District 9

Chapter 150 The young man leaves home

Early the next morning.

In the director's office, Qin Yu's eyes were red and his expression was slightly stiff: "Uncle Li, last night I...!"

"Oh, isn't this Brother Qin? Come on, come on, sit down quickly, sit down quickly." Li Si raised his head, waved his hand with a smile on his face and said, "Haha, Brother Qin has been having a lot of drinking parties recently, aren't you too much? Are you busy? If you are busy, just tell me, and I can ask someone from the department to work at your house tomorrow."

"Uncle, don't make trouble."

"How dare I make trouble with you? I'm so afraid you'll scold me for pretending."

"I really drank too much last night. I originally wanted to call Lao Mao, but I didn't expect to call you." Qin Yu quickly explained: "I was really drunk, and my tone was a bit arrogant... Uncle Li, please don't take it." I'm kidding."

"Haha." Li Si sneered, then nodded and said, "Sit down."

Qin Yu heard the sound and sat opposite.

"What kind of brother are you going to join the army?" Li Si asked.

"Oh, that's the child I adopted." Qin Yu responded helplessly: "Didn't he cause trouble a few days ago? It made me very anxious. I thought about it carefully, how can a half-grown kid like him be put away? It's not a problem to stay at home for a long time, so I want him to go to the army to train for a few years."

Li Si looked at Qin Yu with a smile: "He has nothing to do with you, but you do care about him."

"It didn't matter before, but he will be my biological brother from now on." Qin Yu bared his teeth and explained: "He kowtowed to me last night. Hey, this kid looks a lot like me. I want to take care of him."

"The troops today are not as good as before, and they may start a war at any time." Li Si reminded.

"I've thought about this." Qin Yu nodded and replied: "Yes, he is my brother, but I can't control him for the rest of his life. Give him a path. It's up to him how far he goes."

"Then let's go to the Third Brigade. I'll call my friends in the Songjiang garrison." Li Si wanted to add someone to the army, which was just a matter of saying one more word.

When Qin Yu saw Si Li was about to take the phone, he immediately stopped him: "Uncle Li, it's best to keep him away from me, not in Songjiang."

Li Si was stunned.

"It would be good for him to stay away from home."

"...!" Li Si blinked, stretched his neck and asked: "Brother Qin, what do you think if I let him go to Fengbei to be the army commander? Are you satisfied?"

"Uncle Li, don't keep picking on me."

"You have a lot of trouble." Li Si cursed with a smile, reached for the phone and replied: "The Second Army is outside the area, go here."

"That's great." Qin Yu nodded happily: "Thank you, Uncle Li."

"Thank you, Brother Qin. You asked me to do something for you. That's just too shameful for me."

"Uncle Li, if you say that again, I can't sit still."

"Haha." Li Si smiled, looked down at the phone book, made a casual call, and settled the matter.

After Qin Yu thanked him again and again, he immediately asked: "Uncle Li, you called me just now and said that we are forming a new group for the fortress?"

"Yes, the General Administration has assigned a group of students from the Fengbei Police Academy, about twenty people. Some will be kept at the police station. There are still six students assigned to our department. I am going to let you take back two. "Li Si said with a smile: "The situation in the department is too chaotic now. Many police officers are bought in by looking for connections, and they usually don't even look at the backlog form. Therefore, those who graduate from such formal colleges are more in demand."

Qin Yu naturally understood that Li Si was looking towards him to add high-quality helpers to his team so that he could form a team as soon as possible: "It's a good thing, but I am in the fourth team now. I'm afraid that when the time comes, I will leave. Liu Baochen gave me a stumbling block and refused to let him go."

"The police registration is in your group, and these two people were interns in the past. When the internship period is over, I will directly assign them to you through personnel transfer in the department."

"Uncle Li, tell me how I should thank you. You are helping my brother serve as a soldier, and you are doting on me... My heart is really warm."

"Go away." Li Si was too lazy to listen to his flattery and waved him away: "Pave the road well and start business quickly."

"Okay." Qin Yu left with a smile.

The next day, eight o'clock in the morning.

Daya was carrying a simple luggage bag and turned to look at Qin Yu reluctantly: "...Do I really have to leave in such a hurry?"

"Yes." Qin Yu held an e-cigarette in his mouth, lowered his head and took out two hundred yuan from his pocket. After thinking about it carefully for a while, he said, "I don't have much money recently. Let's give it half to each other."

"I don't need money." Daya shook his head and refused.

"I don't care if you use this hundred yuan to eat something good for yourself or use it to make friends." Qin Yu stuffed the money into Daya's trouser pocket: "But while you were in the army, I only had a dime." I won’t remit it to you. Also, don’t think that I have any close friends in the army. I can tell you clearly that if I can send this little gangster like you to the military camp, I also asked a friend to ask for it. My friend, it cost a lot of money. So if you want to do whatever you want in the army, no one can control you."

"I know." Da Ya nodded.

"We've arrived in Fengbei by car. Go to the Fourth Brigade Office of the Second Army by yourself. The address and the person who will do the work for you are written on the paper. Just look for him." Qin Yu stood in the station and took the photo. Big Ya's little head clicked: "Okay, have a nice trip."

Hearing this, Da Ya nodded numbly.

Next to her, Xiangxiang also looked at Da Ya reluctantly. After holding it in for a long time, she timidly stepped forward, lowered her head and took out a piece of woolen gloves she knitted from her pocket: "...Wang Henan, you are more precious than me. Well, life is more promising than mine. I wish you the best and work hard in the army."

Da Ya sniffed and looked down at Xiang Xiang: "I want to make money in the army, so I will send it to you so that you can go to school."

"I wish you...all the best...!" Xiangxiang said, turned around and ran away.

Da Ya stared at her back blankly, waved his arms and shouted: "I have a vacation, so I will come back to see you."

"It's almost done. Why are you acting in a romantic drama with me here?" Qin Yu urged irritably: "Get in the car quickly, it's about to close."

"Brother, I'm leaving..."

"Go away!" Qin Yu waved his hand.

After a while, Daya carried his luggage and disappeared in front of the car door.

A bell rang, and the light rail started moving slowly.

After Qin Yu glanced at the car window a few times, he suddenly felt empty and turned around to leave.

"Bang bang bang!"

Suddenly, there was a soft sound.

Qin Yu turned his head.

Daya stood in the closed window of the light rail, shouting hysterically: "Brother, I will never let you down. No matter how hard the army is, I will have a good time and stand out!"

Qin Yu stood outside the car and couldn't hear Daya's shout clearly, but looking at his expression and mouth shape, he nodded heavily.

The car drove away slowly, and the younger brother picked up on the road headed towards the next turning point in his life.

The other end.

Yuan Ke, who has been silent for more than a few months, has already made drastic reforms in the company.

Many new faces, unknown people, began to come to the stage one by one. Brother Xiao, who quietly entered the city from the area to be planned, slowly started his own small business.

A new storm, which no one could foresee, has been quietly brewing.

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