District 9

Chapter 1513: Run away after the fight

Mixed into Brigade Headquarters.

Qin Yu lowered his head and glanced at his watch, turned to Li Zhan and asked, "Where did Big Ya hit?"

"The defensive area of ​​the 231st Regiment has been penetrated." Li Zhan pointed to the sand table and replied: "The positioning is shown here. He is looking for the headquarters of the 231st Regiment."

"Urge him to hurry up." Qin Yu replied with his hands behind his back: "It's been almost two hours since we opened fire. Once the support troops from the opposite side come up, I'm afraid it will be difficult for him to leave."

"Yeah." Li Zhan responded and picked up the walkie-talkie.

Tonghe battlefield, within the defense area of ​​the 231st regiment.


Explosions were heard everywhere. Daya hid beside the car, waved his hand and shouted: "Seventh Battalion Commander, come here!"

The commander of the seventh battalion carried a gun, bent down and ran over to the edge of the convoy: "The drone scanned the sky and detected the headquarters of the 231st Regiment. It was in the direction of about 10 o'clock, but it seemed like it was inside There’s not a lot of people around. In the overhead shot, the tallest person is just a lieutenant.”

"You didn't even ask for it from the headquarters, so you ran away?" Daya asked.

"Yes, their long-range fire positions and the defensive strongholds next to the regiment headquarters are relatively dense. Our final advance was greatly hindered and a little slow." The seventh battalion commander scratched his neck and roared: "The main force of the 231st Regiment was taken out by us. It's almost over, the battalions and companies have been defeated and scattered, and they are no longer organized. The tactical purpose has been achieved, let's withdraw."

Da Ya wiped the dust on his tablet with his sleeve, estimated the coordinates of the 231st regiment's headquarters at 10 o'clock with his eyes, thought about it and said: "The retreat route of their regiment's headquarters is definitely not within our advancement area. Can run backwards! Let the drone continue to move forward to investigate and see if you can capture their location! If you can find it, use the vehicle-mounted cannon to kill them!"

"Okay." The seventh battalion commander nodded.

Da Ya continued to point to the long-range fire position of the 231st Regiment and said, "Has this been removed?"

"No, it's too heavy and they can't take it away." The seventh battalion commander shook his head and replied, "But we can't take it away either. It would be too slow to stick it and come back."

"Concentrate the firepower on me and smash his long-range fire position to pieces!" Daya said immediately: "Leave after the fight!"


One minute later.

The vehicle-mounted artillery brought by the 7th Battalion collectively raised their heads and aimed at the long-range fire position of the 231st Regiment.

"Bang bang bang...!"

The mobile vehicle-mounted artillery hits fixed targets, and there is no need to question the accuracy. The dense artillery shells rise into the air, and all rumble into the opponent's long-range fire position. In just one round of concentrated fire, the place completely turned into a sea of ​​​​fire.

Da Ya held the binoculars, glanced at the place where the shells had hit, and immediately shouted: "Notify each company to quickly move closer to the battalion to which they belong, and retreat in an orderly manner along the route they came in!"

"Yes!" the herald responded.

"The seventh battalion's motor convoy spreads out, ensuring the safety of the infantry's retreat route from the side, and go back!" Daya ordered again.


The deputy commander of the seventh battalion nodded immediately.

After issuing the two orders, Daya took a platoon of troops and left two vehicle-mounted guns, and continued to wait for the reply from the seventh battalion commander.

About a minute later, the seventh battalion commander shouted on the intercom: "Captured, commander!" At 2 o'clock, about three kilometers away from your position, there are two school officers and a group of lieutenants. Run, they carry communication equipment on their backs, and their soldier equipment is also equipped with a guard platoon, there are about forty of them!"

Da Ya heard the sound and immediately replied: "Send me the precise coordinates to the observer, hurry up!"

"Yes!" the seventh battalion commander replied.

A few seconds later, the observer stuck his head out of the car window and shouted: "Captain, you can lock it!"

"Just hit that coordinate, hurry up!" Daya shouted and got into the car directly.

"Bang bang bang bang!"

The vehicle-mounted cannon that had been prepared long ago opened fire, and the shells lit up the night sky with orange-yellow light.


In the vast wasteland three kilometers away, a violent explosion sounded. Half a guard platoon of soldiers immediately threw Cui Li and the regiment chief of staff down, pulled his neck and shouted: "Take shelter, there are shells!"

"Lie down in the snow shell, they must have drones!"

"...Don't panic, don't panic!" Cui Li was suppressed by everyone and roared in embarrassment.

A round of artillery shells washed the ground, the snow here melted, there were bursts of smoke, and there were craters and corpses everywhere.

After the shelling, Daya's new reinforced regiment quickly evacuated outside the battlefield according to the predetermined plan.

at the same time.

Wang Tianhui's regiment and Xiaobai's regiment also quickly withdrew from the battlefield on both wings.

In the car, Daya had no time to confirm the damage of the 231st Regiment. He just took the walkie-talkie and kept shouting: "Xiaobin, Xiaobin, how is the situation over there?!"

"Damn, the 232nd Regiment is pretty tough. It always wants to break through our blockade and support the 231st Regiment!" Ou Xiaobin replied in a hasty tone: "I have some battle damage here!"

"Is it easy to leave?" Da Ya asked.

"I have more troops than him, so it's no problem to withdraw." Ou Xiaobin replied.

"Leave now, I'll ask Tianhui to pick you up."


After the two communicated, Ou Xiaobin's troops who were blocking the 232nd Regiment on the left quickly evacuated in the direction they came from.

Four regiments of the mixed brigade, nearly 10,000 troops, raided two ordinary infantry regiments with only more than 3,000 troops. The results were satisfactory. The battle losses of the 232 regiment were higher than those of Ou Xiaobin's troops, while Cui Li's 231 The regiment had basically been completely defeated. There were almost a battalion of captured soldiers. The other soldiers either ran away, were seriously injured or died.

On the way back.

Li Zhan once again gave the order to the four front regiments not to stay near the battlefield and to retreat fifty kilometers to the side.

Just when the large force had achieved great results and was preparing to evacuate to the rear, the Second Division of the New First Army, which had been gathering and marching for nearly two hours, had already rushed up from the rear!

Inside the Second Division headquarters.

"Report, the 231st Regiment has basically been defeated, and the regiment headquarters has also been attacked. We are currently actively contacting...!" A young officer shouted next to the communication equipment.

The second division commander frowned and gnashed his teeth and cursed: "Damn it, I want to run away after the fight!! Damn it, I want to tell them what a modern army is! Order a special regiment to quickly enter the battlefield and tie down the opponent. Troops on both wings! The rest of the infantry units, according to the information I gave you before, stick to those two troops! The military commander has spoken, a single collision will cripple the mixed brigade, and we will enter the Hucha battlefield later!"


the divisional officer immediately saluted and shouted.

On a certain road in the direction of Hucha.

A middle-aged man was sitting in a military vehicle. He frowned at the man in a suit next to him and asked, "Is he dead or not? We have to know the exact result before we can take action if our family and life are at stake!"

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