District 9

Chapter 1494 All members of the guard company died in battle

On the cold, slightly empty streets at night, a man shouted with a walkie-talkie: "The convoy has passed."

"Can the numbers match?" Chief Huang asked immediately.

"Yes, all eight cars are here, and the speed is very fast."

"Okay, I got it." After Chief Huang responded, he walked to the entrance of the alley and ordered to the people next to him: "The first team is ready to go. Remember, try to catch as many people as possible alive. It doesn’t matter if you don’t kill him.”

"Understood!" The deputy next to him nodded in response.

About two minutes later, eight military vehicles flashed in double flashes and drove over at a high speed from the turning section.

At the fork in the road, the captain of a team shouted with a walkie-talkie with a solemn expression: "The car is coming, seal the road, quickly!"


As soon as he finished speaking, four off-road vehicles suddenly rushed out of the fork in the road and parked sideways in the middle of the road.

At the same time, four vehicles rushed out from the alleys on the left and right sides from the rear of the eight military vehicles, blocking the retreat.

"Tap tap tap...!"

There was a sound of footsteps, and a team captain with sixty or seventy people surrounded the convoy with guns.


The door of the leading car popped open, and Gu Tai'an's security company commander jumped out of the car. He frowned and asked, "Which department are you from? Why did you block the car?"

The captain of a team stood in the crowd and shouted: "We are a guard regiment directly under the General Administration of Military Affairs. We have sealed Yanbei City under orders from the top. All military vehicles, soldiers, and officers must accept our guidance and wait for further orders in the General Administration Courtyard." "

"Nonsense, do you know whose car this is?" The guard company commander glared and shouted: "This is the convoy of Commander Gu of the First War Zone. Even the people in the military headquarters have no fucking way to stop it. Give it to me." Get out of the way!"

"I said, all military vehicles, soldiers, and officers must cooperate with our work." A team captain waved his hand and shouted.

"What the fuck, I've rebelled against you!" The guard company commander seemed to be prepared in advance. He turned around and pulled out the micro c from the car, instantly pulled the gun bolt and raised the muzzle: "Guard company, everyone blocking the road. It broke me!"

With a roar, the windows of all eight cars were lowered, and the soldiers in the cars opened fire instantly.

"Da da da……!"

The micro c roared, and the penis was shot out like a downpour. The team members who had been prepared dispersed instantly, but even so, four or five people were beaten to death on the spot.

At the entrance of the alley, Chief Huang, who had been paying attention to the movements in the street, immediately took the walkie-talkie and shouted: "They are prepared, everyone rush out, hurry!"

With an order, all the military intelligence officers who were ambushing on both sides of the road rushed out. Not counting one team, there were more than a hundred of them.


On the street, gunfire rang out fiercely.

At this moment, the balance that had been maintained for more than 20 years between the party, government, military, colleges, and the various complex factions in the First and Second World War zones was completely broken and overthrown.

The real era of competition among heroes has arrived.

"Get on top of me!" Officer Huang, who was now putting his life and property on the line, looked at the convoy with a ferocious face and shouted.

"Bang, bang, bang...!"

The guards and soldiers in the eight cars all pushed the doors and rushed down. They surrounded the cars and launched a tenacious counterattack, ignoring the opponent's numerical advantage.

Gu Tai'an's security company commander was shot in the abdomen at the moment when the two sides opened fire. Because there are too many people on the other side, no matter how awesome your personal qualities are, it is impossible to perfectly avoid these bastards flying around.

Next to the car, the guard company commander pulled his neck and shouted: "Let the commander's car rush out, all members of the guard company, fight to the death where I am!"


As soon as the words fell, the second and third cars in the convoy rushed out in an instant and fled wildly.

The headquarters' vehicles are all bulletproof and explosion-proof. Ordinary self-propelled rifles and handguns have no effect at all on attacking a moving vehicle body.

But Officer Huang had obviously been prepared for a long time before he came. As soon as the second and third cars rushed out, he immediately shouted: "RPG, RPG, hit his car tires for me, quick!"

At the edge of the street, four men in Chinese tunic suits immediately set up RPG launchers and aimed at the fleeing car.

"Fire, fire!" Chief Huang yelled in a frantic state: "He's going to run away, and we're all screwed."

"Whoosh, whoosh...!"

Four RPGs were fired in volley, and the tail of Rocket D was burning with hot flames, flying across the street and accurately hitting the wheels of the two cars.

A violent explosion sounded, and the two cars that were moving at high speed were blown over in an instant. The cars were pushed on the ground by inertia, and sparks shot out. They slid more than ten meters before they came to a standstill.

"Come up here and capture Gu Tai'an alive!!" Seeing that the car had been blown over, Chief Huang ran towards this side and roared hysterically.

In the middle of the road, Gu Tai'an's security company commander was covering his abdomen with his left hand. He ran towards the overturned vehicle and yelled: "Protect the commander's car!"

Gu Tai'an came to the General Administration of the Military Department for a meeting, and the meeting regulations stipulated the number of guards. Otherwise, if each big boss brought a battalion into the meeting building, the meeting would not be held. Therefore, the number of the guard company is very small, including the company commander, there are only fifteen people.

When fifteen people face the siege of nearly two hundred people, the outcome can be imagined.

On the road, seven or eight guards had been killed on the spot, and almost all of the remaining people were injured, but even so, none of them surrendered in fear of fighting.

Seven or eight people spread out on the road. One of them held one or two gloves in his hand, which bounced off the safety, and launched a final charge towards the surrounding military intelligence officers.




Explosions rang out on the street. Some soldiers were shot to death in the middle of the charge. Some soldiers, taking advantage of the fact that they were wearing bulletproof vests, rushed straight into the middle of the military intelligence officers, detonated their weapons, and chose to fight with each other. perish together.

Fifteen people, just fifteen people, but they exerted the momentum of thousands of troops.

"Get out of the way, get out of the way!"

After seeing that the guards had been beaten to death, Chief Huang immediately squeezed out of the crowd and shouted urgently: "Open the car door."

Tens of seconds later, the car door was blown open by a dozen people using small sticky bombs, but the scene inside the car shocked everyone.

In the two cars, there were only two drivers who had shot themselves. Gu Tai'an, Gu Taixian and others were nowhere to be seen.

Chief Huang was stunned: "What the fuck, where is the person?!"

On the street near the south side of Yanbei.

Several cars came to a standstill. Qin Yu and Gu Shen jumped out of the cars and saw Gu Tai'an, Gu Taixian, and several senior generals from the First Theater Command in the alley.

"Get in the car, get in the car quickly, Commander Gu." Qin Yu waved his hand and shouted.

Gu Tai'an and others walked out expressionlessly, bent down and got into the car.

Fifteen guards bought Gu Tai'an and others precious time to escape at the cost of their lives.

on the street.

Chief Huang held the phone and shouted with a ferocious look: "Ask the information room to scatter all available drones to the south. Damn it, Gu Tai'an must have received the news in advance. He was not in the car at all."

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