District 9

Chapter 1481 Struggle for Autonomy

On the second floor of the Autonomous Association, Liu Weiren was sitting at the main seat at the dining table, looking at the table full of beef and mutton and the boiling copper pot, and said with a smile: "Isn't it a bit too filling to eat this so early in the morning?"

"Our army started early and had dinner at six o'clock." Qin Yu replied softly: "There is nothing in the kitchen, so I asked someone to kill two sheep. Try it. It tastes good."

"Would you like a drink, old chief?" Li Zhan asked, holding a wine bottle.

Liu Weiren rarely drinks, but at this moment he gave Qin Yu enough face: "Then pour some."

"Drink less, the wine here is not overpowering." Li Zhan reached out and poured half a cup for Liu Weiren.

The three of them had frequent conversations and seemed very familiar with each other, while Sha Zhongwei next to them looked a little embarrassed and couldn't get a word in at all.

Liu Weiren knew that Qin Yu was deliberately keeping Sha Zhongwei in the dark, but the matter would not end if we did not talk about it, so he took the initiative to stir up the topic: "Xiao Yu, has Sha Yong been found?"

Qin Yu used serving chopsticks to pick up some meat for Liu Weiren: "Not yet."

When Sha Zhongwei heard this, he added expressionlessly: "It's boring to argue back and forth. Everyone knows exactly where Sha Yong is. Just tell us what you want to do."

Qin Yu glanced at Sha Zhongwei: "I want to find Sha Yong and have him sentenced to death by the General Political Military Court."

As soon as the words fell, the room became silent for a moment.

Liu Weiren put his hands in his hands, glanced at the two of them with a speechless expression, and kicked Qin Yu with his foot, meaning you should save him some face.

"Qin Yu, are you a little too crazy for riding a horse?!" Sha Zhongwei replied with a sullen face: "I am talking to you on behalf of the First War Zone. Please stop playing with the hob for me."

"I'm just playing, what can you do?" Qin Yu put down his chopsticks with a snap, looked at Sha Zhongwei expressionlessly and asked.

"Do you think I'm afraid of you? If you don't want to talk, then let's not talk." Sha Zhongwei stood up: "I don't care whether the World War II Zone protects you or not. I won't be able to see Sha Yong in three days. Look at Sha If our troops don't attack Sichuan, it will be over."

After saying that, Sha Zhongwei turned around and left.

"Hey, Lao Sha!" Liu Weiren stood up and stopped him, stretched out his hand to pull him back: "We are here to talk about something, look what you are doing."

"Is this his attitude towards talking about things?" Sha Zhongwei said in an angry tone, and replied with some grievance: "As soon as he spoke, he turned over the table. Can we still talk about it?"

"Come on, Lao Sha, sit down." Liu Weiren grabbed him and forced him down on the seat.

Sha Zhongwei frowned and said nothing.

"Let me say a few words." Liu Weiren pushed away the wine glass on the table, rested his elbows on the edge of the table and said, "If Xiao Yu doesn't want to talk, he can't treat us to hot pot so early in the morning. And you, Brigadier Sha, If you could really ignore the World War II zone and open fire on the mixed brigade, you wouldn't be sitting here today. Let me reiterate again, our friends are friends, and our stance is our stance. The mixed brigade belongs to the combat order of the WWII zone. It is also a subordinate unit under my management. Anyone who fires at it is provoking the World War II zone. This is not my intention, but the command's intention."

When Sha Zhongwei heard this, he clenched his fists and did not answer.

"But from an overall perspective, whether it is the First World War Zone or the Second World War Zone, it is the military defense force of the Ninth District. If one's own people fight their own people, no matter what the reason, outsiders will laugh." Liu Weiren continued: "So What I mean is, let’s discuss things clearly at this table today. Make concessions where necessary, raise conditions where necessary, and resolve conflicts as soon as possible.”

The room was quiet. Liu Weiren paused for a while, looked at Qin Yu and said, "You should speak first."

Qin Yu was silent for a long time, looked at Sha Zhongwei expressionlessly and said, "Okay, the old chief has spoken, so I won't talk to you about the right or wrong of the matter. We have all done this, and we will find out the reason. It doesn’t make any sense anymore.”

Sha Zhongwei remained silent and still didn't answer.

"My first condition is that our General Administration must clearly recognize the rights of the mixed brigade in Sichuan, allow us to be autonomous in terms of people's livelihood and military affairs, and sign relevant management regulations to recognize all our management here. Quan." Qin Yu said what he had already thought about.

Liu Weiren had communicated with Qin Yu on the plane before arriving, and knew his thoughts, so he immediately responded: "That's no problem. The World War II zone will apply to the General Administration soon to allow the mixed brigade to temporarily self-govern Sichuan. When I arrive , our Commander Zhou has already communicated with the General Administration, and the attitude of the upper management is relatively open, so it is estimated that the problem will not be big."

"No, I'm not worried about the attitude of the higher-ups, but the First Theater Command must also express its position. The signing of this autonomy clause must be three-party." Qin Yu continued with a serious face: "The First Theater Command also needs to sign this. "

When Sha Zhongwei heard this, he completely understood that Qin Yu was preparing to use terms to contain the First War Zone. As long as this matter is implemented, within a certain period of time, the First Theater Zone will no longer have any reason to interfere with the military garrison here, and if you want to invest in Sichuan, you must obtain Qin Yu's permission. In this way, it is equivalent to completely blocking the First War Zone's idea of ​​​​interfering with the Sichuan government.

"I can't make the decision on this matter." Sha Zhongwei replied in a cold voice.

"Lao Sha, I have to make it clear to you that this meaning is not just Qin Yu's," Liu Weiren immediately interjected: "The World War II Zone Headquarters also meant this. Let's open the skylight and speak frankly, and the party and government will be driven out of Songjiang. , Qin Yu contributed at least 80% of his efforts, but after the matter was settled, the management of Songjiang fell on the head of your First War Zone. Let me tell you, in this matter, the Second World War Zone Enough to consider the overall situation, right?”

Sha Zhongwei was silent.

"This time the mixed brigade captured half of the Sichuan Province. Not to mention that your first theater area didn't help at all, even our World War II area didn't give much support, so it has no reason to open the door to everyone again." Liu Weiren He said with a serious face: "The World War II Zone will not give in on this matter."

"I will convey your thoughts to the higher-ups." After Sha Zhongwei replied, he immediately looked at Qin Yu and asked: "If the matter is completed, when can Sha Yong come back?"

"You give me another 100 million in military expenses, and I will try my best to find Sha Yong in Sichuan Mansion." Qin Yu replied bluntly.

"What did you say?!" Sha Zhongwei asked in disbelief: "You signed another clause and asked for another 100 million. Isn't this too much? I can tell you clearly that the First Theater Command is 10 cents No money will be given to you."

"You misunderstood. I'm not asking for money from the First War Zone Headquarters. I'm asking for money from your Sha family and Shen family." Qin Yu stepped in and looked at him and replied, "I need you to give me this money."

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