District 9

Chapter 1440 The attractive military expenditure of 200 million

In the evening, at around nine o'clock, Wu Di picked up Qin Yu and others in Fengbei.

"The person I'm making an appointment for you is the Director of the Office of the District Defense Department of the Ministry of Finance. He is a popular person next to the Director. He is mainly responsible for the military budget and expenditures in the World War II area." Wu Di sat in the car and said softly: " His name is Xu Hongcai and he is in his forties. When you meet him, just call him Brother Xu."

"The leader in charge of so much military budget is a director?" Cha Meng was a little confused.

"No, no, this director is completely different from the local director." Wu Di explained with a smile: "This is a district-level unit. The top leader is a major general, and the office director is also a senior colonel. His administrative level is comparable to that of a local director. It’s much taller.”

"Oh." Cha Meng nodded.

"We are asking for help, so please be polite later." Wu Di reminded.

"Okay, as long as he gives you money, I can just let him go through the back door tonight." Qin Yu asked mockingly, "Where are we going?"

"You really don't need to come out of the back door tonight." Wu Di looked down at his watch and said, "We will go directly to Tianfeng Hotel. He will arrive at 10:30, and he will probably have to leave in half an hour. Haha, he is a busy man. "

Qi Lin curled his lips when he heard the sound: "You're such a busy guy, aren't you just putting on airs?"

Everyone smiled knowingly and didn't say much.

At about 10:40 in the evening, Xu Hongcai arrived belatedly at Tianfeng Hotel. Wu Di and Qin Yu went downstairs to greet him personally.

In the hall.

"Brother Xu, let me introduce to you, this is the commander of the independent mixed brigade of our World War II zone, Qin Yu." Wu Di stood in the middle and said with a smile: "Qin Brigade, this is our God of Wealth, director of the district defense department office , Xu Hongcai."

"Hello, Director Xu." Qin Yu extended his palm politely.

Xu Hongcai is a little fat, probably weighing more than 170 kilograms. He is a bit bald, but his skin is very white and his facial features are three-dimensional. It can be seen that this old boy should have been a handsome boy when he was young.

"Hello, Qin Lu." Xu Hongcai did not bring his secretary and driver in. He looked very plainly dressed, and the clothes he wore were all cheap work clothes.

"Come on, let's chat upstairs." Wu Di made an inviting gesture.

"Okay." Xu Hongcai followed everyone with his hands behind his back and entered the elevator together.

On the fifth floor, in the private tea room, Qin Yu was sitting in a side seat, playing with the tea set diligently, while Wu Di was chatting with Xu Hongcai: "Director Xu, you have been very busy at work recently, right?"

"Well, this period of time is not easy." Xu Hongcai responded with a smile: "It's almost the end of the year, and we are working on the military budget for the first quarter of next year."

"Drink tea, Director Xu." Qin Yu gently pushed the teacup over.

Xu Hongcai picked up the tea cup, looked at Qin Yu and commented: "I heard about the Sichuan Mansion. It was done well."

"The main thing is that our ninth district military administration and the World War II district headquarters control the general direction well, so I can do my job well..." Qin Yu replied very obediently.

"Haha, it's better for you to go alone." Xu Hongcai smiled: "The situation in Sichuan Province is too complicated. If it were replaced by another brigade, it would be difficult to open the situation. Oh, by the way, I heard that the Fifth District will pay you compensation Already?"

Qin Yu was startled: "Yes, there will be compensation."

"How much is it?" Xu Hongcai asked.

"150 million." Qin Yu knew that he couldn't hide the matter, so he told the truth.

"That's not bad." Xu Hongcai pretended to be surprised and said: "150 million is almost enough to cover the military expenditures of a full brigade for one year. Haha, then if you form an independent mixed brigade, you don't need to ask the Ministry of Finance for appropriation next year. Bar?"

When Qin Yu heard this, he secretly cursed the other party as an old fox. Before he even opened his mouth, he was already making the conversation difficult.

"Brother Xu, please stop teasing him." Wu Di immediately looked back and added: "As soon as he got the 150 million, he divided it among the others. It's good if he doesn't contribute any money himself."

"What's going on?" President Xu is a master at pretending to be confused. He kept talking for a long time, trying to match Qin Yu's words.

"That's right. Isn't the situation in Sichuan Mansion rather complicated? The four major families and two major companies have a strong public base there. After this conflict, it was inconvenient for our troops to come forward on some matters. In addition, Yuanshan later , Nanmu, and Chongdu have all started military frictions. I don't have enough manpower, so I invited some private armed forces to come in." Qin Yu explained softly: "Haha, after this battle is over, we will get some money, so I distributed all the 150 million given by the fifth district to the people below."

"Oh, that's right." Xu Hongcai nodded slowly.

"Yes." Qin Yu picked up the tea cup and refilled the other party's tea again.

Wu Dixiao looked at Xu Hongcai and continued to help Qin Yu: "Brother Xu, it's not easy for Xiao Yu in Sichuan. On the one hand, he has to control the ground, and on the other hand, he has to keep an eye on Pu Xiazi outside the southwest line. But the good news is that here It’s a rest period for the first time, and he has to fill up the mixed brigade’s establishment quickly, so... haha, I still have to ask the higher-ups, and I have to ask you to approve some funds."

"Oh, it's hard to handle this now." Xu Hongcai slowly shook his head: "You also know that the situation in District 9 is complicated. Our Military and Political Department has decided to increase the number of troops by another hundred thousand this year. But this action caused dissatisfaction from the party and government , they feel that the increase in troops is aimed at them, so the military expenditures allocated to us by the government every year have not increased, but are still being withheld. As a result, our Ministry of Finance is also very nervous. Now there is an internal regulation, eight thousand Appropriations exceeding RMB 10,000 must be reviewed by the audit department.”

"Yes, we have also heard about this." Wu Di immediately agreed: "But the situation here in Sichuan is quite special. And after all, the independent mixed brigade has effectively blocked the layout of the fifth district there. How can we You have to consider the reality, right? What's more, who are you, Brother Xu? A word from the District Defense Department may be more effective than a deputy minister. Please help me and give me the green light!"

"Haha, you kid, just give me a top hat." Xu Hongcai smiled and waved his hand.

"Brother Xu, please help me." Seeing that the other party's reaction was okay, Wu Di immediately whispered: "Don't worry, we all understand the rules. It's okay if we pay favors first and approve the money later."

After the words fell, Xu Hongcai and Wu Di looked at each other for three or four seconds before they smiled knowingly at the same time.

"Haha, you are such a kid, you are full of evil intentions." Xu Hongcai picked up the teacup and said, "But things are no longer the same as before. The Ministry of Military and Political Affairs wants to increase the number of troops and is very strict with the Ministry of Finance. I have to follow your rules and protect your safety. You won't be able to get noticed by your father's Military Supervision Bureau one day."

"What are you talking about? If you do things with me, can my dad's department keep an eye on you?" Wu Di smiled and replied: "Please help me, I will handle the rest for you privately." ”

Xu Hongcai took a sip of tea, pondered for a long time and then replied: "Xiao Wu, if you want to say that, I will clarify it with you. The issue of 200 million military expenditures is indeed stuck, but the difference is not that "Rules", but other things."

Wu Di was startled: "What is that?"

Xu Hongcai was silent for a long time, then suddenly looked at Qin Yu and asked, "Do you have someone who was arrested from the fifth district?"

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