secretary-General Zhang!"

late at night.

Tan Zhongshu's 27th Division publicly announced through the military general media that the 27th Field Division could not bear the Yanbei people to be involved in the war, and officially supported Secretary-General Zhang's decision to send troops to clear out the Gu rebels.

As soon as this news came out, the outside world was in an uproar.

When the Gu Corps was completely at a disadvantage, Tan Zhongshu made another stab. He was the first and only high-ranking general to openly defect from the Gu Corps.

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