District 9

Chapter 1413 The rhythm is back, killing every step of the way

In District 9, in a prison under the Military Supervision Bureau, four soldiers lifted a middle-aged man with gray hair from the cell.

He is Pu Ming, the former commander of the 197th Brigade of the Pu Clan Army, and Pu Yuan's cousin. He was captured alive by the mixed brigade during the Northwest War and has been imprisoned to this day.

Pu Ming was shackled and carried out of the cell. He still glanced around with a focused look and asked in fluent Chinese: "Are you sending me on my way?"

The officer from the Military Supervision Bureau looked at him and read succinctly: "After hearing at the Ninth District Military and Political Council and the court hearing, Pu Ming deliberately provoked a border war, maliciously invaded the area to be planned, and brutally killed innocent people... Now... He is sentenced to death in accordance with the law and shall be executed immediately.”

Pu Ming paused and nodded without saying anything.

"Sign." The officer ordered with a frown.

Pu Ming did not have any overreaction and cooperated very cooperatively in signing the verdict and taking his fingerprints.

Everything went exceptionally smoothly. The officers and soldiers escorted Pu Ming out of the prison.

Outside, more than a dozen people from the Ninth District's official media had been waiting for a long time, and they rushed up to take pictures of Pu Ming.

A male reporter, holding a microphone, kept pushing forward and asked: "Mr. Pu Ming, what do you think of this verdict? What do you want to say to the soldiers, generals, and innocent people who were killed and injured on the Northwest Front?" Of?"

Pu Ming glanced at him and said calmly: "If we can live well, who will fight? In the old triangle area, the coalition government doesn't care, and the Asian Union doesn't care. If we don't fight, there will be no way out..."

"Are you being unreasonable? Is infringing on other people's wealth, resources, and even lives a necessary reason for survival?" the reporter asked again.

"Let's beat him. It doesn't matter how you interpret it." Pu Ming did not argue, but quietly let the soldiers pull him and got into the prison van.

Outside the car, reporters from more than a dozen companies were still chasing Pu Ming to take pictures, but the military intelligence officers did not stop him.

After ten full minutes, the leading officer glanced at his watch and said, "Let's go."

The car bumped all the way, driving along the path outside the prison for less than five kilometers, and stopped next to a wasteland.

Pu Ming was escorted out of the car, and he knelt down toward the northwest with his head held high and said nothing.

"Raise the gun!"

Eight soldiers raised their guns.

Pu Ming closed his eyes and kowtowed to the northwest. He didn't know whether he missed his hometown and the army, or felt guilty for the soldiers who died on the northwest front. Or maybe... He expressed his final apology to the innocent people on the line who were implicated, as well as the soldiers who died in the three major districts...


The gunshot rang out and Pu Ming died.

Just five minutes later.

The mainstream media and online broadcast stations in the three major regions fully reported the news that the war criminal Pu Ming was shot in accordance with the law, but not a word of what he said to the male reporter was made public.

Old Triangle area.

Pu Yuan was sitting in the yard of his house, filling the stove with the clothes that Pu Ming had worn during his lifetime. The jumping firelight reflected his cheeks. The face of this decisive and decisive commander was already covered with tears.

In the villa, the adult children of the Pu family and other relatives all came out.

Pu Yuan did not look back, he just sat on the pony and said, "Remember this moment, everything you have now was bought by people like him."

In the courtyard, cries of pain could be heard, and people from the younger generation came forward to kowtow.

"Dip Lingling!"

The phone rang for a while, and the adjutant came over and handed over his cell phone: "It's the number from District 5."

"Hello?" Pu Yuan picked up.

"Commander Pu Yuan, I would like to ask you about your attitude towards the Sichuan region."

"My brother died just now." Pu Yuan stood up and said succinctly: "My attitude depends on what you can bring to the people in the Old Triangle area."

Yuanshan Life Town is fifteen kilometers away.

The UN Self-Defense Forces who arrived from Chongdu had already formed their formation and set up artillery positions, preparing to fire at Wu Tianyin's troops and the Marion Armed Forces.

Within the forward defense position.

Wu Tianyin was wrapped in a military coat, turned to Anzi and asked: "Look at their formation, it's quite strong!"

"Damn, the Pu Clan Army has hired an advisory group of 300 officers, and they are commanded by experts. It must be different from before." Anzi frowned and replied: "But if we really fight, we will not let him down."

"What did Boss Qin say?" Wu Tianyin asked in a calm tone.

"He said there was no rush. He probably still has some chess to play." Anzi replied softly.

While the two were communicating, two gunshots suddenly sounded from the left direction.

"Holy shit, fire started?" Anzai immediately looked to the left.

On a hillside not far away, Xiaobai led more than a hundred people and pinned Master Suo, the He family, and the Wang family children who were caught in Nanmu, core members of the two major companies, to the ground, and ordered them to Kneel down.

The sound of artillery also attracted the attention of the Chongdu Self-Defense Forces. At least hundreds of leading personnel picked up their binoculars and looked at the hillside.

Xiaobai waved his hands and shouted: "Raise the gun!"

More than a hundred people immediately raised their weapons upon hearing the sound.

In the position of the Chongdu Self-Defense Force, He Taiyong was completely stunned. He held a telescope and looked at Suo Ye and his relatives. After they were all pressed to their knees on the ground, he said with a dull expression: "The hostages haven't been exchanged yet. They What means?!"

Xiaobai yelled at the people of the Zhongdu Self-Defense Force: "What the fuck, if we can't talk it over, let's stop talking. Kill people, sacrifice flags, start a war!"

"Lao He, we were sold...!" Mr. Suo yelled with a ferocious expression.


Gunshots rang out one after another, and all the children of the four major families who were still in custody were killed.

He Taiyong looked at this scene and collapsed in an instant. He threw down the telescope and shouted: "I'm a cnm, didn't I say that the substitutions in the fifth area are guaranteed? Why were they killed?!"

After a few seconds.

Zheng Xinghui from the rear troops immediately contacted He Taiyong: "Old He, listen to me..."

"I said you're fucked up!" He Taiyong glared and yelled, "What do you mean Li Zhixun doesn't care about our two families anymore?!"

"Lao He, Lao He, I will ask Li Zhixun about this matter, but now the troops have moved closer..."

"You don't need to ask. I will lead the troops into the city and ask him personally." He Taiyong threw away the walkie-talkie and turned around and shouted: "Soldiers of the Suo family, soldiers of the He family, withdraw from the battlefield and return to the capital!"

In the distant mountain defense position.

Wu Tianyin gave Qin Yu a thumbs up: "The timing is right, awesome!"

"Damn it! As long as the Suo family and the He family don't move, they will lose at least three to four thousand people in combat strength." Qin Yu stared at his eyes and said: "Does he still dare to attack the remaining people? I Let him stand here as a punishment, and as soon as they retreat, six thousand people will immediately attack me and beat him to death."

"No problem." Fu Xinhao nodded.

Qin Yu turned his head and immediately ordered: "Mengzi, call them, the fire in Chongdu can be started."

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