District 9

Chapter 1456 Value

In the room in the backyard of the Xu family, Qin Yu bent over and sat on a chair, took out his cigarette case and handed a cigarette to Jin Taizhu: "Let's talk more?"

Jin Taizhu hesitated for a moment, then reached out to take Qin Yu's cigarette, paused for a while and asked: "What do you want to talk to me about?"

"Yandao." Qin Yu lit his cigarette and replied concisely.

"What do you want to talk about?" Kim Tae-soo asked expressionlessly.

"Someone from District 9 wants you from me, did you know that?"

"I heard that Xiao Qi said it, but you guys are all talking about this. How do I know the truth?" Jin Taizhu obviously didn't trust Qin Yu, and his words were full of thorns.

"I originally had 200 million in military expenses, but the Ninth District and the First War Zone have stuck with me and have been defaulting on payment." Qin Yu did not hide anything, and only replied truthfully: "A few days ago, I was in Fengbei with the Ministry of Finance After talking with the people, they agreed to allocate military funds, but there was a condition, that is, they must hand you over, but I did not agree."

"Haha, because of me, will you offend the Ministry of Finance?" Kim Tae-soo sneered and replied: "Do you think I will believe it?"

"It's your reason, but it's not the most important thing." Qin Yu was not in a hurry and just replied calmly: "I am at odds with the people in the First War Zone. Without you, I would also want to make trouble with them. . Because this military expenditure is allocated once a year. This year, he asked me to ask for you, and I agreed. Then next year, if he wants my life, will I give it to him? "

When Jin Taizhu heard this, his face showed no expression, but he already somewhat agreed with Qin Yu's statement.

"I won't hide it from you. I know very little about Yandao, but the commotion in the First War Zone also proves that you are very valuable, haha!" Qin Yu said with a smile.

Kim Tae-soo said nothing.

"Let's talk about what you are worth." Qin Yu took a puff of cigarette and looked at Kim Tae-soo expressionlessly: "But before we talk, I have to say that sentence to you again. If you show it to me If you don’t offer any value, then there is no need for me to protect you. Although I am at odds with the First War Zone, I have good military relations with the Seventh, Eighth and Ninth Districts. It is not impossible to send you away or sell a favor. .”

Jin Taizhu squinted his eyes and looked at Qin Yu for a long time: "Give me some fire."

Qin Yu took out a lighter and fiddled with it in his hand, but did not help Kim Tae Soo light the cigarette.

The two were in a stalemate for a few seconds. Kim Tae-soo put down the palm holding the cigarette and said with a slight frown: "My value is indeed reflected in Salt Island. This is why I am not dead yet."

Qin Yu listened quietly and did not answer.

"To explain my value clearly, you must first understand the value of Yandao." Kim Tae-soo explained with a solemn expression: "Coalition politics, Asian League politics, do you understand that?"

"Understand a little bit." Qin Yu nodded.

“The coalition government is in Bansai and the Asian League government is in Sa Dao. The land ownership rights in these two places do not belong to any one region. When these two governments were originally established, they adopted the voting method of the region. Choose a location planned in a neutral location. Why? To put it simply, it is because only if they are outside the nine regions, they will appear fair, objective, and credible." Kim Tae-soo said in detail: "And Yandao's The situation is similar to these two places.”

"About?" Qin Yu was a little confused.

"Yes." Kim Taishu nodded: "Salt Island was originally a public resource area planned by the joint government. The salt produced there has a very wide sales range. The five districts, as well as the areas to be planned around the five districts, plus Sichuan Prefecture , Zangyuan, Xianbian and a series of places close to the northwest and southwest lines, all consume the edible salt there and use part of the industrial salt shipped out by them.”

Qin Yu was a little surprised: "Then this business can make money even while lying down!"

"No, just because of its economic value, it will not attract the attention of various institutions, or even regional departments." Kim Tae-soo shook his head.

"Keep talking." Qin Yu urged with interest.

"Yaldao looks like just a place name, but in fact it has a large main island and seven or eight surrounding islands." Kim Tae-soo continued to narrate: "And its geographical location is stuck between the EU zone and the fifth zone. In the middle of the coastline, and a little further north, is Sichuan. This unique geographical location gives it a strong military role."

Although Qin Yu became a monk and entered the military and political system halfway, he had been working for such a long time and had no problem with basic military knowledge and commanding abilities. Therefore, he understood it as soon as Kim Taishu said it.

"For example, if you build a military base here in the ninth district, if you advance, you can effectively contain the Pu Army in the old triangle area and the Northeast Theater in the fifth district; if you retreat, you can also defend the EU zone. If you take ten thousand steps back, Once there is a war, this place will become a natural barrier for the nine districts and even the three major districts on the sea, with the right to take the lead in firing and a very comfortable defense." Kim Tae-soo said it in detail, and people can understand what he means at a glance. .

"Do you have shares in this island now?" Qin Yu asked seriously.

"Yes." Kim Tae Soo nodded.

"What is the role of shares? Mining rights and management rights?" Qin Yu asked a very important question.

"If it's just mining rights and management rights, it's of little value." Kim Tae-soo shook his head.

"Does the land also belong to you?" Qin Yu asked tentatively.

"Yes, our equity is to own all the rights and interests of this island," Kim Taishu nodded and replied: "Of course, including the land."

Qin Yu looked at him in disbelief: "How is this possible?! If this Salt Island is as important as you said, how could the United Government release the ownership of the land?"

"Haha, because the military power of the coalition government has no way to control this place. It is just an organization to balance the major districts." Kim Tae-soo said with a sneer: "Because of the special geographical location of Yandao, it is just outside the gate of the fifth district. , so in order to take this place, the Pu faction army, as well as the local forces controlled by the fifth district, plus the European Union district were also secretly stumbling. The three parties kept harassing Yandao in various ways, such as robbing and plundering goods. For example, attacking supply ships and other methods left the coalition government without the ability and energy to deal with it. In addition, the European Union had a strong say in the government in the past few years, so in the end, Salt Island was sold through bidding. He got out. In addition to receiving a one-time high transfer fee, the United Government also has an unlimited 10% interest dividend right here."

"Is the bidding handled internally?" Qin Yu asked again.

"Yes, I originally obtained this part of the equity just to rebate some people in the United Government. But I kept it to myself and completely tied the equity to me." Kim Tae-soo told the truth.

Qin Yu thought about it for a long time: "Then this position is so important, why don't the three major districts fight for it?"

"The areas to be planned around the three major districts are so vast, why don't they turn them all into the main city?" Kim Tae-soo asked.

Qin Yu was stunned.

"There is no energy and no resources! In recent years, the three major regions have focused on their own development and internal integration. How can they have the energy to fight with the fifth region or even the European Union because of this island? ?" Kim Tae-soo tapped the table with his right hand and said, "If you move here, you must fight."

"I understand." Qin Yu nodded slowly.

"I'm done, my value is here." Kim Tae-soo added.

"How many shares do you have?"

"I don't want to say it yet." Kim Tae-soo refused directly.

Qin Yu thought for a long time, then stood up, took a lighter, and lit it in front of Jin Taishu: "You can stay, I will protect you, and let's study something."

Jin Taizhu only paused briefly before lighting Qin Yu's fire with a cigarette: "Okay."

Ten minutes later.

Qin Yu left and said to Cha Meng with his hands behind his back: "I will get married first and then study the value of Kim Tae Soo."

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